The fungus as a recipe for diseases of our time? – Dietetics – Articles |

Are you looking for a drug to improve immunity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, which will also be conducive to weight loss? An inconspicuous mushroom seems to be such a panacea.

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Ganoderma is also known as reishi, and in Poland it is known as shiny or yellowish Lingonberry. In China, it has been used as a remedy for centuries. In Poland is under species protection. Its natural habitats have been so exploited that it is practically impossible to meet in nature. In the seventies of the twentieth century, a Japanese scientist came to the rescue, who managed to isolate the spores of the fungus so that he could grow it. Thanks to this, its use could start on a larger scale. It also allowed for a thorough examination of the plant.

Valuable ingredients

There are approx 200 substances important for the body. Among them are organic germanium, triterpenes, polysaccharides, superoxide dismutase, adenosine, dietary fiber and many others. Participation german it is up to six times larger in it than in ginseng, which is also considered a panacea for various ailments. Its action on the body is based on the improvement of cell oxygenation. Polysaccharides contained in the mushroom, in turn, contribute to improving the work of the immune system and suppressing allergies. Triterpeny fight inflammation in the body, improve liver function and normalize blood pressure. Superoxide dismutase is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance. However, all the substances contained in the Lakownica have a wide beneficial effect on the body. They work synergistically. The plant as a whole has the best influence on the system, not its individual components.

Ganoderma grows not only in Asia. It can also be found in Europe.

Wide range of applications

In ancient China, Ganoderma was used to treat diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, heart, insomnia, cough, inflammation, and as a blood purifier, improving fertility and weight loss. Currently, Chinese medicine values ​​lacquerware as perfect body tonic and protecting it against cancer.

Current research on Ganoderma confirms its wide spectrum of action on the body. Therefore, it has found its place in supplements designed to improve the quality of life of people fighting cancer or HIV. It is also recommended in the case of chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, asthma and diabetes. It is also used in cosmetics, as it improves the condition of the skin and prevents hair loss.

Side effects

It turns out that no negative health effects of this fungus have been reported so far. Hence, Reishi is one of the adaptogens. These are herbal medicines that have a wide beneficial effect on the human body, but have little or no side effects. By definition adaptogens they are supposed to globally improve the body’s well-being, well-being, immunity and give strength. Ganoderma shows this action.

Products available

On the market you can get powdered whole mushroom, spores, fruiting bodies, mycelium, as well as oil extract, mushroom tea or coffee with the addition of Ganoderma. There is also an extract in capsules.

Main photo is from: Nicholas_T / Foter / CC BY

Photo in content is from: Rocky Houghtby / Foter / CC BY

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