The five worst bowel diseases

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They are called our “second brain”. When they malfunction, the entire body suffers. Although the symptoms of their diseases are relatively characteristic, it is not always easy to make a correct diagnosis. Meet the five worst bowel diseases.

Colon cancer

In Poland, about 18 are diagnosed each year. new cases. Most cases are diagnosed in patients over 50 years of age. It is estimated that colorectal cancer is the third most common malignant neoplasm in men and the second in women.

Unfortunately, experts emphasize that the incidence and mortality rates have been increasing in both sexes for several years. It is worth remembering that prophylactic colonoscopy can reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer by up to 60-90%. Unfortunately, knowledge about the importance of this test in detecting colorectal cancer is still low in society and therefore still too few people use this form of free prophylaxis.

The disease usually develops slowly and symptoms depend on the location and stage of the cancer. In the early stages, nonspecific abdominal pain and flatulence predominate, which may suggest less serious ailments. In about 20 percent. in cases of colorectal cancer, patients see a doctor for urgent indications, such as: severe constipation, gastrointestinal obstruction, perforation-related peritonitis.

Unfortunately, nearly one fifth of cases are diagnosed at the stage of tumor spreading. The most common distant metastases are in the liver, lungs, lymph nodes, bones and brain. The choice of treatment method depends on the stage of the cancer at the time of diagnosis, and surgery is the key.

Take care of your intestines before it’s too late. Order today a set of digestive and intestinal supplements – Harmonix + Cemmunix, which supports both the digestive and immune systems.

  1. Five signs it’s not your usual stomach ache. When to see a doctor?

Leśniowski and Crohn’s disease

It belongs to inflammatory bowel diseases. Inflammatory changes may occur in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, but their most common location is the terminal ileum, small intestine and large intestine.

The exact cause of the disease is unknown – three factors are listed among the mechanisms of its formation: individual susceptibility, disturbed intestinal microflora, and an abnormal immune response of the patient’s mucosa. The first symptoms of Crohn’s disease are non-specific, which makes diagnosis difficult and delayed. These include weakness, fever and weight loss.

Treatment is chronic, preventing relapses and relieving the course of exacerbations. Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs are most commonly used. Sometimes patients undergo surgical procedures related to local complications (abscesses, fistulas, partial intestinal obstruction). A rare long-term effect of the disease, occurring in 1,5% of the patient is colorectal cancer. Factors that increase the risk of developing the disease include the long duration of the disease and the involvement of a large part of the large intestine.

Want to get tested for inflammatory bowel conditions? You can perform a mail-order stool test for acute enteritis or diagnosis of chronic bowel inflammation.

Ulcerative colitis

Like Leśniowski and Crohn’s disease, it is classified as inflammatory bowel diseases. The inflammatory process affects the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine, and the dominant symptom is diarrhea, often bloody.

Heavy mileage, which concerns about 20 percent. Patients are manifested by passing more than six bloody stools a day, severe weakness, weight loss, high temperature, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, marked abdominal tenderness, decreased peristalsis, anemia and low serum albumin.

Increased gastrointestinal bleeding may lead to severe anemia and the need for blood transfusions. The lumen of the intestine may expand and the so-called toxic distension of the colon. Treatment is chronic – it consists in preventing recurrences and relieving the course of exacerbations. Colorectal cancer is a rare long-term effect of ulcerative colitis in inflammatory bowel disease.

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Acute Intestinal Ischemia (ONJ)

Called “intestinal infarction” – occurs when the inferior or superior mesenteric artery is blocked. It is most often caused by a blood clot, which may result from myocarditis, atrial fibrillation or valve degeneration. The most common symptom of acute intestinal ischemia is severe abdominal pain that has no specific cause and comes on suddenly. When the peristalsis accelerates, the patient begins to experience diarrhea.

Then nausea and vomiting join the symptoms. If necrosis occurs, the intestinal wall ruptures and intestinal contents leak into the abdominal cavity, leading to peritonitis.

In treatment, the most important thing is to recognize the disease quickly. It is estimated that if symptoms last longer than 24 hours, the gut can only be saved in 18 percent. patients.

All cases of the disease, regardless of the cause, require immediate surgical treatment, which consists in restoring blood flow in the mesenteric arteries by removing the clot / embolus or by implanting a bypass bypassing the occluded part of the artery. If intestinal necrosis has occurred, it is also necessary to excise the dead part of the gastrointestinal tract.

Although patient survival has improved over the past four decades, mortality remains high – an average of 70%. the sick dies. In the case of necrosis and rupture of the intestine, the mortality rate is up to 90%!

If you want to prevent the development of dangerous diseases, and thus improve the functioning of the intestines and support the digestive system, reach for a mixture of natural fibers. You can find it on Medonet Market.

Intestinal perforation

In extreme cases, it can lead to death. It requires prompt diagnosis and treatment, which is usually surgical. It appears when all layers of the digestive tract are destroyed, the so-called rupture of the intestine, which results in the passage of food contents beyond the gastrointestinal tract.

Intestinal perforation is most often caused by gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer or a traumatic cause. Symptoms include severe abdominal pain compared to a knife injury, gas in the peritoneum, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, bloody diarrhea, bradycardia and fever.

Treatment consists in a short-term operation that lasts from 2 to 4 hours – depending on the patient’s condition, location of perforation and its cause. During the operation, specialists perform a bowel resection and irrigation of the peritoneal cavity. A temporary stoma is often removed after resection. After some time, the remaining parts of the intestine are fixed.

Take care of your intestines today with JeliHerbs Good Intestinal Function – a herbal mixture containing psyllium seeds, linseeds and psyllium husk.

See also:

  1. The seven foods that stay in your intestines the longest
  2. Embarrassing diseases are not only transmitted sexually. Here are other routes of infection
  3. Diseases that kill over half of Poles

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