The girl passed her final exams half an hour after giving birth

21-year-old resident Almaz Derese passed her final school exams just 30 minutes after the birth of her first child. A girl from the small town of Mattu in western Ethiopia was about to pass the final training tests before giving birth, but did not have time. The month of Ramadan began, and for religious reasons the pregnant Muslim woman postponed this important matter.

After the end of the fast and the holiday, she was ready to confirm her right to receive a certificate, but then her contractions began. Therefore, instead of an audience, Almaz ended up in a local maternity hospital, where she gave birth to a boy.

The girl was very worried that she had missed the chance to pass the exams. After all, the next opportunity will have to wait a whole year. In addition, Almaz was carefully preparing for the test of knowledge.

“I wanted to pass these exams so much that I didn’t even notice how I gave birth – everything went very easily,” Almaz says.

Her loving husband came to the aid of the young mother. While his wife was giving birth, he rushed between the school management and the head doctor of the hospital, persuading them to allow them to take exams right in the hospital ward. He succeeded, and just half an hour after giving birth, Almaz, who received tests and a pen, was writing answers with might and main, according to the BBC. At one time, the young mother passed three exams: in mathematics, Amharic and English. And she will hand over the rest when she is discharged home from the hospital.

In Ethiopia, girls usually drop out of school when they have children and return to school after a year. Almaz Derese plans to go to university in the future, for which she needs to complete a two-year training course.

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