The first symptoms of multiple sclerosis – what can they look like? WE EXPLAIN

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Symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) most often appear between the ages of 20 and 40. The disease is characterized by stages of symptom intensity and remission, which are different for each patient. There is no cure for multiple sclerosis, but disease progression can be effectively inhibited. That’s why it’s so important to get a diagnosis quickly. Find out what are the early symptoms of MS that you need to watch out for.

Symptoms of MS – balance disturbance and dizziness

Balance problems and dizziness are common among MS patients. They can cause difficulty walking and coordination problems. At first, it may seem like someone is just a bit clumsy. However, if such situations repeat themselves, they can mean the origins of multiple sclerosis.

Any doubts related to your health should be consulted with your family doctor. You can now arrange an online consultation via the portal. During the visit, the doctor will collect the interview and order the necessary diagnostic tests.

Symptoms of MS – tingling and numbness

Tingling and numbness in the arms, legs, fingers and face it warning signals SM. Most patients experience such problems. At first, the symptoms are mild, so it’s easy to ignore them. Over time, the symptoms worsen.

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Symptoms of MS – Muscle stiffness and spasms

In the early stages of the disease, characteristic painful muscle spasms, especially in the legs, appear. This is one of the first symptoms of the disease that appears in half of the patients. There is also a feeling of muscle stiffness.

Symptoms of MS – Vision problems

Deterioration of vision is one of the first signs of MS. Unfortunately, we rarely associate this problem with a serious illness – it seems to us that such changes simply appear with age or under the influence of, for example, long-term work in front of the computer. In MS, visual disturbances are caused by inflammation of the optic nerve. What should worry us? Double vision, blurry vision, pain when looking up, or green and red visual disturbances are all alarm signs.

Symptoms of MS – Fatigue and weakness

Exhaustion is one of the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Nerve damage causes long-term, chronic fatigue. The symptom usually worsens in the afternoon – it is accompanied by drowsiness and muscle soreness. Many MS patients admit that they feel notoriously tired, even after a good night’s sleep.

Symptoms of MS – problems with the bladder and intestines

It is estimated that 80 percent. MS patients have bladder problems. They exhibit increased frequency of urination, urge to bladder, inability to completely empty the bladder, and nocturia. Bowel problems are less common, but frequent diarrhea and constipation are one of the symptoms of MS.

It is worth consulting a neurologist about symptoms related to MS. If you want a quick consultation, visit a neurologist in private POLMED facilities.

MS Symptoms – Cognitive and Emotional Changes

Cognitive impairment occurs in half of patients with multiple sclerosis. Most often it is about difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, slower processing of information. Emotional disorders are also often observed in patients – depression, anxiety, stress. There are also mood swings.

If you have noticed a few of the above problems with yourself or a loved one, do not wait – consult a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner treatment is started, the better the chances of slowing disease progression.

If you have symptoms of multiple sclerosis, it is worth checking the concentration of zonulin in the stool, which indicates a disturbance in the functioning of the intestinal microflora. Mail order research is available on Medonet Market. The waiting time for the results is 7 business days.

Learn more:

  1. The first symptoms of MS appear several years before diagnosis
  2. Karolina Gruszka suffers from multiple sclerosis. What are the symptoms of the disease?
  3. This could be one of the first symptoms of MS

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