The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages
“I didn’t know I was pregnant” is a popular TV story. How can a woman not notice this, you ask? It turns out, maybe, because the first signs of pregnancy are very similar to the harbingers of menstruation.

It doesn’t matter if you have been planning a child for a long time or the pregnancy has come unexpectedly, for all women the news of future motherhood is very exciting. How to understand if you are pregnant or not? What are the ways to find out? Let’s find out what are the first signs of early pregnancy.

How to understand that you are pregnant: the main signs before a delay

To begin with, it is necessary to clarify that there is an obstetric and embryonic gestational age. We will talk about the first. The obstetric gestational age is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. It’s easier, because the exact day of ovulation and the date of conception can be difficult to determine. As a result, it turns out that in the first week of obstetric pregnancy we are not pregnant at all (1).

The first signs of pregnancy appear even before the planned critical days, only expectant mothers often confuse them with symptoms of impending menstruation.

Minor pains in the lower abdomen and spotting spotting1-4 week
Sensitivity and even soreness of the breasts1-4 week
Mood Swings1-6 week
Delay4 Week
Breast swelling, darkening of the nipples4-6 week
Nausea4-6 week
Drowsiness, fatigue4-6 week
Frequent urination5-6 week
dizziness5-6 week
Weakness5-6 week
Temperature changes6 Week

Pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding

– Expectant mothers, naming the first signs of pregnancy, first of all mention pains in the lower abdomen. These pains happen not 1-2 days before the start of a new cycle, but 5-7 days, – says obstetrician-gynecologist Margarita Khalimova.

Sensitivity and even soreness of the breast

And again, it looks like the first signs of upcoming periods. However, breast tenderness can be a sign of early pregnancy. But in pregnant women, chest pains are much more pronounced than before critical days.

The pain then disappears, as the body gets used to the new hormonal background.

Mood Swings

Hormonal changes during pregnancy often affect a woman’s emotional background. Many future mothers notice that during the period of expectation of the baby they became more sensitive, it became easier to pity them and bring them to tears. They are full of energy and are in euphoria, then they fall exhausted and worry for no reason.

Most often, such mood swings appear closer to the 6th week, but they can occur earlier.


Most expectant mothers understand that they are pregnant when the critical days do not come at the appointed time. This is a reason to go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test.

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– A delay in menstruation by 1-2 days, if we are talking about a regular cycle, can be the first bell that you need to do a test. However, some women believe that they have caught a cold, and because of this, the cycle can supposedly increase. As a result, when they do the test, the obstetric gestational age is already 5-6 weeks, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Margarita Khalimova.

The menstrual cycle is considered delayed if the period is 5 or more days late. At the same time, home tests may not be too accurate at such an early date, it is better to play it safe and get tested.

Breast swelling, darkening of the nipples

If you look closely, then at 4-6 weeks you will notice that the areolas of the nipples begin to darken. It is highly likely that your favorite bra has become cramped.

Moreover, in some women, such symptoms of pregnancy appear only in the later stages, and someone gets new magnificent forms in the first trimester.


Some women at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy experience persistent nausea. Usually she rolls in the morning. Most often, nausea resolves within the first four months.

Be sure to mention this symptom at a routine examination: nausea is by no means the norm for a pregnant woman. It is often a symptom of other diseases.

If you experience nausea from time to time, remember to drink water to replenish fluids.

Drowsiness, fatigue

Who among us does not feel sleepy and tired from time to time. But usually the fatigue goes away after a couple of days of rest. If it does not pass, and you want to sleep not only in the evening, but also during the day, this is an alarming bell.

If these symptoms are followed by a delay, it is worth going to the pharmacy for a test on the first day.

Frequent urination

– Many expectant mothers are waiting for this sign in the 3rd trimester. However, already in the first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus begins to grow and irritate the back wall of the bladder, and you also often have to run to the toilet, says obstetrician-gynecologist Margarita Khalimova.


In early pregnancy, blood pressure often drops and dizziness may occur. This usually happens when a woman makes sudden movements or changes the position of her body.

Low blood pressure is not a cause for concern. But with high blood pressure in the early stages, jokes are bad. Be sure to tell your doctor about this, high blood pressure can signal health problems.


Along with low blood pressure and dizziness sometimes comes weakness. It becomes harder for a woman to cope with her usual daily duties, and rest helps only for a short period of time.

Temperature changes

The body temperature of the expectant mother may be higher than the usual 36,6. You should not be afraid of this, temperature drops, as a rule, pass somewhere by the 14th week. But it will not be superfluous to mention this symptom at the doctor’s appointment. In the early stages, any disease of a woman can pose a risk to the baby.

How to know for sure that you are pregnant

If you notice one or more of these symptoms behind you, the pregnancy test is positive, congratulations, you are most likely expecting a baby.

– You can play it safe and get tested for hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). It is done in any laboratory, and the test result can be obtained within a few hours, advises obstetrician-gynecologist Margarita Khalimova.

Another important point for determining pregnancy is ultrasound. It must be done to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. That happens. Approximately 15% of pregnant women have symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, and all of them will be under the control of doctors for some time (2). The sooner an ectopic pregnancy is detected, the higher the chance of avoiding dangerous consequences.

What to do in the early stages

The first thing to do immediately after you realize that you are pregnant is to go to the gynecologist. He will put you on the account, prescribe the necessary tests. The gynecologist will explain to you the action plan for the next 9 months, tell you what can and cannot be done in position (3).

Here are a number of things that are strictly prohibited for pregnant women:

  • alcohol;
  • antibiotics without consulting a doctor;
  • hot baths;
  • weight lifting;
  • stress, experiences;
  • foods that cause fermentation in the intestines;
  • smoking, including passive smoking.

Avoid infections and colds.

But what expectant mothers need to practice more often:

  • rest;
  • enjoy your new state;
  • get more hormone of joy (watch your favorite movies, read books, walk in the fresh air);
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • do relaxing baths for hands and feet.

Popular questions and answers

We answer frequently asked questions about pregnancy.

How to do a pregnancy test?

At the first sign of conception, most girls get a pregnancy test. It helps to determine the level of hCG (pregnancy hormone) and, as a result, a possible pregnancy. Now you can find a wide variety of tests: cheap paper, electronic, and even those that determine the exact term. The rules of use are the same for everyone.

1. Read the instructions carefully.

2. Collect urine in the morning when the hCG content is maximum.

3. To collect urine, you must use only clean and dry dishes (if the test is not inkjet).

4. Wait for the test results by laying it flat for a few minutes.

5. Do not evaluate the results after 10 minutes – they may be false.

Tests vary in sensitivity, which determines when to take them. Some are able to detect pregnancy before the missed period, for others it is better to wait a couple of weeks. In case of doubt or a broken test, it is better to do another one again after a few days.

When is the best time to book your first ultrasound?

In order to confirm pregnancy, ultrasound can be done from 3 weeks. But it is impossible to adequately assess the condition of the fetus and the expectant mother at such an early stage. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out planned diagnostics at 10-13 weeks. Then the doctor will be able to set the necessary direction for further diagnosis of pregnancy or see possible pathologies. It is not worth neglecting ultrasound at the beginning of pregnancy. It is it that shows not only the approximate period, but also excludes serious problems, in particular, an ectopic pregnancy.

Is it true that nasal congestion can be one of the signs of pregnancy?

Nasal congestion is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy. Moreover, this condition usually accompanies a woman during the entire time of bearing a child. Most often, congestion causes allergic rhinitis. It occurs due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman begins to react more violently to any irritants due to changes in the hormonal background. Such a phenomenon can occur both immediately after conception, and a few months after gestation. So a sudden nasal congestion may well be a reason to do a test.

Sources of

  1. Aptulaeva T.G. I will soon become a mother // 2013
  2. Makhotin A.A., Makogon A.V. To the Stargate. From conception to birth // Science first hand. 2008. No. 6 (24). URL:
  3. Berezovskaya E.P. 9 months of happiness // 2016

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  1. Umchamo onamagwebu ngabe uchaza ukth ukhulelwe?

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