The first three weeks of pregnancy
Signs of pregnancy in the third week are subtle. Only women with a high sensitivity to any changes in the body feel the changes.
Feelings of a woman in the first three weeks of pregnancy
In some cases, from the first weeks, the appetite becomes unpredictable. Pregnant women suffer from severe hunger or become completely indifferent to food. Even the food you love begins to turn into disgust, and instead, there is an interest in exotic and strange dishes. Some women cannot stand the smell of food, which leads to constant nausea or vomiting.
In the first three weeks of pregnancy, the test may show a negative result.
A pregnant woman may experience unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen and bursting sensations in the mammary glands. Frequent companions of the first weeks of pregnancy include:
- tearfulness;
- drowsiness;
- fatigue;
- depression
- increased irritability;
- mood swings.
Frequent urination and digestive disorders can also alert the expectant mother. But sometimes these manifestations are confused with signs of approaching menstruation (PMS), which never occurs due to pregnancy.
In rare cases, a woman’s well-being remains normal, and she does not even suspect about changes in the body.
Fetal development at three weeks of pregnancy
The fertilized egg enters the uterus. At first, she uses her reserves of nutrients, but from the third week she must attach to the wall of the uterus and feed with the help of the maternal circulatory system.
At this time, the nervous and circulatory system, the rudiments of the vertebrae, limbs, muscles and ribs begin to form. By the end of the third week, the rudiments of the respiratory organs, brain, intestines and pancreas appear. By this time, the first blood cells begin to develop.
In size, the embryo does not exceed 1,5-2 mm and in appearance resembles a tiny auricle in the bladder
It is during this period that the impact of various unfavorable factors on the mother’s body can have a bad effect on the development of the fetus. The use of antibiotics and hormonal agents is unacceptable, since there is a high risk of the formation of pathologies, deformities and anomalies. Nutrition should be balanced and rich in nutrients and vitamins. Deficiency of vitamins often leads to intrauterine growth disorders of the fetus.
An attentive attitude to your health during this period will help to bear and give birth to a healthy and strong baby.