
Initial views and principles of Synthesis technology

What is a «working relationship»

When a well-trained athlete consistently shows high results, this is natural. But here he is, with all the excellent preparation and normal health, suddenly began to fail. And more crashes. What’s the matter?! The doctor examines: everything is fine, there are no functional abnormalities. The trainer and the massage therapist see: the body is in perfect order. But — lost to the weakest. But — he got out of the way. What’s the matter?! Apparently, the reason is in the psychology of the athlete.

  • In inadequate claims or low self-esteem, increased anxiety or mental trauma …

All these reasons have one thing in common: they do not allow to work normally. And then the psychologist is called.

  • A psychologist is called when a person has psychology and begins to interfere with his work.

Because if she does not interfere with his quality work, who will simply pay money to a psychologist for nothing?

It seems a paradox, but there are no psychological moments in the work of a well-made enterprise and in the interaction of its professionally trained employees, just as a computer or a calculating machine does not have them. The head gave the order, the order was executed, the head was reported. What is the psychology here? But it is different, and, as a rule, things are very different in enterprises where there is no working relationship. It is known what high-class psychological skill is required from a leader when working in a women’s team, where employees do not always work, but always relate. Also, if an employee has a difficult character, you simply cannot agree with him: when communicating with him, psychology is required. And if this is a well-trained worker (read: “who has passed a good school”), everything is simple with him: he has no character.

  • Well, what is the character of a waiter in an elite restaurant? As soon as he has «character», he will simply be fired. And they will do it right: at work, he is required not to demonstrate his character, but to understand management policies and provide quality customer service.

At work, the less psychology, the better.

But in order to make an enterprise where the relationship is truly working, where employees are busy with business, and do not relate to each other and to you, you will need a real, practical knowledge of applied psychology.

  • Synthesis technology is at your service.

Psychology is psychological — discord

“I don’t seem to have enough motivation to work with enthusiasm today.”

«This job doesn’t fit my state of mind.»

“I listened to myself and realized that your order to me is not environmentally friendly.”

“I had a difficult dream, it tells me something important, and I have to think it over.

Let the customers wait, I think an hour is enough for me.

So your employees began to declare after classes with a psychologist. How do you feel, leader?

Are you afraid that by sending your employees to the classes of psychological groups or inviting a team of psychologists to conduct training with the staff of your enterprise, you will simply waste your money? You are afraid of this in vain, because this is not the most unpleasant thing that you can get as a result.

Here, a team of game technicians, having come to your enterprise, offered to stop the work process for three days and, having united both the lower staff and the managers together in creative groups, suggested that they problematize the activities of the leaders.

  • It took half a day of working time to understand what «problematization» is. Most understood that they were being asked to indicate all the points where they did not agree with the leadership. The technician Aunt Fenya put her hands on her hips and said that she did not understand at all what all these directors were doing.

As a result, having awakened the lower classes and substituting leaders of all levels under their blow, you will get a furious quarrel, which you will disentangle for more than one month.

The recommendation is simple: before signing a contract to work with this promising (to you and in words) group of psychologists, ask them for the coordinates of the firms with which they have worked over the past year. A short conversation with the Deputy Chief Financial Officer will give you complete clarity on the prospects that await you.

  • And it is very possible that you will sign an agreement with this particular team of psychologists. Well, nice. You just have to be more careful.

It is the same with conducting psychological trainings for your employees: psychology, of course, is a cool thing, only psychologists are different from psychologists and they often solve psychotherapeutic problems, not yours.

What is this about? There is such a thing — psychotherapeutic groups, which for the general public are more often called personal growth groups. Among them there are groups that are efficient and different, but at least for the most part they teach people to work with their problems.

  • And not yours, for the solution of which you sent them. For a group.

In these psychotherapeutic — excuse me, in personal growth groups — work is carried out with emphatic caution, people are accustomed to the fact that, communicating with each other, they come into contact with something very important, almost holy: namely, with the soul, which is so vulnerable and in which so many sore spots. The first and most important thing that is learned in such groups is to find sore spots in the souls of others and, naturally, in their own, and having found them, work. Work is a very important concept, here it means: to look for the underlying causes of your sores, nesting in the dark fears of a difficult childhood, and sometimes not even yours. During the entire time of mental digging, you can’t poke into sore spots, but you can only stroke them and surround them with warmth.

  • The child coughed, his mother put on two caps, a sheepskin coat and put him in a warm bed.

The groups are sincere, the groups are interesting, but the groups have their own rules, their own atmosphere and their own policy, which is mandatory for everyone. For example, if you have a problem, they will work with you,

  • Translation: You will be the center of attention.

and if you have no problems today or they are not interesting, they will not work with you today and you will sit without attention to yourself.

  • “If you have no problems, what are you doing here?” — you will sooner or later hear this question from others or ask yourself it yourself. Right question!

In total, what will you choose if you are interested in the group? That’s right, there are no fools, and people get used to it pretty quickly: when you join a group, you bring a good personal problem. Our people are talented, it is not difficult for them, and soon the visitors of these groups become high-quality, professional clients, feeling like a fish in water there. They already know how to be always a little sick, and their problems are always of high quality: varied, interesting and in sufficient quantity.

If you like, many psychotherapeutic trainings make professional patients out of people. Do you need such employees?

When they began to conduct psychological trainings (such) with peppy, lively counselors of the «Eaglet», they began to walk more slowly, as if hypnotized, to constantly listen to their feelings, find a deep psychological justification for them and painfully react to attempts to direct them directly.

  • The quotations before this chapter are based on their statements.

In short, a year later, so that the counselors could again be allowed to see the children, they began to look for other psychologists in Orlyonok who could eliminate the consequences of the work of the previous ones.

There is psychology, and there is psychology.


At work, you need to do business, and not delve into difficult experiences. At least that’s what Synthesis Technology teaches.​

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Initial views

Synthesis technology in the views of man and his life comes from the following philosophical positions:

Every person is the author of his own life.

  • If he presents himself as a Victim, this is also his author’s work. And those of his actions that a person considers his natural or forced reaction to … are also his arbitrary and free, author’s choice.

All the main points of a person’s life are laid in his childhood.

  • At the age of five, the child determines his own, author’s, concept of his life, where the central point is the attitude towards parents. Later, the World takes the place of the parents, and the child transfers the attitude towards parents — love or war — to life in general. On the other hand, the patterns of behavior learned in childhood, as a rule, the child carries through his whole life.

In every personlike in the universe there is everything, you just need to be able to open and use the right one.

  • A coward and a hero coexist in each of us, a fool and a wise man argue, in each of us a sea of ​​love splashes and an abyss of hatred burns. And there is no stronger person than the one who insists on his weakness…

Sometimes you really don’t want to believe it. At least, in novels and films, this does not happen: there are certain types and the hero cannot be vile. But in real life… Somehow they conducted an experiment: they put an overturned warped car near the freeway, and next to it, in full view, they put actors barely moving, “bloody” with red paint. Result? Hundreds of cars drove by, only a few stopped. Moreover, among those who traveled there were mothers with many children, and excellent professional doctors who saved more than one life … And even a man who was awarded a medal for courage in a fire, who risked his life for the lives of other people. But — in a different situation … And among those who stopped there were also the most ordinary people, and many of them honestly said that if they were in a little more hurry, they might “not notice”. And in another similar experiment, an ambulance was called by a person who had just pulled a wallet out of the pocket of a dying person. Savior and marauder in one bottle?

By nature, initially, any human behavior is wise and expedient.

  • If you see behavior that is stupid and inappropriate, then you simply did not look closely and are in error. And also think about why you didn’t take a closer look and misled yourself …

However, as the authors of their lives, people are quite wealthy in order to start behaving stupidly and inappropriately,

  • especially when they need it for some reason, and in their life a person gets what he really wants.
  • The result obtained by a person speaks, first of all, not about successful or difficult circumstances, but about the true intentions of a person.

All human intentions are positive. From his point of view. And he didn’t always mean you and other little things.

  • And all you need to positively understand someone’s monstrous intentions is to take his point of view. And to understand that for another person you are not at all the Navel of the Earth. Or maybe you are nothing at all.

True, sometimes a person thinks to himself: «How bad I am with all my intentions.» So, until he himself can take his own point of view …

Life is a stream of neutral events. What is good, what is bad and how to experience what is happening is determined by the person himself in accordance with his culture and upbringing. And culture and upbringing can change — and so can you, because —

As long as we are alive, we are changing. The world is changing — always. The world is made up of verbs, not nouns.

  • Even calling a rose a «flower» in this sense is hardly correct. Calling it a flower, that is, a noun, we remove its movement, its flowering, we make it dead.

As long as a person is alive, he is like a river, constantly changing, moving, flowing, making a choice every hour and every minute. Today’s decisions are today’s decisions, and who knows what a storm will be tomorrow? And in which direction you flow, you can choose yourself, or you can let someone or something else guide you …

Each of us rules the world, although it may be doing it poorly.

  • The paved road guides your path. The newly born baby controls the parents day and night. The dog controls the owner, and the cat controls the dog. Everyone controls everyone.

It’s not a shame to rule the world, it’s a shame to do it badly.

Who needs Synthesis technology

The target audience of Synthesis Technology is successful, efficient people, universal businessmen, as well as those who plan to become such. A universal businessman is a person who, having knowledge and skills of Synthesis technology, acts as efficiently as possible in any area of ​​life, successfully achieving his goals.

If this is an entrepreneur, he quickly sets up and promotes his business, making it strong and profitable. HR Manager — recruits and educates personnel who can and want to work as they should. Writer — builds texts that are bright and meaningful, as a result of which his books are in demand. Mom organizes a well-thought-out health-improving, personally developing and educational process that is not difficult for her and gives the maximum result to children. It does not matter in what area of ​​life you work: in addition to professional knowledge, there is simply personal adequacy and the ability to be effective, which makes a person a universal businessman.

Synthesis technology and psychotherapy

Does the synthesis technologist use psychotherapeutic techniques in his work? Does Synthesis Technology teach these techniques?

Yes, it does. Yes, he teaches.

However, familiarity with selected psychotherapeutic techniques and techniques is by no means intended to make someone a premature psychotherapist and provoke them to carry out not quite responsible professional psychotherapeutic work.

Synthesis technology proceeds from the fact that psychotherapy is heterogeneous in terms of the composition of its tools. For the most part, this is science and practice that has developed its own tools for solving specialized problems. But, besides this, she crystallized and successfully formulated those techniques and techniques that, being the necessary moments of effective communication, have naturally lived for millennia and belong to the universal culture.

  • A scalpel is a surgeon’s tool, but knives were invented by mankind long before the advent of surgery and are used in the kitchen by all civilized housewives.

Similarly, reframing techniques, supportive empathy techniques, relaxation practices, as well as the use of metaphors, cannot be considered the exclusive property of psychotherapy — under other names (and without a name) they live in a universal culture, regularly used by poets and merchants, sorcerers and priests, creators advertising and leaders of all ranks.

However, if in life these practices, techniques and techniques are used more often spontaneously, semi-consciously and therefore not effectively enough, then Synthesis-technology offers them arranged into a system and for conscious, expedient application. In the Synthesis Technology, psychotherapeutic methods and techniques are given strictly in the selection and to the extent that are determined by the need for successful people to use them in everyday, primarily in business communication to increase its effectiveness.

Union of mind and feeling

Sometimes, watching from the side how the master works — it doesn’t matter whether it’s a well-knowing hostess or an experienced leader, wondering how everything goes wonderfully “one to one” with the master, one gets the impression that this is not quite a person, but very perfect car. Of course it isn’t. It is not true that the universal businessman is a machine in which every movement, thought and detail is calculated: no, he is a person who has a well-developed intuition, he is ready to succumb to impulse and attentive to his premonitions. But it is also not true that effective people live and make decisions based only on feeling and intuition. The choice of a universal businessman is the union of reason and feeling. Solving issues, pursuing a policy and carrying out any business, feeling intuitive support for your affairs and decisions within yourself, is more effective than relying on bare calculation.

  • And there is no reason to assume that you will not become such a master.

Philosophy of life of an effective person

Can every person use Synthesis technology approaches and become a truly effective person? No, not everyone. Everyone can use its elements, effective techniques and techniques, but an effective person is more than a collection of techniques. First of all, it is a philosophy of life, and its main axes are asked by two questions.

How much do you need in life, what is the bar of your life?

Who is responsible for your success?

And you can answer these questions like this — in different ways.

Plank of your life

“He is a small man. And this is a big man!” — what is the conversation about? First of all, about the size of the Circle of Concerns. At all Small child not only preoccupied only with himself, he also cannot fully serve himself. Young man — they talk about someone who is busy only with himself. Adult — the one who provides for himself plus supports not only himself, but also his family, brings up children and supports parents. Big man — they call someone who, in addition, conducts his own business or does great things, on whom the lives and destinies of many people depend. great person — the one whose influence extends to the fate of many for years to come.

Yes, is this about you? Do you need this?

A normal Mexican peasant or a native of the sunny country of the Congo will lie under his happy palm tree and will only smile lazily at any proposal to change something in his life: “What the hell?” He does not need anything, because he needs little. He has his minimum, everything else requires effort — and then why? The philosophy of maximum success in life is incomprehensible to the main population of these countries, and the willingness to pay for this success with work and effort is not close. This is not just laziness, this is an appropriate understanding of life, where the ability to relax is more valuable than any achievement.

In itself, laziness is not a vice at all, laziness in the history of mankind has been one of the main engines of progress. I don’t want to carry a log on me — I invented the wheel. The desire for comfort relaxes one under the nearest bush, even in the mud, even in the rain, the other motivates at first to make at least the simplest shed for himself, and then build a house with all conceivable amenities.

A lover of comfort under a bush is called a lazy person, a lover of comfort by the fireplace in his own house is called a businessman, a leader. A leader needs a lot in life. This is a person who strives and wants, this is a living person, a person “with a motor”, a person-doer. It is a hunter and a conqueror: a hunter of success and a conqueror of life.

Academician A.D. Sakharov once uttered an unexpected phrase in an interview: “The meaning of life is in expansion.” Yes, for a leader, this is always the case. Every real man is a conqueror of the universe. Whether, as a growing entrepreneur, you want to occupy the market with your product, or, as a new leader, you are carefully looking for an opportunity to make these people your own and become an authority for them; if you are a leader, you are a conqueror. The meaning of life is expansion. And if you fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the world, you occupy her soul with your love at the utmost tension, after which the beloved woman tightly occupies your home and your life with meaning and warmth. You conquered her, she conquered you.

  • And you are happy.

The most famous strategic computer game (that is, one where you don’t have to kill toothy monsters with a plasma gun, but you have to think with your head) is Civilization. Its goal is to spread its political influence, culture, scientific achievements throughout the planet. And not necessarily by violent means. However, at first, the authors tried to create a completely “non-aggressive” game, where you don’t need to spread your influence, but you just need to peacefully neighbor. It came out nonsense. As in life.

A true leader knows how to be content with little, but always strives forward, strives for truly big goals. He needs a lot in life, he needs the whole world.

So, how much do you need in life, what is the bar for your life?

Parasite and Doer: your choice?

Who will bring you your success? Who is responsible for ensuring that your success always accompanies you through life? There are two fundamentally different ways to have success: the first is to create your own success, to achieve it with your own efforts, the second is to expect it as a gift from the world, or, more realistically, to receive it at someone else’s expense. The choice between these methods is your main choice, your pain or your main life success. This choice is rarely made by a conscious decision from the head, more often it is a fundamental, existential choice that permeates a person through and through, ringing through all his deeds and actions, building all his other choices and decisions.

This choice is made by each person in the very first weeks of his life. Here is a situation, utterly simple: a child is lying in a crib, he is bored. What to do? You can start hitting the rattles that hang above him with your hands, you can simply shake your arms and legs, or you can even try to roll over to the other side and crawl where you can see ahead: it’s difficult, but very interesting.

  • This is how the Actor decided in his choice.

And you can do nothing of this, continue to lie and be bored. But not just, but to start crying into the world: then the Great Wizards appear, and they themselves knock on the rattles. And if you start screaming in crying louder and more demanding, then you can find yourself in your arms and shake yourself until a sweet dream, that is, for as long as you like.

  • Thus was born the Parasite.

Every child makes this choice, makes it within himself, and if he has already made his choice, then for the rest of his life he only strengthens himself in it, trains himself to live in this choice in the best possible way. If he has the choice of the Doer, he teaches himself activity and responsibility hour after hour and day after day, but if he has the choice of the Parasite, then year after year he trains himself as a magnificent Parasite: he teaches himself to make miserable muzzles, tired shoulders, offended intonations and other decorations of the unjustly struck Victim.

Question: why does the author so rigidly divide people into Doers and Parasites, since he himself recently wrote that everyone has everything? Maybe it’s better in percentages, for example: today I am 67% a parasite, and 33% an activist, and therefore I have the right to lie on the couch two-thirds of the time?

Answer: hard division may not be entirely correct, but it WORKS. If you think about your life, about its maximum, then it definitely worked …

A parasite can get along well in life, at one time be a cheerful, creative, and sweet person, but this is a person who lives on the success of someone else and chooses irresponsibility in life. The doer, on the other hand, builds his life himself, looks for a deed that he will do himself, and knows that only he is responsible for both his victories and his defeats. At the same time, the person-doer does not at all object to sometime using someone else’s help (“We like everything that is useful for the cause!”), But even he organizes this help himself, rather than expecting it drearily and crying in its absence.

So who is responsible for your success?

Direction of your life

An egoist is a very bad person. This is a person who constantly thinks not about me!
Ambrose Bierce. «Satan’s Dictionary»

So, you can build your life and your success at your own expense, you can look for an opportunity to do this at the expense of others. But the second, perhaps even more important, question that determines the philosophy of life of each person:


Indeed, the question is: what should the Actor do if the maximum of his life lies in the negative area? Maybe it’s better to be a parasite? Or?

  • Take the matter very seriously. The author of the question is a real person, a professional political strategist who creatively cut off entire cities from heat in Siberian frosts in order to compromise the current government before the elections.

Answer: he knows the correct answer, you can not answer …

Okay, some people normally only care about themselves. Well, more about some of those close to him: as a rule, about those who care about him. All the rest are outsiders who can be used when it is convenient and possible, but the rest of the time, let them not interfere.

  • Like a chair — I need it, I moved it towards me, sat down and sat. I got up — pushed the chair: that’s it, I don’t need it anymore.

The bottom line is not that «pushed» — this is normal. A sensible person differs from a loafer in that he can move those who are now away from his work — the point is that among all people there is a really lively person, worthy of interest and care — only he himself.

  • It hurts him — this is wrong, because he should not be hurt. It hurts another — so what, what do I care? He got money — that’s good, you got money — it’s good only if something falls to him.

He is not interested in life, more precisely, he is interested only to the extent that it relates to him personally. Its internal slogan is a catchphrase that the French king Louis XV left behind in history: “After us, even a flood!” Such a person only cares about himself.

And there are people for whom it is naturally clear that the people around him are also living people, they also want to eat and use comfortable things, meet their favorite people and do what they love, that they also dream and grieve, hope and believe … Such a person perceives himself not only as a unique unit in the cosmic void, he knows that he is a continuation of human history, that his life was made by so many people before him, and perhaps he himself will be able to make the necessary contribution to life.

It is common for such people to care about people and life.

Comparing with the previous division of people into Agents and Parasites, one can easily draw up the following table, which distinguishes people according to the way and direction of their life.

Way and direction of life


Caring first of all about life and people — at someone else’s expense


Taking care of life and people first of all — at your own expense


Taking care of yourself first — at your own expense


Taking care of yourself first — at the expense of others

Situations are different: life is sometimes generous to us, sometimes it is cruel, sometimes it pushes our foreheads together, sometimes it puts us before the possibility of cooperation … How differently the indicated types manifest themselves in all these cases!

Break: Test!

Ahead — diagrams and tables, complex and interesting: it will be necessary to understand them, and for this — to understand yourself, then think and determine your place in life. Accordingly, you have a long way to go. But before this reflection, no one will interfere with you and just spread the cards. On the track…

Simply put, circle the card suit icon to the left of statements you agree with. Do not think for a long time, trust the first feeling.

True friendship is rare these days. — worms

I really love Her Majesty FREEDOM. — peak

I’d rather die, but I won’t lose my honor. — worms

I am ready to do uninteresting, but very necessary work for everyone. — tambourine

To become rich by doing it with your own hands is the most beautiful goal. — baptize

I would like to get into a plane crash, knowing in advance that I will remain unharmed. — peak

If I receive a large inheritance, I will work no less than now. — tambourine

The interests of my beloved family are above all. — baptize

I am ready to give my left hand if it saves the life of a hundred people. — tambourine

I can spend most of the year saving money for a great vacation. — baptize

I really feel sorry for all the homeless animals.

When no one helps me, I am very worried about this injustice. — peak

For me, the most important thing in life is freedom. — worms

I choose to root for the sports team that usually wins. — peak

On the sinking Titanic, I would have been among the survivors at any cost. — baptize

Between a worthy friend and an unworthy brother, I will choose a friend. — tambourine

The alignment is over, let’s summarize. Count the cards of which suit you got the most. Results are on the next page.

Test Results

Pika? “Don’t take it as an insult, you are the Magnificent Parasite.

Clubs? “And a regiment of Consumers arrived.

Heart? — Let’s sing, Signor Romantik!

Tambourine? — Is it really true? Man, I take my hat off to you…

Take this test on your friends: they will like the questions, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about them. You can get acquainted with the standard results as presented by Maxim Kachalov on the following pages.

And now about these types — in detail and seriously.

Life is ordinary, not easy

During a normal, that is, rather difficult, lifewhen it is not a holiday, but not a disaster, the average person knows: you have to spin so that everything is and that there is nothing for it. If a person lives this way at his own expense, this is a normal consumer, the basis of modern society, but if his slogan is: “Who would feed me?” and he is looking for an opportunity to live at the expense of someone — this is the familiar Parasite to us.

  • He is the exploiter.

Romantic in the same situation, he is sick not for himself, he cannot reconcile himself with the imperfection of life as a whole: “What kind of bestiality is that?! We live — in the mud, damn it, to be friends — we forgot how to love, we don’t know how. Is this how life is supposed to be? Eh!!” So it’s time to get a bottle and drink. And then drink some more. And then all together, to the guitar, sing beautiful and sincere songs about true love, which is sure to be waiting for us around the corner, and a wonderful life that will come to us sooner or later …

  • Let’s translate — someone will make it for us …

Creator He is also not satisfied with the imperfection of life, but, unlike Romantik, he does not sing songs and does not expect miracles, but does what depends on him. Does every day — energetically, persistently and flexibly. The most interesting thing is that through human efforts, life can really acquire a new quality and become comfortable: beautiful, clean and comfortable for people.

  • First in one single house and one single enterprise, then in a single country… Why do people like to live in Switzerland? Because life is well done there. Really done.​

Checked the test on listeners; interviewed live, and most importantly — several dozen people gave answers to the broadcast pager. The distribution is:

40% — Consumers;

30% — Romance;

15% — Parasites;

15% — Creators.

Of course, a bunch of mixed types. True, the mixture of Parasites with the Creators somehow did not turn out …

There is only one remark on the theory: after talking with the people, it seems that it is impossible to say: “Romantics always spoil the holiday.” There is a feeling that they are unpredictable in the moments of the holiday: as the left leg wants. They can dance merrily with everyone, and then suddenly move away and burst into tears. A sort of manic-depressive psychosis in miniature …

In fact, it is not difficult to confuse the Creator and the Consumer, because both the Human eats (regularly) and the Consumer creates (at least once). The main difference is in the emphasis on what is being done for what. The consumer creates out of necessity in order to acquire, have and grow rich, the Creator acquires, has and grows rich in order to create.

  • Erich Fromm posed this question as a choice to have or to be. And Bragg formulated it even more simply: “Live to eat, or eat to live?”

The confusion arises also because the Creator, while caring about people and life, cannot and must not forget about himself: after all, he is also a part of this life, and, obviously, not the worst part of it! Moreover, in many cases, you need to take care of yourself in the first place. Why? Because it is naturally reasonable to take care of people close to you first of all, and who is closer to you if not yourself?

  • Take a realistic look at the question: pushing a neighbor’s breadbasket is fine, but if I spoon-feed him while he feeds me, this is no longer a concern, but a madhouse.

Let everyone take care of themselves and their own business first of all, the question is, why, for whom are you doing this?

For yourself or for life?

When life is a holiday

Happy child. Since the human consumer loves to get high and have fun most of all, in a situation of free time, effort and money, he arranges a holiday for himself. Hooray!! Glasses clink, champagne pours, paintball farts, firecrackers fly and explode. Strictly speaking, a holiday is a time when what was created and accumulated during everyday life is joyfully destroyed. And the more destroyed, the greater the holiday!

  • But everything is fair: on their own. And how beautiful people are at a real holiday!

Without brakes. A holiday is good when everyone knows how much you can drink and when it’s time to leave. If this holiday culture is absent, then instead of joy, problems arise, including those around you: one in the heat of excitement will lose other people’s money in a casino, another drunk in a jeep will knock down people standing at a bus stop.

  • Short holiday, big problems.

Sad. However, someone refuses to celebrate on principle: “Well, how can you rejoice when children are starving at this very time in Angola? How can you rejoice then?!” This humanistically minded person cares about everyone, but in fact, day after day, he deprives himself and others of the possibility of a holiday.

  • So, someone else will have to make life festive …

Businessman. The man-creator loves the holidays, he loves this happy time, when he finally has free time, energy and money. This is his real holiday — because now he can invest his time, effort and money in those who deserve it. Having calculated everything, he can finally support the best, invest in those in whom it makes sense to invest.

  • And then the holiday will really be for many!

When life is hard

Life is hard — what to invent? Need survive, the Consumer knows, and strains, sometimes extremely heroically, in order to save at least something.

  • Though for its own sake, it is a feat.

The parasite in this situation is a little easier: he takes on the role sufferer, whines, cries, but usually does nothing seriously.

  • It’s all so terrible! It’s just hands down!

A romantic, looking at this really nasty situation, sublimely exclaims: “A person cannot live like this!” and commits suicide.

  • Then the question: “And who will rectify this filthy situation?” — He no longer cares.

And the Creator takes the situation under his control and does everything that depends on him to help those who really need help in a difficult situation: not necessarily those who scream the loudest, but those who are really under attack. As a rule, first of all, it is necessary to support the weakened and save what can die forever.

  • If you are in the mountains, everyone is tired and hungry, but one of you has broken his leg: what should you do? — Carry someone who can’t walk right now.

When life brings us head to head

In nothing is the philosophy of life of everyone so clearly manifested as in a situation where life pushes our foreheads together: you or me? Will you or I get this tidbit? Should I give in — or will you get by? Whose interest, mine or yours, will be considered more important?

When there is something to profit from, but you are not alone, normal egoist looks after what he likes and how to grab it, sacrificing himself altruist worries if he has already given up everything, a decent person (sociocentrist) makes sure that the interests of all are taken into account.

  • Although it may be different. I fully admit that a decent person may not even respect the interest of a drunken homeless person at all, preferring someone who is a parasite to a lesser extent. Who is the person — in more.

It occupies a special place sociopathwho worries not so much about whether he got everything he was supposed to, but about whether others got too much. At the household level, his slogan is: “I don’t need a second cow, I need my neighbor’s cow to die!”, on the scale of society: so that there are no poor, he destroys the rich.

  • And this is also a philosophy of life …

When life offers union

When life offers an alliance, all normal Consumers flock: one for all, all for one, and all against strangers: «Loyalty!» The education of a corporate culture, as a rule, is instilling in employees the feeling: “We are our own!”

  • And accordingly: “We are not for sale!”,

what makes any team — a family, a gang or a firm — stronger, more viable and more combat-ready.

However, the Parasite chooses an easier path: in sight and while satisfying, he cuddles and fawns on the strong, but for thirty conventional units he is ready to sell his own, and in difficult times — to leave, betray.

  • Qualification: sneaky jackal. Coward and traitor.

A romantic will never betray, but he clearly does not like the discipline of corporate culture. He chooses — independence, that is, «freedom FROM». His favorite defensive thesis: “I don’t owe anything to anyone!”, The attacking thesis: “You have no right!”, And the whole program is based on the negative: argue (“Nothing like that!”), violate (“But I can!”) , back off (“My business!”) And defend (your desires).

  • called Principles.

A creative person knows how to work in a team, knows how to be faithful, but his loyalty is not blind. His “friends” are good not because they are “friends”, but because they are worthy people doing a worthy job. He chose these people, this firm, this job, and now he’s in a job he loves and with responsibilities he’s proud of. Man-creator chooses «freedom FOR».


Correlating yourself or others with the types presented in this table, it makes no sense to try to determine exactly who you or other people you are interested in are: there are no pure types, each of us is once a Consumer, and a Creator, and a Romantic, and a Parasite. The meaning is different: knowing these types, you can accurately and responsibly define your philosophy of life, understand what really attracts you, and then honestly track how — by whom? — you really show yourself in different situations.

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