The four healthiest cereals for women

Porridge is a source of the right carbohydrates to keep you feeling full all day long. But each cereal has its own tasks, and specifically for the female body, not any porridge will be useful.

Most common cereals contain gluten, a vegetable protein that not every organism actually tolerates. Eating gluten cereals, the body is overloaded, it is slagged, the digestive organs work worse, there are foci of fungi and bacteria in the body. All this affects both the appearance and excess weight.

At the same time, gluten-free cereals have the opposite effect. They are easily absorbed and enrich the body with protein, vitamins and minerals. They regulate hormones, eliminate toxins, and also contain tryptophan, which is involved in the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness and good mood.



Quinoa began to be grown and consumed more than 5 thousand years ago. And today this porridge is considered one of the most useful, according to nutritionists.

Quinoa is high in nutrients, minerals and vitamins. These are 8 essential amino acids for maintaining and growing muscles, magnesium for a good mood, a slim figure, fiber for removing toxins and normalizing hormones, manganese and copper for rejuvenating the whole body, calcium for strong teeth and bones.



Amaranth porridge will help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of good cholesterol. This grain contains the amino acid lysine, which helps the body absorb protein.

Amaranth is a great source of fiber, protein and iron. For those fasting or vegetarian, amaranth is a great side dish.



Millet porridge is your faithful assistant in skin, nail and hair care. This cereal can also reduce PMS symptoms by reducing sugar cravings, normalizing mood and helping to cope with high blood loss by enriching the body with iron.

Millet contains calcium and manganese, as well as B vitamins, which makes it indispensable for the heart and the removal of bad cholesterol from the body. Millet is a source of phosphorus, which regulates fat metabolism and provides a lot of energy for the whole day.


Green buckwheat

The benefits of buckwheat are undeniable. Unlike brown buckwheat familiar to us, green buckwheat contains a large amount of flavonoids, including rutin. These botanicals help fight disease, regulate digestion and are great for energizing.

If not porridge, then what else?

Any of these cereals are great for baking nutritious, healthy desserts. Just buy flour or grind in a coffee grinder – use instead of your usual wheat flour and enjoy new flavors and healthy dishes.

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