The Germans abolish the restrictions, and they have 200. infections daily. The plan divided the experts
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By March 20, Germany plans to lift most of the covid restrictions in force. The first stage of easing the restrictions will come into force most probably in a few days. Interestingly, this is happening when there are almost 19 new cases of COVID-200 per day, and the number of deaths remains at a similar level as in Poland. What this is about?

  1. The German government plans to announce a three-stage program of lifting restrictions, the implementation of which will be spread over the next five weeks
  2. Meanwhile, the number of new cases of COVID-19 remains high, and some of the positive results, as in our country, do not go to the official system
  3. Experts are divided on government plans. Some believe that it is high time to return to normalcy, others – that the plans should be adapted not to the calendar season, but to the situation in hospitals, for example
  4. Respond before it’s too late. Get to know your Health Index!
  5. You can find more about the coronavirus on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Germany. Lifting restrictions

The federal and state governments in Germany are discussing a program to overcome the covid restrictions. It is to have three stages, the last of which will restore the state before the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the information that leaked to the media, the scenario of making retail trade available “nationwide to all people without control” is considered first. The only requirement is to wear a medical mask. At the same time private meetings are to be possible in a group larger than the current 10 peopleprovided that they are healthy and vaccinated.

The second stage, planned for the beginning of March, is to take into account the easing of restrictions in the catering and hotel industry. In restaurants and hotels, the 3G principle is to prevail, i.e. that healers, vaccinated or negative people will have access to them. On the other hand, people who have had COVID-19 and those who are vaccinated, but also tested (negative result) or with a booster dose certificate (2G-Plus rule) will be able to enter clubs and discos.

As a last step, “all far-reaching conservation measures” are to be lifted. The media speculates that he may walk, among others, about home office regulations.

  1. Read also: Severe restrictions and promotion of vaccinations. This is how the Germans fought the coronavirus

The rest of the text below the video.

Coronavirus: How many infections are there currently in Germany?

Changes in the strategy of fighting the coronavirus have not yet been officially announced by our western neighbors, but their proposal may raise doubts. Especially when we take a closer look at covid statistics, which do not present a picture of even the near end of the pandemic or even the current wave of infections.

Only yesterday, February 14, Germany recorded over 174 thousand. new cases of COVID-19. The charts have remained at this level for over three weeks. Although the peak of the wave is probably behind Germany (a week ago, on February 8, there was a record 380 632 infections), there are still many cases. The seven-day average is now over 204.

There are also many deaths due to infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Each day brings between 200 and 300 victims and although Germany is far from last year’s record winter (then there were even over a thousand deaths a day), this is not even the same situation as in July, when a dozen or so people died from COVID-19 a day.

Globally, Germany ranks fourth in the spread of the new coronavirus variant. Almost 49 thousand cases of infection with Omikron were detected there, it is responsible for 94,2 percent. all cases of COVID-19. In terms of the total number of infections (over 12,5 million), our neighbors rank eighth, and deaths (120,7 thousand) – 14th, just above Poland.

Lifting restrictions in Germany. Experts divided

The German government bases its plans, among others on the calculations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), which monitors the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. They show that the average of infections over the past seven days has been declining for the third day in a row. According to experts, however, this is not a good lead because many cases of infections – as in Poland – are not registered in the official system. Nevertheless, opinions on lifting the restrictions are divided.

“Society needs a plan of gradual relaxation, but of course with a sense of proportion,” said Dr. Gerald Gass, president of the German Hospital Association, adding that the peak of the Omikron wave is already behind Germany, so there is no need to wait to ease the restrictions.

“Restrictions must be lifted wherever it can be proven that there is no coronavirus epidemic,” said virologist Klaus Stöhr, enjoying the lifting of restrictions on restaurants and hotels. – They have never been covid hotspots [places where mass infections occur – ed.] – he added.

  1. Also read: What must happen to lift the restrictions in Poland? Dr. Afelt about the most important thing

Frank Ulrich Montgomery, a radiologist and president of the World Medical Society, was skeptical about the government’s plans.

«The problem is that lifting the restrictions is related to calendar dates. The virus doesn’t care about the calendar start of spring. It would make more sense to link this to a combination of data on hospitalization, occupancy of beds in the intensive care unit and the incidence of new infections, »he pointed out.

  1. See also: Prof. Krzysztof Simon: We cannot talk about the end of the epidemic yet

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