The forbidden list: 8 foods high in gluten

The forbidden list: 8 foods high in gluten

Nowadays it is even fashionable to go on a gluten-free diet. The stars are promoting it especially zealously, trying to preserve eternal youth, beauty and health. However, is gluten really as bad as it is commonly believed?

Gluten is the name of a special type of protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Its other name is gluten. It is she who allows the dough to rise, gives the baked goods a pleasant texture.

Like any protein, gluten can cause allergies. It manifests itself not as brightly as, for example, a reaction to citrus fruits: no rash, breathing problems and other classic symptoms. But this protein can cause discomfort in the abdomen and a violation of the body’s ability to absorb useful vitamins and minerals. Those diagnosed with gluten intolerance are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, arthritis, infertility and neurological problems.

One of the varieties of gluten intolerance is celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disease that is diagnosed in 1 percent of the world’s population. It causes the body to react to gluten in a way that harms itself. Basically, the intestines are affected.  

Signs of gluten intolerance

Those who do have a gluten allergy often suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, stomach discomfort, and bloating. Symptoms also include skin rashes, weight loss, anemia, fatigue, and depression.  

Only a doctor can determine gluten intolerance. But you can also try spending a few weeks on a gluten-free diet to understand which side of your well-being will change. We’ve put together a list of foods that contain the most gluten, and by the way, it’s worth giving up some of them just for the sake of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Cereals

Since gluten is of grain origin, you should avoid cereals containing gluten. Among them:

  • Wheat (wheat, millet cereals too)

  • Barley

  • Rye

  • Manka

  • Couscous

  • Triticale (a hybrid of wheat and rye)

  • Kamut (grain of oriental wheat developed in Egypt)

  • Farro (wild wheat variety)

Gluten is also contained in spelled, which is also called spelled. But in it, experts say, gluten is relatively gentle in terms of the degree of effect on the body and is easily absorbed.

But oats do not contain gluten. But it can be contaminated with gluten in production.

2. Bread, baked goods and biscuits

They are usually made from wheat flour. In rare exceptions from other types of flour. Therefore, it is always worth reading the label or asking the seller what the bread or loaf is made of. What you should definitely avoid:

  • all types of bread: white, whole grain, potato, rye, leavened bread, loaves, ciabats, etc .;

  • tortillas: pita bread, wheat rolls, whole grain tortillas, tortillas;

  • biscuits, crackers, baked goods: buns (also for hamburgers and hot dogs), croissants, pies and pies, etc.

3. Sauces and marinades

There is nothing in ready-made sauces – there may be a shock dose of salt, sugar, and gluten. You need to be especially careful with such products:

  • Soy sauce

  • Barbecue sauce

  • Salad dressings and dressings

  • Marinades

  • Creamy sauces

  • Spice mix

  • Malt vinegar

  • Ketchup

4. Confectionery

Everything is clear here – the vast majority of buns, pastries, cakes, muffins and donuts and other goodies are made on fine wheat flour. At the same time, the fiber in wheat is destroyed, but gluten remains. An exception can be only those desserts that you make at home yourself, without using wheat or any other flour containing gluten.

5. Wheat pasta

“Only from durum wheat” – sounds proudly, but does not get rid of gluten in the composition. Noodles, spaghetti, gnocchi, even dumplings all contain gluten. Alternatively, you can buy rice or buckwheat noodles.

6. Snacks

Not all, but very many. Especially, by the way, those that are considered to be a healthy snack – cereal bars and muesli. Lots of gluten in croutons, chips, energy bars, and candy.

7. Drinks

Not all, but some. In particular, beer, including non-alcoholic, coffee drinks, chocolate milk in tetrapacks.

8. Processed foods

Here we are not even talking about sausage and semi-finished products. The following were blacklisted:

  • processed cheeses

  • Canned soups and soup mixes

  • Ready mixes for pancakes, puddings and desserts

  • Some types of ice cream

  • Breakfast cereal

  • Flavored tofu

  • French fries

Endocrinologist-nutritionist, wellness coach.

“To understand whether you belong to the category of people with celiac disease, gluten allergy, or not, you can conduct a genetic examination, which will help you understand how gluten-containing foods are dangerous for you, or go on a diet for about a month, eliminating potentially harmful to your body products. If, against the background of this diet, you notice an improvement in well-being, then you will most likely have to follow it further. “

1 Comment

  1. Adakah barli juga ada gluten mcm saya amalkan setiap pagi ….baik untuk buah pinggang

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