The girl lives in a tiny car: a video of how her life works

She voluntarily decided to become homeless – it sounds crazy, but the girl likes everything. At least she assures everyone of this.

Nikita Crump does not have a home, but has a million subscribers on TikTok. She does not dance, does not sing, does not shoot sketches – she just shows her life. And that’s enough. After all, the way of life that Nikita has chosen for herself is not like any other.

Her blogging career and popularity grew out of a banal desire to save money. She really wanted to travel, but she could not afford it. And in general she could not do anything – she ate in cheap eateries, dressed at sales. And all for what? For housing! So, once Nikita realized that she only earns for food and rent. And even then – there are more and more debts, no savings, life is like a squirrel running in a wheel. After all, renting a home in the United States is not a cheap pleasure, many rent an apartment in a club, but it still has to be hard.  

Nikita solved the problem radically: since there is not enough money, you need to reduce the main item of expenses! That is, for rental housing. The determined girl sold some of her things, took the rest of the rent and moved to live in her car. It sounds like nothing – mobile homes can be very comfortable. Life in them – only solid pluses: you do not need to pay tax for the land, there are all conveniences – a mini-kitchen, a shower and a dry closet, live and rejoice. True, these “houses” cost tens of thousands of dollars. Nikita did not have money for a trailer, so she settled in a Honda Civic – this is a tiny subcompact, in which it seems that nothing can fit at all. Perhaps a handbag.

Even for the picky Nikita, this turned out to be too much, and after a couple of months she changed the runabout to a small Ford van. And he has literally been living on wheels for almost a year, all this time telling subscribers how it feels.

Of course, the life of the now homeless Nikita is very modest: a sleeping bag, several blankets and blankets, clothes and a laptop, and the little things necessary for life are compactly packed in boxes and stored in the trunk and on the shelves of the van.

The issues of personal hygiene and washing pose a certain difficulty, but this is not a problem for a young nomad either. It offers showers in XNUMX-hour gyms, laundries. Nikita spends the night in parking lots at supermarkets or parking lots – if the night caught her on the road, after covering the windows with homemade curtains.

Despite the Spartan conditions and the absence of a permanent place of residence, Nikita does not at all look like a homeless person: she is cheerful, always neat and, most importantly, open to new experiences. The girl did not lose her friends, who fully support her decision. They often go on mini-trips together, and then Nikita’s “home” comrades discover all the delights of the wild and the romance of nomadic life.

“I am often asked why I decided to become homeless. But I am leading a normal life: I have two jobs. I often meet with friends, I travel, ”Nikita shrugs.

During the year, the girl visited several states, saw a lot of beautiful and unusual things, gained impressions and positive emotions. And even the fact that she literally has to spend the night on the street does not upset her.


Would you like to give up everything and live in a mobile home?

  • I would very much like to and one day I will!

  • I would like to, but this is hardly possible in our reality. You go broke on gas.

  • It is good to dream for those who have no families or children. I should have watched her live in a van with her two children.

  • What nonsense, a person should have a decent home.

  • Such a life is simply not safe.

And we have collected photographs of such mobile homes that you want to move to right now. Scroll through our gallery!

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