The first trimester ultrasound
When does the first ultrasound take place?
La first ultrasound compulsory takes place around 12 weeks of amenorrhea. For the 2nd trimester ultrasound and the 3rd trimester ultrasound, it will be necessary to wait respectively for the 22nd and then the 32nd week of amenorrhea. Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses ultrasound to visualize the fetus. The probe photographs “cuts”, that is to say, it “cuts” the body into discs. Ultrasound is most often performed externally, with a probe simply moved to the abdomen. Sometimes it can be endovaginal, with the catheter then inserted into the vagina. On the day of the examination, the skin of the stomach should be neither too dry nor too oily. So, pay particular attention to anti-stretch mark creams, it is better to avoid putting them on the D-day. To facilitate the passage of ultrasound through the skin, the doctor puts an aqueous gel on the abdomen.
The exam usually lasts about XNUMX minutes. Do not worry if the doctor is not very talkative: the ultrasound requires maximum concentration and vigilance. You can ask any questions you want once the exam is over.
What is the first ultrasound for?
This first examination makes it possible to verify:
- The number of embryos and therefore to know if we will have twins or, why not, triplets! It also accurately determines the date of conception of the child, essential to monitor its growth and avoid the risk of exceeding the term of pregnancy;
- Baby’s vitality : the sonographer observes the activity of the fetus, if it is mobile and if its movements are numerous;
- The morphology of the baby : the doctor makes sure that there are no morphological abnormalities. He examines his skull, checks that it has two arms and two legs, and that each of its members is divided into 3 parts (forearm, arm, hand), that his heart is on the left. He also takes care that the anterior abdominal wall is well closed, that the stomach and bladder are in place. He looks to see if the spine (the spine) does not present anomalies… Particular attention is also paid to the environment in which the baby lives: quantity of amniotic fluid, study and location of the placenta;
- Nuchal translucency, that is, the thickness of the neck of the fetus. Its measurement makes it possible to detect possible chromosomal abnormalities, such as trisomy 21, and certain severe malformations. After the very precise 12-week period of amenorrhea, the landmarks change and the nuchal translucency measurement is no longer significant.
Early detection of Down’s syndrome
Since 2009, it has been recommended to screen for trisomy 21 in two stages. In addition to the nuchal translucency measurement, another examination: the “serum markers” test. It consists of a blood test from the mother which must be done after the first ultrasound. This test makes it possible to measure the presence of the PAPP-A protein and of the βHCG hormone. The combination of these two evaluations and the maternal age allows a quantified assessment of the risk of trisomy 21. Please note, this is only the evaluation of a risk. This examination does not make it possible to make the diagnosis of trisomy 21.
Le non-invasive prenatal screening (DPNI) is now the procedure undertaken between nuchal translucency measurement and amniocentesis. It is offered to all future mothers whose first examinations reveal a risk between 1 / 1 and 000/1. From a risk equal to 1/50, amniocentesis is recommended from the outset. DPNI is 99% reliable.
How much does the first ultrasound cost?
Between 48,35 and 150 euros. The Social Security rate is 48,35 euros, of which it reimburses 70%, the rest will be paid by the mutual. But the majority of specialists post higher prices, from 50 to 150 euros (except at the public hospital), and there are few places. You must therefore make this appointment very early, ask for the rate applied and find out about the coverage by the mutual.