The five most painful diseases

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It turns out that natural childbirth, tooth pulp inflammation or acute otitis media are not the peak of human endurance. There are much more painful ailments. Meet the five most painful diseases.

  1. Trigeminal neuralgia has been described as having the strongest pain in life. It causes a permanent grimace on the patient’s face
  2. The kidney pain accompanying kidney stones is also unbearable. Women describe them as being stronger than the pain of labor
  3. You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Injury to the trigeminal nerve accompanied by severe pain is called neuralgia, neuralgia, or facial pain. Depending on whether the damage is in both trigeminal nerves or in one, the symptoms may affect half the face or be bilateral. The main symptom is severe, paroxysmal pain that lasts from a few seconds to a maximum of two minutes. The pain is stinging, stinging, or burning, and it comes in a flash. The location of the pain is always the same and it does not spread to new places.

The pain is so severe that it causes a frown on the patient’s face, rubbing or tapping the hand at the site of pain. It is described as the strongest pain in lifehard to imagine. Seizures can happen several times a day, with asymptomatic periods that can last for days or months. The disease is seasonal – pain most often occurs from November to February, and the asymptomatic state is from May to September. Between attacks, the sick person feels a great fear of the impending pain, which may lead to the development of mental disorders. Trigeminal neuralgia is treated with drugs or surgery.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever

It is a particularly dangerous infectious disease caused by the Ebola virus of the Filoviridae family. Its mortality rate is 70-80 percent. The clinical course of Ebola hemorrhagic fever is characterized by an acute onset with a rapid rise in body temperature to over 40 ° C, headaches, muscle and joint pain, pharyngitis and oesophagitis with ulceration. The symptoms of hemorrhagic diathesis come to the fore: petechiae on the skin and mucous membranes, including the conjunctiva, bloody vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, extreme exhaustion and weight loss occur very quickly.

In most cases, Ebola fever is accompanied by a maculopapular rash and features of liver damage with jaundice. Some patients may also develop neurological disorders and renal failure, manifested by the passing of a small amount of urine, and in severe cases, uremic coma. Severe cases of Ebola fever lead to death in coma and / or massive gastrointestinal bleeding. Symptomatic treatment is of paramount importance, consisting in the correction of water and electrolyte disturbances, substitution of coagulation factors, anti-shock management and treatment of complications such as renal failure or respiratory failure. So far, there are no registered antiviral drugs with documented effect.

Esophageal Achalasia

Achalasia is a chronic disease belonging to the group of primary esophageal motility disorders, often leading to malnutrition and a significant deterioration in the quality of life. Its causes are not clearly explained – the influence of autoimmune, infectious and environmental factors is considered. Swallowing disorders are the most characteristic of achalasia, initially related to solid food and later also to liquid food. They may be associated with regurgitation, chest pain, heartburn, and chronic cough and choking. The mainstay of achalasia treatment are endoscopic interventions, consisting in balloon widening of the narrowed esophagus or injection of botulinum toxin. Surgical treatment is also undertaken in selected cases. A new therapeutic method – peroral endoscopic myotomy has been developing very dynamically in recent years.

Frozen shoulder syndrome

Frozen shoulder is a disease characterized by a large limitation of mobility in the shoulder joint, as well as the accompanying increasing pain. In addition to the articular capsule, the disease process also affects the tendons in the shoulder area, synovial bursae, muscles, nerves and blood vessels. The frozen shoulder problem usually affects women between the ages of 40 and 60 and can be related to immunological, biochemical and hormonal disorders.

Previous studies indicate a high correlation of a frozen shoulder with: diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, increased blood fat levels or stress. The disease is quite a serious ailment that can lead to a significant limitation of the functions of the diseased limb, therefore proper diagnosis and timely initiation of appropriate treatment are necessary for the return of the lost motor functions. Conservative treatment includes pharmacotherapy and intensive rehabilitation and may last up to two years. Any attempts to intensely accelerate the natural course of the disease may result in a recurrence of pain and the joint “freezing” again. In exceptional cases, when long-term rehabilitation is ineffective, surgery should be considered.

Kidney stones

Nephrolithiasis is the build-up of chemicals in the urinary tract made of chemicals that are usually found in the urine. Sometimes a stone or stones in the kidneys do not show any symptoms for years. During this time, they can slowly enlarge, sometimes to a large size, and fill the entire pelvis and the calyxes of the kidney. A typical symptom of nephrolithiasis is renal colic, i.e. sudden, extremely severe pain, often described by women as significantly stronger than labor pains. Renal colic causes the stone to move from the kidney to the ureter, causing it to become irritated and partially or completely obstructed. Pain accompanying renal colic it is acute, sometimes spasmodic, located near the kidney or lower abdomen.

Many patients experience nausea or vomit during an attack of renal colic. Urine excreted during an attack of renal colic may turn red due to the presence of blood. Symptoms of nephrolithiasis in the form of an attack of renal colic occur at least once in a lifetime in about 10% of patients. men and 5 percent. women. The first attack of renal colic usually appears between the ages of 20 and 40. In some cases, nephrolithiasis persists for several dozen years, and during this time patients excrete stones many times and undergo urological procedures.

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