The first week of pregnancy, what are the first sensations?

This article is about the first week of pregnancy. The processes occurring in the body of a woman at this stage of her life are described, early signs of pregnancy are indicated, useful recommendations are given regarding proper nutrition and lifestyle in general.

1 week of pregnancy is a rather conditional period. Gynecologists start counting from the first day of the last menstruation. It is this number that all women most often remember, while it is not always possible to accurately determine the date of conception. In addition, even if a couple knows for sure the day when unprotected intercourse occurred, this does not mean that the fertilization of the egg happened at that moment. Conception can occur even a few days after intimacy. Although it is possible that the partners who were planning a pregnancy did an ovulation test, and it was on that day that fertilization occurred. In this case, the woman knows for sure from what day the pregnancy began.

You can also start counting the first week of pregnancy from the exact date of conception if in vitro fertilization was used for this.

What happens at 1 weeks pregnant?

There is a difference between such two concepts as embryonic and gestational gestational age.

The gestational age is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation (not from the beginning of the delay, but from those periods that the woman had the last). The starting point of the embryonic period is the day of fertilization. The embryonic period is usually shorter than the gestational period by 14-18 days. The fact is that from the first day of menstruation to ovulation takes about 2-2,5 weeks, depending on the length of the cycle. It is during this interval that fertilization of the egg can occur.

1 week of pregnancy is an important date in obstetrics. At this time, the woman’s body is experiencing serious changes that are aimed at preparing for bearing the fetus.

The standard gestational age is 40 weeks, 10 obstetric months, or 280 days. Do not confuse calendar and obstetric month. There are 4 weeks in the obstetric month, that is, exactly 28 days.

If a woman knows exactly the day the last menstruation began, then it is not at all difficult to calculate the day of birth. To this date, you need to add another 7 days and count 3 months ago.

The main signs of pregnancy

It is almost impossible to understand by any signs that a woman has a gestational age of 1 week. After all, pregnancy as such has not yet occurred. Signs indicating that fertilization has occurred appear after some time. There may be aching pains localized in the lower abdomen. They resemble those uncomfortable sensations that appear before the start of the next menstruation. In addition, a woman may become more irritable.

Ovulation and conception

The day of the beginning of each menstruation is the start to prepare the body for the upcoming pregnancy. At this time, the old layer of the endometrium leaves, which is replaced by a new one. It has a loose structure and is excellent for the introduction of the embryo.

Hormonal changes promote egg maturation. This complex process begins in the early years, even at the time of puberty of the girl. It is at this time that follicles begin to develop.

Each menstrual cycle in the ovary matures several follicles at once. However, one of them grows faster than the others. It is from it during ovulation that the egg will be released, which will be ready for fertilization.

After ovulation occurs, the mature egg passes from the abdominal cavity into the fallopian tube. It is there that the female germ cell most often meets with the spermatozoon and conception occurs.

Ovulation occurs 12-16 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. But this process can happen a little earlier, and a little later: on the 8th or even on the 19th day. That is why it is difficult to establish the exact date of the birth of the future fetus. However, if partners are planning a pregnancy, the preparation process must be approached responsibly.

Diet and vitamin intake

At the initial stages of pregnancy, especially in the first weeks after conception, very important changes occur in the structure of the embryo. All organs and systems are laid, all tissues begin to form. Even the slightest negative factor at such early stages of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, proper nutrition of the expectant mother is one of the components of a successful pregnancy and the health of the unborn child.

You need to eat fully, starting from the moment you plan to conceive. After pregnancy, it is important to carefully monitor your diet. Firstly, the menu must be designed in such a way that a woman can receive the required amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates from it daily. The diet should be enriched with foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, nuts and berries. Alcoholic beverages must be completely abandoned. It is forbidden to eat foods with preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers. In general, any chemical additives can be harmful.

Secondly, you need to consult a doctor. It is possible that he will prescribe some vitamins. It is very important that the fetus is not deficient in folic acid. This will minimize the risk of birth defects of the nervous system. You can take folic acid as an independent drug, or you can get it from multivitamin complexes.

As a rule, gynecologists advise starting taking vitamins 3 months before the expected pregnancy. This will provide the baby with all the necessary substances and give birth safely.

Feelings of a future mother

As mentioned, there are no specific signs indicating the onset of pregnancy at 1 week. Since this period coincides with the beginning of the next menstruation, then the sensations will be appropriate: increased irritability and pain in the lower abdomen. You can feel the first signs of pregnancy only 1 week after fertilization.

The following early signs of pregnancy help to suspect that conception has occurred:

  • Menstruation does not occur on time. It is by the delay of menstruation that most women learn about pregnancy. Hormonal changes take place in the body. The corpus luteum produces progesterone, which prevents the endometrium from being shed. As a result, bleeding does not occur. It is worth considering that the absence of menstruation is not always a sign of pregnancy. Sometimes menstruation continues to go even after conception has occurred.

  • A woman who tracks her basal body temperature should notice a rise in these values, which is due to the increased production of progesterone.

  • Sometimes even in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman sometimes begins to experience nausea, dizziness and weakness. Most often, these unpleasant symptoms appear in the morning.

  • The nature of the secretions changes, the volume of cervical mucus produced increases. Although, some women may not pay attention to this sign.

  • There may be aching pain in the lower abdomen. These sensations are associated with contraction of the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy. Such pain often occurs before the onset of the next menstrual bleeding.

  • The appearance of discharge with blood. The blood in the mucus is explained by the fact that the embryo has invaded the endometrium, damaging the small blood vessels along the way. Most often this happens 7 days before the start of the next menstruation.

  • Performing a pregnancy test shows a positive result. Two strips most often indicate that conception has occurred, although sometimes tests can give a false positive result.

Useful tips for pregnant women

1 week of pregnancy is a very important time to start preparing for bearing a child, so you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not allow any toxic compounds to enter the body. To do this, you must stop smoking, completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages, and not take medicines that can harm the embryo. Be sure to visit a doctor if there are signs of any disease.

  • It is impossible to allow exposure of x-rays to the pelvic area. If the doctor talks about the need to perform such a study, you need to warn him about planning a pregnancy.

  • It is necessary to minimize any emotional upheaval. When a woman’s work is associated with constant stress, she should think in advance about the possibility of changing jobs or going on vacation. It is desirable to spend as much time as possible with your partner, building a trusting relationship with him. Sexual intercourse in the first week of pregnancy is not prohibited.

  • It is necessary to adhere to the general recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle: walk more, eat right, sleep the prescribed number of hours, strengthen the immune system, take vitamins.

  • You can not contact people who are carriers of any infectious diseases. Any virus that enters the body of a pregnant woman can adversely affect the development of the embryo.

  • When planning pregnancy, it is imperative to visit a doctor, especially if a woman has any chronic diseases. Sometimes ultrasound and other studies are required.

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