The future attracts … or scares?

The development of technology promises to improve our lives: to develop our abilities, get rid of diseases, give almost unlimited power over the world. However, it turns out that not everyone agrees that their life is “improved” in this way.

Many of the technical wonders of the future that are being heard today are not at all exciting for most of us *:

  • 50% would not like to drive a computer-controlled vehicle.
  • 53% believe that wearing “all-seeing” electronic devices will change the world for the worse.
  • 66% disagree with scientists altering the DNA of their unborn children, even to make them smarter and healthier.
  • 65% would not like robots to replace nurses and social workers.
  • 72% are against having implants implanted into their brains that improve memory and attention.

* Published at Pew Research Center,

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