The four rubber band exercise routine to get firm arms and breasts with the Pin Twins

The four rubber band exercise routine to get firm arms and breasts with the Pin Twins


The personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Pin Twins, propose a routine with an elastic band or rubber bands to strengthen and firm the arms and chest

The four rubber band exercise routine to get firm arms and breasts with the Pin TwinsPM1:27

The lack of exercise makes the arms appear flabby and “saggy” giving rise to that effect popularly known as the “salt shaker” or “bat wing” effect. As the personal trainers Esher and Gema Pineda, Twins Pin, tell us, when summer arrives we almost always remember to work on exercises to tone the muscles. legs, buttocksand belly, but we often forget the importance of caring for the upper body, especially the arms back and chest. Strengthening that area is now more important than ever, especially after some people have lost muscle mass after doing less physical activity during the months of confinement.

Routine for rubber arms

15 (each exercise)
TV Shows
30 seconds (between sets)

That is why the Pin Twins, who already have more than 83.000 followers in Instagram, propose this week in ABC Bienestar a routine of five exercises to tone the upper body. To increase the difficulty of the exercises they propose to use resistance bands or rubber bands (similar to those that appear in the video). The goal of this table, which they recommend practicing three times a week, is to get firm arms and breasts.

The specific upper body routine they propose this week includes four exercises and is performed by doing 15 repetitions of each exercise, three sets of the full routine, and a 30-second rest between each set.

This table, which can be done in about 12-15 minutes, is somewhat simpler than the one the Pin Twins proposed last week: an intense table of combined exercises to work the whole body. Or even in the previous week, when we were challenged with a routine to reduce the most difficult areas to work: the inner thigh. Although the truth is that the ones that his followers tend to like the most are the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) routines and the specific tables to work the glutes.

Exercise 1: Face-up Arm Raise

We lie on the floor on our back with our legs slightly bent. We put the elastic band or rubber band on the wrists or a little higher and we maintain the tension of the rubber band with the arms stretched, adapting to the maximum opening of the rubber band. From that position we will raise the upper trunk keeping the arms stretched.

Exercise 2: Flexion with rubber

We will place ourselves on the floor face down in a flexion position and we will place the elastic band or rubber bands on the forearm, at a height slightly higher than the wrists. In that position we will perform 15 push-ups trying to keep the tension of the rubber and the hips aligned with the ground.

Exercise 3: Military press with rubber band

Sitting on our heels, with our knees resting on the floor, we will place the rubber band or elastic band slightly above the wrists and. Maintaining the tension of the rubber, we will do arm raises bringing the band behind the head and stretching the back well.

Exercise 4: Opening in the chest contractor

Standing, with the legs slightly open, we place the resistance band or rubber bands in the middle of the forearm. We practice the arm contractor exercise maintaining tension with the rubber bands and drawing a 90 degree angle while bouncing outwards.

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