- Our first week of pregnancy
- Our second week of pregnancy
- Alcohol, tobacco: we say stop!
- Our third week of pregnancy
- Our fourth week of pregnancy
- One month pregnant: what signs and symptoms of pregnancy?
- Week of amenorrhea, week of pregnancy: what’s the difference?
- Ultrasound and other procedures at 1 month of pregnancy
Our first week of pregnancy
At this stage, apart from our breasts which are a little sore and our chest which has taken on a little volume, the physical changes are not obvious: during this first week, the embryo will measure from 150 thousandths of a mm to 0,1, XNUMX mm!
Our second week of pregnancy
This week, the egg changes status and becomes an embryo! It is now 0,2 mm tall and will begin to develop its tissues through the formation of the embryonic disc.
Alcohol, tobacco: we say stop!
From the first month of pregnancy, if we know that we are pregnant of course (due to a late period, the first symptom that suggests), we take extra precautions: we stay away from contagious diseases, we do not no more x-ray radios, we quit smoking and drinking alcohol (to avoid fetal alcohol syndrome) and we adopt a balanced diet (and that’s it, because that’s already a lot no ?). The idea is to minimize the risk of miscarriage and to ensure that the embryo evolves in the best possible conditions.
Our third week of pregnancy
For some of us, we are only now seeing the delay in rules and we have just realized that we are pregnant. It must be said that our embryo is not yet very imposing since it does not exceed 2 mm! However, his cardiac activity began: yes, a primitive heart has already formed! If you haven’t already, it is high time to quit all tobacco use. We do not hesitate to ask for help from our gynecologist, our midwife or our general practitioner, who will direct us to the right contacts for a smooth and accompanied smoking cessation.
Our fourth week of pregnancy
Our embryo is going on its first month and has already multiplied its weight by 10! And it measures at most 000 mm. During this 5th week of pregnancy, the head can be distinguished from the rest of the body, and the outline of many organs is visible, as well as the beginning of its limbs. The tongue, inner ear, and eye will be seen first. His blood circulation is also starting to come alive. So many changes in a month! Our embryo now swims happily in the amniotic cavity, which is itself filled with amniotic liquid, the fetal-maternal circulation being established!
One month pregnant: what signs and symptoms of pregnancy?
At this point, the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy may go unnoticed as well as be very present. No question of a small round belly at this stage of course, but of a delay of periods which is confirmed, tight and heavy breasts, nausea and other minor pain in the lower abdomen, or small bleeding (often signs that implantation has taken place). A great tiredness can also be felt by the mother-to-be, because of the hormonal upheavals, as does a frequent urge to urinate. A consequence of the secretion of the pregnancy hormone beta-HCG.
How to fight early pregnancy fatigue?
Fatigue in the first month of pregnancy can be particularly difficult. Especially since the pregnancy is generally not yet official, which complicates things a bit, especially if you want to keep it secret for some time yet.
To fight against fatigue of the first month of pregnancy, we will try to sleep at least eight hours a night (easier if you don’t have a child yet!). And if we feel the need and can afford it, we do a nap during the day, or even several small restorative microsiestes.
And rather than rushing on coffee or other stimulants, which it is advisable to limit consumption when you are pregnant, we put on a balanced and varied diet, with the right amount of vitamins and minerals (B9 or folate, iron and calcium in particular). We avoid skipping meals, even we add a small snack “whiplash« if needed, with healthy foods (fruit, oilseeds, yoghurts, etc.).
Week of amenorrhea, week of pregnancy: what’s the difference?
Due to procedures and exams that will occur during our pregnancy, it will be useful for us to identify you in weeks of pregnancy or in weeks of amenorrhea, this last notation being the one privileged by the medical profession to set the various follow-up appointments.
Le calculation in weeks of amenorrhea (SA) begins from the date of the last menstrual period, while that in weeks of pregnancy (SG) begins at ovulation, which can be approximate or even unknown.
To switch from SG to SA, just add two weeks. It is estimated that a pregnancy has 41 weeks of amenorrhea, or 39 SG. Thus, if we are at 3 SG, we are in reality at 5 FS.
Ultrasound and other procedures at 1 month of pregnancy
The first month of pregnancy is above all that of the confirmation of the pregnancy. It is therefore a question of urine pregnancy test, which it is generally advisable to confirm with a pregnancy test by beta HCG dosage in the blood. Note that this hormone is not visible until 9 to 10 days after fertilization, when the embryo is well implanted in the uterine lining. It is therefore better to wait for the presumed date of the rules to be certain of the result.
This blood test is reimbursed on medical prescription. Although no ultrasound is required at this stage of pregnancy (the first echo is to be performed between 11 and 13 WA +6 days), some obstetrician-gynecologists or midwives perform a very first ultrasound. The embryo is very little, if at all, visible there, but we can note the presence of a so-called “gravid” uterus (in gestation) and a gravidic corpus luteum.
La first consultation can easily wait, since it must take place before the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, in other words before the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Once our doctor has taken our pregnancy into account, remember to update our Vitale card. From six months of pregnancy, we will benefit from 100% coverage of examinations and analyzes related to our pregnancy.