The first symptoms of menopause. Check how to deal with it!
woman hot

There comes a time in a woman’s life when her reproductive capacity fails. The ovaries slowly stop fulfilling their role, leading to infertility. Depending on the organism and genetic conditions, this process progresses between the ages of 40 and 58. Then the production of estrogen decreases, which has a huge impact on the physical and mental state of a woman.

The symptoms of menopause are quite embarrassing and unpleasant. What should concern you are primarily:

  • Excessively dry skin. If some time ago you used only mattifying creams, and now you have switched to moisturizing ones.
  • Violent hot flashes and sometimes accompanying palpitations, appearing mainly in stress and anxiety.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Fast and unjustified weight gain, especially around the hips and thighs.
  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Any changes in the menstrual cycle – bleeding that appears more often than before and that is too light or heavier than usual.
  • Mood swings – you are sad, then angry, then calm. All this in one day.

So how can you ease the first symptoms of menopause? There are several ways:

  • Relieve stress – herbs will work well, e.g. St. John’s wort, which acts as a natural antidepressant, or lemon balm, which will minimize heart palpitations, which often occur during menopause. You can introduce physical activity – but you don’t have to exercise, just start doing what you like, e.g. walking. Slow down the pace of life and avoid stressful situations.
  • Change your diet This is a good way to stop weight gain. Although not every woman gains weight during menopause, her metabolism slows down. It is also worth introducing more calcium to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Use herbal preparations for hot flashes – some of them contain, for example, soy isoflavones, which can minimize the risk of these unpleasant incidents. However, it is best to introduce this type of treatment after consulting a gynecologist. One way to prevent hot flashes is to avoid the situations in which they occur (e.g. drinking alcohol or eating certain foods). In addition, effective methods of combating this problem are to relax, drink a glass of cold drink or remove outer clothing.
  • Choose the right cosmetics – since the condition of the skin changes during menopause, it is worth investing in new solutions. Better looks, better feeling. The skin begins to lose collagen and elastin, so you should use creams to improve skin density and model the oval of the face. On sunny days, protect your face from UV rays with sunscreen.
  • Prevention of vaginal dryness – this ailment can be alleviated by using drugs that stop the symptom occurring within the vagina. Both those that do not contain hormonal agents and estrogen preparations used vaginally. Many pharmaceutical agents are widely available, adapted to the severity of the disease.

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