
Not everyone knows that the hackneyed saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body” originally sounded different and had the exact opposite meaning, namely “A healthy mind is rare in a healthy body”. Indeed, over time, many sayings and sayings have become shorter and no longer completely understandable. Here we give the full versions of famous phrases that have become catchphrases.

Grandmother [fortune teller] said in two [either rain, or snow, or it will, or not].

Poverty is not a vice [and twice as bad].

In a healthy body healthy mind [rarity].

Crow does not pick out the crow [and peck out, but not pull it out].

Smooth was on paper [Yes, they forgot about the ravines, and walk along them].

Hunger is not an aunt [and my own mother].

Lip no fool [tongue is not a shovel].

Two of a Kind [Yes, both left].

Two of a Kind [yes both on one leg].

Girlish shame — to the threshold [stepped over and forgot].

The master’s case is afraid [and another craftsman].

For the beaten two unbeaten give [Yes, it doesn’t hurt, they take it].

Chasing two hares — not one [boar] you won’t catch.

Hare feet are worn [they feed the wolf’s teeth, protect the fox’s tail].

[AND] business time, [and] fun hour.

A mosquito will not knock down a horse [until the bear helps].

Who remembers the old — that eye out [and whoever forgets, both].

Chick on the grain pecks [and the whole yard is in litter].

Down and Out trouble started [and the end is near].

Young scold — amuse [and the old people scold — rage].

Do not open your mouth to another loaf [get up early and start your own].

The woodpecker is not sad that he cannot sing [the whole forest hears him anyway].

A new broom sweeps in a new way [and when it breaks, it lies under the bench].

From work the horses die [and people get stronger].

Repetition is the mother of learning [consolation of fools].

Repetition is the mother of learning [and a refuge for the lazy].

Drunken sea knee-deep [and the puddle is up to your ears].

Dust column, smoke rocker [and the hut is not heated, not swept].

Grow big [yes] don’t be a jerk [stretch a mile, but don’t be simple].

birds of a feather flock together [that’s why he bypasses it].

You get along with a bee — you get a honey [If you contact a beetle, you will find yourself in manure].

Dog in the manger [lies, she does not eat and does not give to cattle].

Old horse furrow does not spoil [and it won’t plow deep].

The quieter you go, the further you’ll get [from where you are going].

Fear has big eyes [yes, they don’t see anything].

Mind palace [yes the key is lost].

Bread on the table — and the table throne [but not a piece of bread — and a board table].

Miracles in the sieve [there are many holes, but there is nowhere to jump out].

Shito-covered [and the knot is here].

My tongue is my enemy [before the mind speaks].

My tongue is my enemy [before the mind prowls, seeks trouble].


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