The future of the kitchen, beyond appliances

We have been watching for several months how startups Related to technology and food, we see how drones appear that could deliver the requested services at home, tablets that help diners to carry out their orders, etc …

The future is here and it’s coming at a chilling pace. Something as simple as the need to eat is emerging as a promising ecosystem for technology systems, applications, and robotics.

Logically, the tradition of Spanish tables, looks with suspicion at these advances, since the culture of sitting at the table and being served, or the traditional preparation collides with all this that we comment.

But there is a growing current of users and professionals who see in technological advance not only a business opportunity as well as an improvement in their processes, but also a business one. We already told you the case of Reimagine Food in a previous post where creativity and viability are not at odds with the ability to create value and business.

To give more veracity to these advances, an Authentic 3D dinner will be developed, which will take place simultaneously in Barcelona and New York, where those attending this private event for a dozen diners will only eat with a crockery, cutlery and even their own menu, developed entirely with a 3D printer.

Drones and food.

The origin of food also points to the innovation car, not everything must advance in the rooms, since one of the first jobs applied to these flying devices has been to supervise the field and the crops.

With their mini-cameras and sensors, they can capture the images and measurements necessary for agronomists to make the best decisions about irrigation, harvest, plague, etc …

Companies such as the Catalan Hemav are specialized in agricultural remote sensing. Their drones are equipped with cameras multiespectrales, infrared or thermal with which they make different maps.

 The “metal” waiters

The image of a robot moving down a corridor and greeting the diners is already beginning to take shape. REEM is the prototype that wants to become another waiter, with the humanoide is ready to receive and become the best gastronomic advisor, without forgetting anything …

Through facial recognition, it tracks the information of your interlocutor on the internet, whether they are checkins, comments, ratings, etc. being able to prepare a menu according to our needs and tastes at all times.

The robot has been developed by PAL Robotics, another Barcelona company that has a long experience of more than a decade in the development of robots, especially for research. This is your first humanoid. Now they are about to enter the kitchen.

Printers to create food

We are facing machines capable of creating food, for now only preparing them for further culinary preparation, but everything will work …

The Natural Machines company is already preparing food, with its Hero machine, they seek to make food preparation in kitchens as common as the use of a microwave oven or a mixer.

You can make a large number of dishes, such as real chicken nuggets, hamburgers, bread, and of course, sauces. Everything is as simple as preparing the ingredients in the capsules that the device uses and loading and executing the recipe that it develops via software.

Afterwards, it will only be left to cook it, since it only makes the product for us. little by little if we will see an evolution of the machines to the example of the well-known thermomix, but for now the machine Vorwerk has the exclusivity of creation almost equal to that of our hand …

It has arrived, they are here, we just need to be aware that technology can be applied to the sector just as the “telephone” or the closest internet did in its day.

Who now doubts the ability of “reservas on-line”, that already surpass the telephone ones…?

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