The five worst morning habits that drain our energy

Morning is the most important part of the day. How the day begins determines the quality of the next 24 hours of life. Many people are unaware of the impact of choices made at dawn on the overall condition. Minor, seemingly harmless habits can negatively affect your well-being and effectively reduce productivity. What unhealthy morning habits to avoid? How good to start the day?

  1. Sleep disorder experts report – delaying wake up by pressing the snooze button has a highly negative effect on the human body
  2. Browsing the phone before getting out of bed causes stress and tension – the psychologist alerts
  3. Giving up breakfast causes a decrease in mental performance
  4. Nutritionists and dietitians warn – the first meal rich in easily digestible carbohydrates causes drowsiness and weakness, increasing hunger
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

A prolonged nap

Small, everyday rituals are part of everyone’s life. Most of these habits are so natural practice that they are not noticeable anymore, and their execution is automatic. Although seemingly innocent habits seem harmless, many of them are unfortunately not conducive to well-being. What morning habits can ruin your day?

“Just 10 more minutes” – a sentence that probably fell from anyone hearing the heartbreaking sound of a human alarm clock. The snooze option on smartphones, which allows you to extend sleep by a few minutes with a single button, seems to be a blessing for people who get up early. However, is delaying wake up really good for our health? According to Dr. Robert Rosenberg, medical director of the Prescott Valley Sleep Disorder Center, Arizona and author of Sleep Deep Every Night To Feel Fantastic Every Day, succumbing to the temptation of a 10-minute siesta is a symptom of chronic sleep deprivation.

Modern man is generally deprived of an adequate dose of rest. The time that an average adult spends in the embrace of Morpheus is 6 hours. 19 min, which definitely deviates from the recommended 8th revolutions of the small clock hand. The fact that the majority of working people, in compensation for five-day sacrifices, allow themselves to sit late on weekends to sleep well. Such practices not only disrupt the biological clock, but also cause a build-up of sleep “debt” that the body tries to “pay off” during the week. Therefore, when the silence of the morning is torn apart by the sound of an alarm that knows no mercy, pressing the button marked nap, is so tempting.


The solution seems simple – get out of bed right after the first sound of the alarm clock. However, half-sleep lovers know that it is easier said than done. Following the above instruction may facilitate adjustment of the biological clock. No more lingering late on weekends – the body given the right amount of sleep every night eventually stops protesting against morning alarms.

Do you have problems with a restful sleep? Try the N ° 1 Deep SLEEP sleep diet supplement from Medonet Market.

Viewing the phone before getting out of bed

Leafing through your smartphone before you throw off your pajamas is not the best way to start your day. Keeping track of current events or following social media causes remorse that generates stress. Joanna Kleinman, a PhD in Psychology from Cherry Hill, NJ, says the negative habit of checking your phone as soon as you open your eyes reminds you of the day’s chores, forcing your still sleepy mind to make an immediate effort.

Browsing email, listening to voicemails, and even sliding your Facebook wall can evoke negative emotions. Excessive self-criticism and jealousy caused by the fact that while the person is still in bed, the rest of the world is operating at full capacity, it is not conducive to well-being. The bad habit of throwing your brain with your morning dose of information is the perfect recipe for wasting the day.


Will be a good morning habit devoting the first several minutes of the day to wake up calmly. Reaching for a smartphone should be preceded by a daily toilet, eating a nutritious breakfast, talking to loved ones or taking the dog for a walk. The information collected in the Cloud does not require care – unlike healthy interpersonal relationships and a good state of mind – so it is worth starting the day with taking care of your and your family’s needs.

For more energy, choose Pukka Vanilla Chai in the morning – vanilla tea with cinnamon and ginger, drunk with breakfast.

Check: Social media. How do they affect our health and functioning in the world?

Postpone exercise

It’s no secret that starting your day with a training session is a healthy morning habit. Research published in 2019 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that people who introduce physical activity into their daily routine can boast better concentration than their passive colleagues at work. It turns out that the inaugural daily dose of properly selected exercises supports learning processes, sharpens attention and makes it easier to make the right decisions.

Training stimulates the oxygenation of internal organs, with the cardiovascular system at the forefront, which helps to reduce fatigue, giving the members an injection of pure energy. In short, getting the right amount of cardio at dawn is a way to be productive in the hours to come.


It is worth forming a habit of starting the day with a short series of gymnastics. It may prove difficult to stick to the decision at first, but when the training routine gets into blood, it will cease to be a chore, turning into pure pleasure. Morning physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins – the hormone of happiness – positively setting the challenges of the waking up day.

To be full of energy from the morning and enjoy your well-being, reach for the BoostMe Health Labs supplement – when you lack energy on a daily basis, which additionally has a positive effect on the body’s immunity.

Give it a try: Workout at home – a safe alternative to the gym

Skipping breakfast

“Breakfast is the basis of healthy eating” – a phrase that sounds a hundred times banal, yet scientists report that the number of people skipping an early snack is still alarmingly high. The main reason adults forgo their morning meal is rush. People who get up early in the morning prefer to forgo food in favor of 10 minutes longer sleep. The consequences of this negative habit are: weakness, drowsiness and a general decline in well-being. Withdrawal from breakfast consumption reduces intellectual performance, which has a negative impact on the quality of work.


Eating a nutritious snack should be a part of the morning. Rich in nutrients, easily digestible food improves the functioning of the body. People who are short on time or whose stomach refuses to eat food early in the morning should consider dosing food gradually. Just after leaving the house, it is worth reaching for a small appetizer, in the form of fruit, and later around 10 o’clock, supplement it with a slice of whole wheat bread.

In the morning, we can give ourselves energy by drinking herbal tea, for example Pukka Fresh Start BIO – tea with lemongrass, which has stimulating properties.

Read: What is best for breakfast? Five suggestions

Eating a breakfast rich in quickly digestible carbohydrates

Sugars are one of the most important elements of the food pyramid and it is impossible to exclude them from the diet, but it should be realized that not all carbohydrates have a positive effect on the human digestive system. Saccharide sources are divided into two types:

  1. slowly digestible – products with a long time release of nutrients, which include traditional food preparations such as bread and vegetables;
  2. quickly digestible – highly processed ratified sugars that are delivered to the body in the form of unhealthy sweets, confectionery or high-sugar drinks.

Breakfast cereals, muffins or croissants containing a high dose of sugar are, contrary to what advertising companies feed consumers, the worst possible breakfast options. Being a portion of empty carbohydrates meal, yes, it will charge the body with a certain amount of energy, unfortunately it will be an apparent and short-term force.

In echo of Isabel Maples, spokeswoman for the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, sugars digested before dinner cause tiredness and drowsiness and increase hungerBy serving yourself a morning dose of “empty calories”, you get the opposite effect – instead of recharging your body with vital vitality, you are deceived by a short injection of power that ultimately reduces performance.


Bad eating habits should be replaced a nutritious breakfast consisting of products from various food groups. Carbohydrates contained in bread and vegetables, supported by products rich in fiber and protein, are the perfect morning meal. This combination of nutrients slows down digestion, allowing the energy necessary for proper functioning to be released gradually.

They can be the cause of malaise and decline in form during the day bad morning habits. How do you change them so that the hours leading up to sunset constitute a highly productive period? The recipe for a good start to the day is to abandon the habits that ruin the psychophysical condition and replace them with new, healthy rituals.

To raise your energy, use Vibrant regularly – the Terranova synergistic complex, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

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