The fourth month of pregnancy

How tall is the fetus at 14 weeks pregnant?

During the 14th week of pregnancy (16 weeks), baby measures 12 to 14 centimeters, and he is rather well proportioned! Her belly is now large enough to accommodate the entire intestine; previously, it was partly wrapped around the umbilical cord. Its average weight is now 110 grams! At this stage, he knows how to fully straighten his head, turn his eyes, and even frown! All of Baby’s organs, which until then worked separately, begin to work together. On our side, we are resplendent and we have an incredible form: so we take advantage of it!

4th month of pregnancy: your 15th week of pregnancy

Baby’s lungs are now functional. Right now, it’s kind of mom breathing for him, but that won’t last forever! Also, the lungs “train”, by bringing in and then out a little amniotic fluid. Our baby discovers the sense of touch: he perceives our caresses and has fun touching the uterine wall with his feet… Our baby now measures 16 cm from head to heels, and weighs 135 grams. Now is the time for the second mandatory prenatal visit.

4th month of pregnancy: your 16th week of pregnancy

A fine down, the lanugo, begins to cover Baby’s body, and his first hair appears! His ears are now well placed on the sides of the head. Her retina is sensitive to light, but Baby has not yet exposed it and her eyes remain closed, protected by the eyelids. It now measures 17,5 cm from head to heels, weighing 160 grams. If this is our first pregnancy, we may not feel it moving yet. The others already perceive the first kicks! Intestinal problems are likely to intensify: we eat products rich in fiber to avoid constipation, but above all we do not take no medication without medical advice.

4 months pregnant: week 17 of pregnancy (19 WA)

Baby now weighs 200 grams, and measures 19 cm from head to heels. Her skin is transparent and reveals her network of blood vessels. The appendix of his intestine begins to appear. Your Baby fidgets happily in the amniotic cavity in about 250 cm3 of fluid. On our side, our uterus continues its development and measures about 16 cm (it measured 9 cm at 3 months of pregnancy). At the end of our pregnancy, it will measure 33 cm. Overall, we are in pretty good shape.

What is the risk of miscarriage at 4 months of pregnancy?

The risk of miscarriage, which decreases during pregnancy, is generally considered to be greater in the first trimester, and more particularly during the first month. The risk associated with a failure of the corpus luteum (residue from ovulation) decreases after the 9th week of pregnancy (11 weeks), when the placenta takes over from the corpus luteum in hormonal production.

Miscarriages are much rarer after the 3rd month of pregnancy. This is called a late miscarriage. This is why many women still prefer to wait until the middle of the third month to announce their pregnancy to their family.

How much weight gain during the 4th month of pregnancy?

If the recommended weight gain is only one kilo per month in the first trimester, it increases to 1,5 kg on average in the second trimester of pregnancy. During the 4th month of pregnancy, it is therefore quite normal to gain about one to two kilos. The important thing is to maintain a varied and balanced diet, and to eat your fill, neither too much nor too little.

Fourth month: procedures, ultrasounds and exams

From the 4th month of pregnancy, we go to a medical examination per month. This is therefore the month in which the second follow-up consultation takes place. It includes in particular a general examination, with blood pressure measurement, weight measurement, listening to the fetal heartbeat …

If it has not already been done, the gynecologist or midwife offers us the serum marker test for screening for trisomy 21. Similarly, we are prescribed a blood test if we are not immune to toxoplasmosis, if our blood rh is negative (to prevent rh incompatibility), and a urine test with search for albumin (its presence may be a sign of pre-eclampsia), sugar (for diabetes) and a possible urinary tract infection.

If it does not take place at the same time as the 2nd consultation, an appointment is made for the second ultrasound (between 19 and 22 WA).

If you haven’t already done so and if you wish, you can notify your employer of your pregnancy so that they can organize themselves. But don’t panic: there is no legal obligation about that, so it’s up to you to decide.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to choose and sign up for birth preparation. Classical preparation, yoga or prenatal singing, sophrology, hypnosis, haptonomy… The methods are varied and each have their own specificities.

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