The first symptoms of a respiratory infection that must not be ignored

Cough, runny nose, scratchy throat are common ailments, especially in the autumn and winter season. They are symptoms of respiratory infections, and most of us have respiratory infections two to four times a year. In younger children, respiratory infections occur as much as 6-8 times a year, which is due to the fact that the immune system in the youngest is not yet fully developed. Most often, these are harmless viral infections, but even mild ones should never be ignored. Untreated or improperly treated, they can lead to bacterial superinfections and inflammation of the respiratory tract, which are much more severe, and treatment longer and more difficult.

The material in cooperation with Bionorica Polska Sp. z o. o. (manufacturer of the drug Imupret)

Respiratory tract infections

Viruses are the most common cause of respiratory infections. These include rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, and many others. They are responsible for 90 percent. all illnesses. Very rarely, respiratory tract infections are the result of a bacterial infection, more often there is bacterial superinfection of a previous viral infection. If the respiratory tract is infected with bacteria, the most common are: pneumococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae), pertussis (Brodetella pertussis), haemophilic bacilli (Haemophilus influenzae) or mycoplasma (Mycoplasma pneumoniae).

Viral infections usually affect the upper respiratory tract, i.e. the nasal cavity, pharynx, nasopharynx, larynx and trachea. If not treated properly, the infection can spread to other parts of the respiratory system, i.e. the bronchi and lungs. Added to this is the aforementioned risk of bacterial superinfection, the occurrence of which is associated with the need to implement antibiotic therapy. This is why treating upper respiratory tract infections at an early stage is so important.

Symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection

In the initial stage of infection, the symptoms are not very bothersome, but clearly noticeable. There is a feeling of drilling in the nose, scratching the throat or slight chills. Already at this stage, it is worth introducing treatment that will alleviate the symptoms of the developing infection and significantly shorten its duration. Infections of the nose, throat, sinuses and ears most often manifest as a troublesome runny nose, sore throat or ear, headache, fever, persistent cough. Infection is most often accompanied by a feeling of general “breakdown” and constant exhaustion, and a fever.

Viral respiratory infections are relatively mild. Unfortunately, if left untreated or improperly treated, they can turn into bacterial superinfection, which is much more dangerous because they can cause many complications. With bacterial infections, the disease progresses quickly. Suddenly there is a high fever. There may be severe pain in the throat or ear. Difficulty swallowing saliva, hoarseness and snoring are additional symptoms. Already at the beginning of the infection, the nasal discharge is mucopurulent and there is a characteristic unpleasant smell from the mouth. Additionally, there may be headaches and muscle aches, chills and a feeling of general weakness.

If you are looking for an effective treatment for upper respiratory tract infections, you can try an inhaler. You can find a wide range of models on the Medonet Market.

Treatment of respiratory infections

In the treatment of viral respiratory infections, we only use symptomatic treatment, i.e. treatment that will alleviate the symptoms, reduce the extent of inflammation and its further development. Drugs with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects are administered. Whenever we feel bad or notice that our child feels worse, we should react immediately in the early stages of the disease, when the viruses have not yet multiplied too much.

You can always reach for ready-made preparations helpful in combating respiratory tract infections, available in pharmacies without a prescription. Such a drug is Imupret, which contains extracts of the herb yarrow, horsetail herb, dandelion herb, marshmallow root, walnut leaf, oak bark and chamomile flower. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, which allows you to fight the symptoms of infection. Prophylactically, it can be used to strengthen natural immunity. With viral infections, we can help ourselves with home remedies. First of all, support the immune system. Sleep or just relaxing in a warm bed works well. Let’s also take care of a proper diet, rich in vegetables and fruits, and proper hydration of the body. Avoid exhaustion and stress during this time. Symptoms of infection can be alleviated with home-made syrups or infusions. American bird cherry or hyssop syrups with the addition of honey will help with a dry cough, and inhalations with the addition of eucalyptus, thyme or pine oil will be perfect for a wet cough.

The material in cooperation with Bionorica Polska Sp. z o. o. (manufacturer of the drug Imupret)

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