“The fourth wave in Europe is already underway”. What is happening in countries crowded with tourists?
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The Delta mutation, the most aggressive variant of the coronavirus to date, is spreading across Europe. OECD expects to dominate the continent by the end of August. Belgian scientists have been saying for a week now: the fourth wave is already underway. What is worse, increases in infections are observed, inter alia, in in countries that are usually crowded with tourists, such as Spain, Greece and Portugal. What is the situation in these and other popular tourist destinations?

  1. ECDC predicts that by the end of August, the Delta variant will be responsible for 90 percent. all COVID-19 cases in EU countries
  2. Belgian biostatistician prof. Geert Molenberghs believes that the fourth wave in Europe is already underway
  3. The increases in infections are recorded, among others, by countries popular with tourists, such as Portugal, Spain or Greece
  4. In an interview with Medonet, Dr. Aneta Afelt warned that “the most important factor contributing to the spread of variants is the movement of the population”
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Coronavirus: “the fourth wave in Europe is already underway”

The Delta mutation of the coronavirus is spreading around the world, causing concern. They are all the more justified as this variant is very contagious – it is estimated that one person infects five to eight people (with the British variant, it was three to five people). – The Delta variant is currently the most aggressive type of coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic – recently admitted in Gazeta Wyborcza, an expert of the Supreme Medical Council, Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski. Moreover, there are signs that Delta is spreading very easily, including by air.

  1. More on this in the article: “Delta is the most aggressive type of coronavirus”. Australia: infection in seconds

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Delta variant has now spread in over 100 countries, including European countries. Back in June, the head of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Andrea Ammon, said that by the end of August he would be responsible for 90 percent. all COVID-19 cases in EU countries. At the beginning of July, a biosatist from the University of Hasselt (Belgium), prof. Geert Molenberghs assessed that the fourth wave in Europe is already underway. This is evidenced by the number of coronavirus infections, which is growing rapidly in many European countries. The situation for the entire continent is presented in the WHO chart below.

Source: https://covid19.who.int/

The rapid increase in the number of infections is noticed not only in Great Britain (daily statistics of the disease exceed 30). The wave of infections is also visible in countries besieged by tourists, such as Spain, Portugal and Greece. What exactly is going on there? What is the situation in Croatia and Turkey, which is popular among Poles? Get to know the details.

Before we present them, however, let us recall the words of Dr. Aneta Afelt, which she recalled in an interview with Medonet, for “the most important factor contributing to the spread of variants is the movement of the population”, and thus also our holiday travels (the entire interview with Dr. Afelt).

  1. WHO: Delta present in over 100 countries. How do I stop him? There is one way

COVID-19 and the Delta variant in Portugal. What is the situation?

In Portugal, daily COVID-19 infection statistics have been increasing for several weeks, returning to the levels last observed in February, when the country was under a strict blockade (daily statistics exceed 2 infections).

Source: https://covid19.who.int/

Dr. Ricardo Jorge of the Instituto Nacional de Saúde (subordinate to the Portuguese Ministry of Health) reported that the Delta variant accounted for around 86 percent of the population across Portugal. cases, and 100 percent. cases in Lisbon and the Algarve, the most popular region of Portugal.

As Reuters notes, the number of infections in Portugal started to increase gradually after the country opened up to EU and UK visitors in mid-May. However, daily deaths remain well below February levels, with new cases being reported mostly among younger, unvaccinated people.

To deal with the situation, Portugal tightened the rules last week – for example, in hotels and inside restaurants or bars, vacationers are required to present a negative test result, a vaccination certificate or proof of recovery from COVID-19, there is a curfew in 50 municipalities.

COVID-19 and the Delta variant in Greece and Spain. What is the situation?

Greece is also recording a sharp rise in the disease, fueled by the spreading Delta variant. According to WHO data, in this country with a population of 11 million, the daily statistics of infections exceeded 2. (details in the diagram below)

Source: https://covid19.who.int/

Due to the increasingly difficult epidemic situation in Greece, new restrictions must be taken into account. Tourists can enter Greece only if they have been vaccinated or have a negative PCR test result. Bars, cinemas, theaters and other places where people meet indoors will only be accessible to the vaccinated person. In addition, all customers inside restaurants and bars will need to be seated.

  1. Dining options available only to the vaccinated in Greece

“The direction of the Greek economy will depend on how effectively we implement security measures and control the pandemic,” Adonis Jeorjadis, Minister of Development and Investments, said a few days ago.

The Delta variant of the coronavirus is also hitting Spain harder and harder. The rapid spike in COVID-19 infections has been visible since the end of June. A month ago in this country there were 2,5 thousand. new cases, on July 9, there were already over 20,6 thousand. Large spikes in infection are especially observed among young people.

Source: https://covid19.who.int/

One of the main reasons for the exacerbation of the epidemic in Spain, Daniel López Acuña, former director of Health Action in Crisis Situations, points to the easing of restrictions in May. In his opinion, this step was “premature and dangerous”. “It was the end of curfew, then the opening of nightlife, and then the end of the mandatory wearing of masks,” he says. These actions contributed to a “false sense of security”.

COVID-19 and the Delta variant in Croatia. What is the situation?

Croatian experts are also warning against another wave of infections. On July 1, Delta was estimated to account for 43 percent of the country. cases of infections. Looking week to week, the number of infections in Croatia is growing (in the first three weeks of June this trend was downward), while at the end of June, however, increased by over 22%. week to week, currently it is less than 0,7 percent.

Source: https://covid19.who.int/

Due to the spread of the Delta variant, changes have been made to entry into this country. From July 1, only people who have the EU COVID Certificate (the so-called covid passport) may enter the territory of the Republic of Croatia, or:

  1. have a negative result of the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 – not older than 72 hours. or quick antigen test – not older than 48 hours
  2. have passed COVID-19 in the last 6 months (so-called recovery) and have confirmation from a doctor about the disease or a positive PCR or antigen test result
  3. are vaccinated with the first dose of Pfizer, Moderna or Gamaleja (Sputnik V) vaccine and enter Croatia for a minimum period of 22 days and a maximum of 42 days after vaccination.
  4. have a written confirmation of the passage of COVID-19 and have been vaccinated with one dose of the vaccine (details on restrictions in Croatia).

What should you know before traveling to Croatia? We summarize

COVID-19 and the Delta variant in Turkey. What is the situation?

Turkey has also noted an increase in infections with the Delta mutation. On July 12, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca reported that within a week the number of cases caused by this mutation had increased from around 280 to 750. Three infections with the Delta Plus mutation were also detected.

Source: https://covid19.who.int/

– Delta cases are growing in our country as well as in the world – emphasized the minister, noting that although the “fourth wave” of the pandemic has not yet hit Turkey, it does not mean that it will stay that way. Koca emphasized that the greatest increases in infections were recorded mainly in places where the vaccination level is low.

Those who are going to Turkey on vacation must remember that when crossing the border, it is necessary to show a certificate of vaccination, COVID-19 or a negative coronavirus test result. Tourists must also complete a mandatory form in which, inter alia, indicate the planned place of stay. The document must be completed within the last 72 hours before travel.

The COVID-19 Real-Time PCR test can be performed at selected drive thru points of the Diagnostics network.

It is worth knowing that on July 10, the quarantine regulations for Poles returning from Turkey changed.

  1. Changes for travelers. We will return from Turkey without quarantine

Finally, a very important piece of information. As we read, among others on Twitter, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ministry «advises against traveling during the pandemic. If you decide to go abroad, make sure you have access to verified information, including about the current restrictions in connection with with COVID-19 »

Coronavirus: infection record in Cyprus

A holiday destination popular among Poles also has problems with the recurring epidemic. Cyprus recorded a record number of new COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic on Tuesday. Authorities said 1081 infections had been detected.

Source: https://covid19.who.int/

Following a quiet period from May to mid-June, the number of cases in Cyprus began to increase rapidly, attributed to the spread of the highly infectious Delta variant.

Cyprus introduced extensive and free of charge quick tests last December, and more than 60 tests are performed on the island every day. people.

You may be interested in:

  1. Are you vaccinated? According to the WHO, you may not notice you have the Delta mutation
  2. I already had COVID-19. Can I get Delta? [WE EXPLAIN]
  3. What can happen in Poland in autumn? Epidemic development scenarios

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