The first symptoms of cystitis. How not to miss them?
FEMANNOSE ®N Publication partner

Cystitis is an unpleasant and embarrassing condition. Women know this especially well. What are the first symptoms of cystitis? How To Effectively Treat Cystitis?

What are the most common causes of cystitis?

Cystitis usually develops as a result of colonization of the urethral mucosa by bacteria in the intestinal or vaginal flora and the entry of these pathogens into the bladder. Most cases of cystitis (up to 95%) are caused by bacteria Escherichia coli (E.coli)which is a component of the normal bacterial flora of the large intestine. Other microbes that cause cystitis include bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae i Proteus mirabilis. Other causes of lower urinary tract and bladder infections include:

  1. chronic diseases, including diabetes, diseases of the immune system, urinary system, incl. kidney stones, birth defects;
  2. excessive intimate hygiene – the use of too much soap or intimate cleanser may compromise the natural protective function of the bacterial flora and mucous membranes;
  3. frequent intercourse – cystitis is sometimes called “honeymoon disease” or “newlyweds disease”; very frequent sexual intercourse may make it easier for intestinal bacteria to enter the urinary tract due to the mechanical irritation of the mucous membranes;
  4. long-term maintenance of the catheter;  
  5. radio- and chemotherapy.

Why is cystitis primarily a female problem?

Lower urinary tract infections, including the bladder, are the most common bacterial infections, especially in women. It is believed that up to half of women will develop cystitis at some point in their lives. Why? The key reason is the anatomy of the urinary tract – women have a shorter urethra than men, reducing the distance bacteria have to travel to reach the bladder. In addition, cystitis is favored by the proximity of the urethra to the vagina and anus.

Postmenopausal women are particularly vulnerable to bladder infections, during certain stages of the menstrual cycle and who are sexually active. Cystitis also often affects pregnant women. The hormonal changes they experience can cause the urinary tract to widen, making it easier for bacteria to penetrate.

In men without any predisposing diseases, such as disorders of the immune system, cystitis is rare. It is estimated that it affects 10 out of 10 people annually. men under the age of 65. [1]

How to recognize cystitis? What are the first symptoms?

Common symptoms of lower urinary tract infections include mainly bladder pressure and frequent urination, sometimes even with just a few drops. [2] Symptoms of cystitis also include:

  1. burning sensation and pain when urinating;
  2. strong smell of urine;
  3. cloudy or bloody urine;
  4. pain in the lower abdomen in the area of ​​the bladder;  
  5. pain during sexual intercourse.

Why should cystitis never be taken lightly?

Although acute uncomplicated cystitis is not a serious condition, it significantly affects daily functioning. However, the first symptoms of cystitis should never be ignored. Failure to react to the first symptoms of infection may result in more severe symptoms, greater pain and less comfort.

In addition, an untreated bladder infection can “go back” deeper into the urinary tract, from the bladder to the kidneys, and become a serious health problem – if you experience back pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, see your doctor immediately. [3]

What to do if you suspect cystitis?

The earliest symptom of cystitis is usually a slight tingling or burning sensation when urinating. It is possible to get rid of mild cystitis if appropriate measures are taken immediately.

At the first symptoms of cystitis, it is worth reaching for an effective and at the same time safe preparation. FEMANNOSE ®N in practical, disposable sachets is a good choice. The FEMANNOSE ®N medical device can be used not only for the first symptoms of inflammation, but also for the treatment of recurrent infections caused by E. coli. The main ingredient of the product is D-mannose, which works from the very first dose and reduces the symptoms of lower urinary tract infections such as burning, bladder pressure and frequent urination. Importantly, the product does not contribute to the development of bacterial resistance and can be taken with other drugs.

It can also be used by diabetics and pregnant women (after medical consultation).

FEMANNOSE ®N is a clinically tested product.

In the treatment of lower urinary tract infections, it is also extremely important to drink plenty of fluids (6 to 8 glasses a day, preferably water), frequent urination and take care of intimate hygiene.

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