The five worst diseases of the pancreas

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The pancreas is ill quietly and gives little characteristic symptoms: diarrhea, weight loss, itching of the skin … This makes patients see their doctors too late. Discover the five most dangerous diseases of the pancreas.

  1. A sick pancreas does not give any symptoms for a long time. Patients who do not visit doctors for years and do not perform checkups, will learn the diagnosis when the disease is already very advanced
  2. The factors that increase the risk of pancreatic diseases include alcohol, smoking, obesity, and an unhealthy diet.
  3. One of the most common symptoms of pancreatic problems is abdominal pain, which is easily attributed to other ailments
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Pancreatic cancer

Most of us associate it with the sentence. The disease is usually detected at a very advanced stage, when metastases are already present and the pancreatic tumor is inoperable. In Poland, nearly 3000 new cases are reported each year, and the following risk factors include: age, smoking, diabetes, previous exposure to the pancreas due to another cancer, chronic recurrent pancreatitis and obesity.

Symptoms depend on the size, location of the tumor and the stage of the disease at diagnosis – patients most often report abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea and weight loss. Often the first symptom of pancreatic cancer is jaundice. According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) data, pancreatic cancer is the only cancer in the world with a single-digit five-year survival rate. In Poland, it does not exceed 5-6 percent. – it is estimated that only every fourth patient survives one year after diagnosis.

  1. One of the most insidious cancers. Can pancreatic cancer be avoided?

Acute pancreatitis

Persistent and severe epigastric pain appears suddenly and gradually becomes stronger. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and often also by fever. This is a typical clinical picture of acute pancreatitis – a disease that most often appears as a result of excessive alcohol consumption or as a result of gallstone disease. patients suffer from yellowing of the skin caused by obstructed outflow of bile, in 30% breathlessness. The essence of acute pancreatitis is the inflammatory process that leads to the self-digestion of the organ by pancreatic enzymes.

The inflammatory reaction can be so strong that it gets out of control, leading to what is known as a generalized inflammatory reaction (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome; SIRS) and multiple organ failure. Severe acute pancreatitis may lead to respiratory failure, renal failure, cardiovascular failure, and blood clotting disorders. In about 10 percent. cases of severe acute pancreatitis end in death. Adequate diet, giving up alcohol and quitting smoking are key in the treatment of acute pancreatitis. Pain medications are administered. Unfortunately, acute pancreatitis can be recurrent.

  1. Supporting the pancreas, drink pancreatic tea regularly, which you can find at Medonet Market.

Chronic pancreatitis

In 80 percent. chronic pancreatitis (CP) is caused by alcohol abuse. Other risk factors include cigarette smoking, genetic predisposition, and a high-calorie diet high in protein and fat. The chronic inflammatory process that takes place in the pancreatic parenchyma leads to irreversible morphological changes within the organ. Characteristic bouts of abdominal pain may appear many years before diagnosis of the disease. Other symptoms associated with CP include weight loss due to the fear of eating, which triggers or worsens pain, and diarrhea (fatty stools) as a result of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency.

The patient’s prognosis depends on genetic predisposition as well as on exposure to alcohol and smoking. About 70 percent. patients with CP live for 10 years, and 45 percent. lives 20 years. However, about 4 percent. patients with CP for 20 years will develop pancreatic cancer. Chronic pancreatitis requires the care of a team of specialists consisting of an experienced gastroenterologist, diabetologist and surgeon. It is essential to follow an easily digestible diet and to take pancreatic enzymes with food.

It is always worth taking care of your pancreas – also if you have no problems with it. Reach for the Tajemnica Zdrowej Przustki Klimuszko, which you can buy at at a promotional price.

  1. The six things that harm your pancreas the most

Pancreatic cysts

These are fluid-filled closed cavities located in the head, body or tail of the pancreas. There are two types of cysts: pseudocysts, which account for about 70 percent. all changes and true. The former are surrounded by connective tissue, while the wall surrounding the latter is made of epithelium. The reasons for their formation are also different – while pseudocysts are most often a complication of acute or chronic pancreatitis, true cysts may be malignant neoplasms.

The occurrence of clinical symptoms depends primarily on their size. Larger cysts can cause a number of gastrointestinal symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, gas, and weight loss. Why should pancreatic cysts not be underestimated? If not treated in time, the cyst can become infected. An alarming signal is fever and very severe epigastric pain. In addition, the infected cyst may rupture and its contents spill out into the abdominal cavity, which may result in peritonitis, which is a life-threatening condition.

For prophylactic diseases and ailments of the pancreas, drink tea prepared from the pancreas – a mixture of herbs such as dandelion, mint, nettle and hops.

  1. A symptom that could mean you have serious problems with your pancreas

Pancreatic stones

In the course of the disease, pancreatic stones form in the main pancreatic duct and / or in its branches, which impede the outflow of pancreatic juice into the gastrointestinal tract, thus leading to its stagnation. Pancreatic calculi most often occurs in the course of acute pancreatitis. Stones in the pancreatic duct can also develop in hyperparathyroidism, when the amount of calcium and phosphate in the blood increases.

The main symptom of the disease is sudden and severe pain in the upper abdomen. Associated symptoms may include jaundice, drooling, vomiting and fever. Treatment of pancreatic stones involves the removal of stones from the pancreatic duct during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). The disease should not be taken lightly – if left untreated, it can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Do you have symptoms that indicate pancreatic problems? You can opt for a pancreatic insufficiency mail-order test available on Medonet Market.

You can also perform pancreas tests – a package of blood tests in which you will measure the level of amylase, CA 19-9 and lipase responsible for the proper functioning of the pancreas.

You can use the pancreas prophylactically – a liquid supplement that regulates the digestive system.

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