The five best-paid medical specializations in Poland

Polish public opinion, and above all the medical community, was electrified by the statement of Stanisław Karczewski, who said on TVN24 that doctors “earn very well at the moment”. He also recalled an anesthesiologist employed in one of the “covid” hospitals, whose monthly salary amounts to PLN 50. zlotys.

  1. The PIS senator stated that he knew from one of the directors of covid hospitals that the anesthesiologist could count on a salary of PLN 50 there. zloty. He did not give details, so it is difficult to precisely verify his words
  2. However, this is a good time to recall the best-paid medical specializations. Among them is anesthesiology
  3. Salaries of aesthetic medicine doctors, ophthalmologists and orthopedists reach several dozen thousand. PLN per month
  4. High salaries are the norm, e.g. among orthodontists. Monthly payments at the level of 15-20 thousand. PLN are not uncommon, but rather the norm
  5. For more up-to-date information on the coronavirus epidemic, visit the TvoiLokony home page

The best-paid medical specialties – anesthesiology

Every operating theater needs his help. It is the anaesthesiologist who qualifies the patient for surgery, performs anesthesia, and then monitors vital signs and administers subsequent doses of anesthetics.

However, his tasks do not end there – as part of the so-called post-operative care prevents complications and treats pain and respiratory depression. In addition, she runs chronic pain clinics, performs resuscitation and resuscitation in hospitals and ambulance teams, assists with organ transplants and helps with childbirth.

Jobs for anesthesiologists await in different places and there are many options: public hospital, pain clinics, emergency medical teams, private clinics. Good specialists, along with on-call duty, can count on a salary ranging from PLN 15 to PLN 40. PLN per month.

  1. 50 a month on hand for an anesthesiologist? We checked

How much does an aesthetic medicine doctor earn?

In a world where wrinkles are in the spotlight, beautification can make money… and it’s pretty good. At the beginning of their careers, plastic surgeons can count on an average of PLN 5-6 thousand, later it is only better. The salary of reputable specialists reaches several dozen thousand zlotys.

What determines success is an efficient hand, precision, resistance to stress and a sense of aesthetics. Marketing of medical services, including famous people who will openly recommend your office, helps. Although plastic surgeons earn the most from breast augmentation, rhinoplasty (correction of the nose) and liposuction, some deal with the reconstruction of congenital and traumatic body defects. They heal burns, carry out skin transplants, and reconstruct organs after transplantation.

Ophthalmology – what are the salaries?

One of the most promising specializations in our list. Especially since myopia is becoming more common, and as the population ages, the number of patients with presbyopia, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, open-angle glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy continues to increase.

After completing the specialization, an ophthalmologist can look for work in various medical facilities, including ophthalmic clinics, hospitals, clinics, and also see patients in a private office. By opening his own business, he will probably earn the most money. “Exquisite” name, positive opinions among patients and greater effectiveness than the competition are important.

Specialists who perform complex procedures: those operating on glaucoma, cataracts or laser correcting the patient’s eyesight (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism) can count on salary up to 60 zlotys.

  1. “Recently, a doctor from my clinic saw an infected patient who concealed it”

Best-paying specialties: orthopedics

This is another specialization that can bring considerable money for the talented and hardworking. The more so because a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and Western diets contributed to the plague of posture defects. It is estimated that 80% of people experience back and spine pain. people around the world, in the case of Polish children it is even worse.

What exactly does an orthopedist do? Diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, i.e. the skeleton (except for the skull bones), the ligament and joint system and muscles. Heals bone fractures and fractures, as well as torn muscles and tendons.

Average earnings in this profession amount to approximately PLN 4600 gross per month and largely depend on the workplace – orthopedists working in small towns for facilities employing up to 50 people (approximately PLN 6800 gross per month) will earn the most, and doctors working for large state hospitals will earn the least. Orthopedists choosing the private sector can count on the largest sums. There, salaries can exceed 50.

Orthodontists and prosthetists – how much do they earn?

Although orthodontics is associated primarily with straightening teeth that grow crookedly, a doctor of this specialization not only treats dental defects and malocclusions, but also deals with determining the causes of their formation.

Considering that the demand for a Hollywood smile is increasing, earnings of PLN 15 to PLN 20 are not a problem for orthodontists, but rather the norm.

In turn, the prosthetist deals mainly with the production and repair of orthodontic appliances, as well as dentures. His work is based on constant cooperation with the dentist and requires precision, concentration and manual skills. The profession of prosthetist is best profitable when working in a private clinic or setting up your own office. In these cases, earnings will exceed the national average,

The editorial board recommends:

  1. “I will not go there any more, because I will hear that I am letting go”. The worst texts of gynecologists
  2. They work for 3 PLN on hand. These are the worst-paid specializations
  3. Much or average? The Central Statistical Office (GUS) revealed how much doctors in Poland earn

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