The five worst liver diseases

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It is our largest gland with approximately 500 functions! There is no sensory innervation and when he gets sick it doesn’t hurt. Despite its remarkable regenerative abilities, it does not last forever. Meet the five worst liver diseases.

Acute liver failure (ONW)

This is one of the most dramatic clinical syndromes observed in practice – in a short time (days, weeks) hepatic encephalopathy and plasma coagulation disorders develop in people without cirrhosis. The incidence of LFA is 0,1-5%, and the mortality rate, depending on the causes of the disease, ranges from 30 to 80%.

The disease may appear as a result of poisoning with drugs (drug-induced liver damage) or toxins (most often toadstool toxin), as a result of hepatic venous thrombosis and other systemic diseases, as well as in the course of infection with HBV (less frequently HAV, HCV) or other viruses causing hepatitis.

The clinical picture is dominated by a triad of symptoms: jaundice, blood coagulation disorders and impaired consciousness.

The most serious complications of acute liver failure include cerebral edema and an increase in intracranial pressure. In patients in whom conservative treatment, including hepatic dialysis, is ineffective, liver transplantation may be a rescue.

The dandelion flower, which can be drunk as tea, supports the proper functioning of the liver. You can buy ecological drought at Medonet Market. Dandelion can also be found in the composition of the Liver – a mixture of herbs to support the work of the liver and the entire digestive system.


Chronic, untreated liver problems can lead to the replacement of healthy liver tissue with fibrous tissue. The reconstructed flesh ceases to fulfill its physiological functions and, as a result, leads to the failure of the most important internal organ in the human body.

Alcoholism and chronic hepatitis B or C are the most common causes of cirrhosis in our country. Liver fibrosis can also be caused by the use of certain medications, certain congenital and acquired metabolic diseases (Wilson’s disease, diabetes, obesity), and chronic biliary diseases causing cholestasis.

The disease develops “insidiously” for a long time – asymptomatically or with uncharacteristic symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, itching of the skin. Fully developed cirrhosis of the liver is manifested by symptoms of hemorrhagic diathesis and disturbances of consciousness of varying severity, up to hepatic coma.

Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver involves treating the disease that led to it, preventing the fibrosis from getting worse, and preventing complications from developing. The final stage is organ transplantation.

It is estimated that cirrhosis of the liver is the ninth most common cause of death in general, and the fifth most frequent cause of death in people aged 45-65 years.

To improve the functioning of your liver, we recommend the Tajemnica Zdrowej Wątroby Klimuszko, which is available at at a promotional price. We also recommend SteroHerbs Liver – a herbal mixture containing milk thistle, psyllium plantain and black cumin.

Wilson’s disease

A genetically determined disease that usually manifests itself in adolescence. As a result of mutations in the ATP7B gene, there is an excessive build-up of copper in the body. Initially, the toxic effects of the metal lead to various forms of liver damage, followed by changes in the brain, corneas, and kidneys.

Almost half of the patients suffer from liver dysfunction: hepatitis (chronic or acute), cirrhosis, and hyperacute hepatitis. However, it is only neurological or psychiatric disorders (mood disorders, cognitive disorders, rest and intention tremors, muscle stiffness, drooling, chorea) that are usually the first symptoms on the basis of which Wilson’s disease is diagnosed.

One of the most characteristic symptoms is the Kayser-Fleischer ring visible in the cornea of ​​the eye.

The main method of therapy remains pharmacological treatment, which must be continued throughout the patient’s life. Its termination is possible only in the case of a liver transplant.

Prophylactically, it is worth using Liver support – Pharmovit drop extract available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

Chronic viral hepatitis

Chronic viral hepatitis is a liver disease characterized by necroinflammatory changes for more than six months. It is caused by persistent infection with hepatitis B (HBV), type D (HDV) or type C (HCV) viruses. All chronic viral hepatitis have a risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma.

The symptoms of the disease are very non-specific (fatigue, malaise, food tolerance disorders), and most patients find out about the infection by accident during periodic examinations.

The main goal of treatment of chronic hepatitis B is to achieve permanent suppression of HBV replication to a level that allows inhibition, slowing down, and regression of inflammatory changes and liver fibrosis, and protection against the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.

In chronic hepatitis C, the goal of therapy is to eliminate the hepatitis C virus from the body, which significantly reduces the risk of developing liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.

For the proper functioning of the liver, order Turmeric + piperine for a healthy liver – a dietary supplement in the form of capsules that are easy to swallow. We also recommend Silymarin for a healthy liver, available at a promotional price.

  1. The editorial board recommends: Contact with HCV could have been 90 percent. Poles. The first symptoms even after 30 years

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

It is one of the most common primary liver tumors (over 90% of cases) and is the third or fourth most common cause of death in patients with cirrhosis. In Western Europe and the USA, the disease rarely occurs before the age of 50. Hepatocellular carcinoma develops more often in men than in women. About 3000 new cases are diagnosed in Poland each year.

The risk factors for developing HCC include:

  1. cirrhosis,
  2. chronic infection with hepatitis B and C viruses,
  3. toxic agents, e.g. alcohol,
  4. long-term exposure to aflatoxins and hormonal preparations.

Due to the complexity of hepatocellular carcinoma, its multifactorial etiology, large clinical differentiation and poor long-term prognosis, treatment remains a major challenge. In untreated HCC, most patients die within four months of the onset of symptoms. Liver transplantation is believed to be the only effective and radical method of HCC management, and the five-year survival of patients without recurrence is 60-80%.

If you want to take care of your liver and prevent ailments related to it, try dietary supplements based on natural plant extracts, such as Artichoke Elixir or Turmeric Elixir available at Medonet Market. You can also regularly drink the herbal Liver Support Tea, made from artichoke and St. John’s wort.

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