The first victims of the epidemic of a deadly disease. Meningococcus attacks the brain and spinal cord [NEW PANDEMIC?]

American health services sound the alarm. A meningococcal epidemic is spreading in Florida. Diseases caused by these bacteria can lead to death or severe and irreversible organism dysfunction.

  1. So far, 26 people in Florida have contracted meningococcal disease in a short time and seven more have died, so the US authorities are calling for a meningococcal vaccine
  2. Invasive meningococcal disease is one of the most severe out-of-hospital bacterial infections. In extreme cases, it has as much as 80 percent. mortality
  3.  Infection occurs through droplets or through direct contact. It is a myth that it spreads through sexual contact. It is not related to sexual orientation
  4. You can find more similar news on the TvoiLokony home page

US authorities have so far recorded 26 cases of meningococcal disease. Seven people died. The government’s infectious disease agency (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has described the current situation in Florida as “one of the worst outbreaks of meningococcal disease among gays and bisexuals in US history.”

Meningococci – symptoms

Meningococcal disease develops imperceptibly and the first symptoms may appear as early as three days after infection. The symptoms most often begin with a sudden fever, muscle aches and pains which may be accompanied by vomiting. Depending on the form of the disease, symptoms may be associated with meningitis or sepsis. A characteristic symptom is a haemorrhagic rash, most often beginning on the lower extremities.

The agency hopes to reach out as soon as possible with an appeal in Florida to all men who have sex with men to get vaccinated. While meningococcal disease develops regardless of the sex of the host, they do particularly well in closed and isolated communities. The situation is very serious because the mortality rate is around 10-13%, and in the case of sepsis and septic shock, it can reach 80%.

Meningococci can infect the lining of the brain and spinal cord, causing meningitis, and can also enter the bloodstream. This is how this bacterium kills people.

Antibiotic therapy is used during treatment. However, this does not guarantee the body will return to full fitness. 15 out of 100 people with meningococcal disease dieand 20 percent patients who have won the disease develop long-term and severe disability brain damage or deafness. Sometimes limb amputation is necessary.

«The scale of the disease is simply terrifying. Many cases have been diagnosed in young men who have so far been the specimens of health » Sam Crowe, an epidemiologist at the CDC, tells

Meningococci – ways of infection

Contrary to stereotypes, meningococcal disease is not transmitted through sexual contact, nor is it related to sexual orientation. The bacterium Neisseria Meningitidis is responsible for causing it. The infection occurs via the droplet route or direct contact. The disease is favored by:

  1. shared utensils and cutlery by several people, drinking from one bottle;
  2. the presence of many people for long periods in small, closed rooms;
  3. joint use of the same psychoactive substance, smoking “per company” one cigarette or the use of one pipe;

«People do not catch the bacterium through accidental contact or breathing air in which a person with meningococcal disease has been present. This requires close contact over a period of time or direct contact, such as a kiss or the sharing of drinks » the Florida Department of Health reported in April.

Most of the cases have been reported in small, closed communities. However, two of them are completely isolated and unrelated to any of the major outbreaks. These men may have had multiple contact with asymptomatic carriers. Carriers can range from two to 25 percent. population.

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Meningococci – vaccination recommendations

In the US, meningococcal vaccines are already recommended for all adolescents, but are not compulsory. In Poland vaccine meningococcal drugs are recommended but not reimbursedand their use is not common. At the same time, studies show that almost all children develop protective antibodies in protective concentrations after the vaccination course is completed.

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