The first heralds of menopause. How do you know when it’s coming?

Whether we like it or not, biology has its own rules. After forty, a woman enters the perimenopausal age. During this time, we will experience different states and observe many changes. What are the harbingers of the next stage of our femininity?

  1. The actual menopause is preceded by the so-called the menopause, which is the period when the ovaries gradually stop producing hormones
  2. The menstruation may last even a decade, and the symptoms may accompany a woman even several years after the end of menstruation.
  3. In addition to irregular menstruation, menopause is promised by a number of other symptoms – weight gain in certain parts of the body, skin changes, but also headaches and sleep disorders.
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Menopause – what are the first symptoms?

The menopause is the time when estrogen secretion by the ovaries gradually decreases. It begins a few years before menopause and ends a few years after and can last as long as 10 years. Polish women enter the menopause at the age of 48-52. The fact that something is changing in our body is evidenced by irregular menstruation, sometimes more abundant. The cycles are shortened, e.g. from 28-30 days to 24-25 days. There are more and more anovulatory cycles.

After their XNUMXth birthday, many women also find that they have gained weight for no reason. Especially around the waist. It is a male type of weight gain, for which the male sex hormones are responsible, which come to the fore when the number of female sex hormones decreases. A less active lifestyle is also important. With age, metabolism also slows down and the appetite for sweet taste increases. Our body is no longer in its anabolic period when we build our own tissues – we are in a plateau and even catabolism period when we lose muscle tissue. And adipose tissue grows much easier than muscle tissue.

If you want to take care of your body during menopause, try Libido for Women – the Panaseus dietary supplement, which contains maca root and Japanese ginkgo, which soothes the symptoms of menopause. In order to reduce the symptoms of menopause, you can also buy KlimaFem – YANGO dietary supplement or Pemesiv ™ YANGO – dietary supplement for women.

A harbinger of the approaching menopause is also a change in the appearance of the complexion, which no longer forgives us for excesses, such as a late night. The decrease in estradiol production weakens an important building block of the skin – collagen fibers. The skin loses its firmness and is thinner. Estradiol deficiency causes the skin to bind water less in the epidermis, which results in dryness, the formation of wrinkles and blurring the contours of the face. Sometimes the effect of menopause may be rosacea and deepening of vascular changes on the skin – the so-called spider veins.

To minimize the symptoms of menopause, use the healing power of plants. Try Ginseng Root available on Medonet Market. We also recommend Ashwagandha for women – a Panaseus dietary supplement that improves mood and alleviates menopausal symptoms.

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Phew, how hot!

The arrival of the menopause is also heralded by the so-called outbreak symptoms. They are of different severity in different women. They occur in 40 percent. just before menopause and in 80 percent. just after. They may be less severe before your last period. After – much more annoying. WHO classifies them into specific and non-specific symptoms.

The specific are:

  1. vasomotor symptoms (e.g. sweating and hot flushes, especially at night, when we feel the need to immediately undress and cool down in an open window, and then experience strong chills),
  2. menstrual disorders
  3. urogenital symptoms (urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse).

Non-specific symptoms include:

  1. headaches,
  2. sleep disturbances (insomnia or the need to nap during the day),
  3. depression, decreased libido.

During this time, you may experience anxiety attacks, depression, energy loss, sadness, tearfulness, and nervousness. Not all ailments apply to every woman. We always go through this time individually.

Dietary supplements, such as KLIMAX ELIXIR for menopausal women, containing bedbug and red clover extracts will help to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. You can buy the preparation separately or in Menopause – a herbal set for women.

Toning ailments

To improve your well-being, you can reach for over-the-counter medications. Studies have confirmed that the use of plant preparations, e.g. soybean or red clover, containing isoflavones, reduces the intensity of symptoms, mainly vasomotor ones. However, this does not work for all women. The standard in toning down perimenopausal symptoms is HTM (hormone therapy for menopause), which not only eliminates them, but also helps maintain better skin, bones and mental performance.

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However, its use should always be consulted with a doctor, because it requires specific laboratory and imaging tests (ultrasound, mammography), constant self-monitoring and is sometimes associated with the risk of side effects. Nevertheless, various scientific societies note the good balance of benefits and risks of using HTM in women under 60 years of age. What is new is the trend of careful approach to the menopause – starting with changes in lifestyle and applying natural medicine solutions. The next step is pharmacotherapy.

In order to improve the quality of life and reduce the discomfort associated with menopause, it is worth using Menopause – the Panaseus dietary supplement. We also recommend the natural preparation Klimaktil menopause Pharmovit available on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

According to the specialist: Femininity is in the head

Dr Urszula Sanocka, specialist in endocrinology and nuclear medicine. He deals with the treatment of diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads) and the treatment of osteoporosis and obesity.

When and how we deal with the menopause is largely determined by our lifestyle: how much we are physically exhausted, how much stress we experience. Concomitant diseases that appear with age are important, eg diabetes, obesity, hypertension; also endocrine diseases, i.e. hypothyroidism, the frequency of which increases with age, but also disorders in the secretion of prolactin (stress hormone) resulting from very strenuous work, strong experiences, trauma, accidents.

Lifestyle modification is of great importance for the well-being of a woman during the menopause. A lower-calorie diet helps to reduce unpleasant ailments. It is supposed to contain a large amount of antioxidants, i.e. vegetables and colorful fruits. We reduce the amount of salt consumed (often the wedding ring becomes too tight due to the tendency to swelling), and we increase the amount of coarsely ground cereal products, e.g. groats, coarse-grain bread, bran containing B vitamins, which can alleviate the course of the menopause. Moderate but regular physical activity: cardio exercises, walking with poles, ballroom dancing, swimming, yoga stimulate the central nervous system to produce endorphins – natural hormones that improve our mood.

Movement stimulates the circulatory system, which ensures better blood supply to internal organs, including the ovaries and uterus. During this period of life, movement should be directed to the specific needs of the organs and muscles of the smaller pelvis. The so-called urogenital symptoms, i.e. urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, recurrent infections in the urinary and genital tract, may result from atrophy of the mucosa and weakening of the ligamentous apparatus that maintains the uterus due to estrogen deficiency. Here it is helpful to practice the so-called Kegel muscles.

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If we do not feel relieved, despite the fact that we sleep, hydrate, have a good life, interesting work, are satisfied with the children, we live in a happy relationship – it’s time for a medical consultation and choosing a possible therapy. Your doctor may recommend that you test your estradiol and gonadotropic hormones FSH and LH levels right after your period, up to the 10th day of your cycle. An elevated FSH level, above 10, is significant for the onset of menopause.

Buy Menopause TEST now – home test for the determination of FSH in urine. You will find it on Medonet Market at a favorable price.

Currently, personalized therapy is being promoted – each woman should be treated individually. We consider what the patient may gain by using HTM and what may be lost. If he has women in his family suffering from osteoporosis, dementia, metabolic diseases, mainly diabetes – these are the arguments for implementing HTM. Especially when a woman suffers from severe adverse symptoms. However, the medical history must take into account the oncological and thromboembolic history of the patient’s family and herself. Coexisting diseases are important: unregulated arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease. You also need to prepare the patient for cooperation with the doctor: compliance with periodic examinations and regularity in the prescribed therapy to control whether it is running properly.

Prophylactically for perimenopausal symptoms, order Red clover + for menopause – a natural dietary supplement available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Root of ailments

Bow. med. Grażyna Rogulska, founder of the Integrated Medicine Center, specialist in internal medicine, specialist in acupuncture with a diploma from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. It combines the achievements of academic medicine and TMC (acupuncture, dietetics).

According to traditional Chinese medicine, menopause is the exhaustion of the so-called the life essence with which we come into the world. We maintain ours through proper eating, drinking, proper breathing, the right amount of sleep and exercise – maintaining an appropriate daily cycle. Our emotions are also important, e.g. frustration, stress, suppressed anger, worry, sadness. Life essence is related to the kidneys in an energetic sense. It is responsible for the creation of hormones and proper blood quality. (Erythropoietin, a hormone produced by the kidneys, stimulates the growth of erythrocyte stem cells.) The essence and energy of the kidneys support the proper functioning of the urinary system, the quality of blood, body fluids, bones, marrow, teeth, brain, hair, eyebrows, the strength of the urinary and anal sphincters, the lumbar region and the knees. The depletion of an essence causes, inter alia, lack of filling in the meridians responsible for menstruation. The first menstruation occurs when they are full, and the menstruation stops when they are depleted. Therefore, when there is a shortage of essence and kidney energy, there are hot flashes and so-called night sweats, anxiety, depression, impaired concentration and memory, and over time osteoporosis may appear. Since the kidneys are energetically connected to the heart, they can also affect heart function.

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How we go through the menopause depends on our condition. So let’s take care of ourselves before the menopause. This will be ensured by a diet, a healthy lifestyle and special care at the physiological stages of our life, which are: menstruation, childbirth, puerperium, and the feeding period. For example, our behavior during menstruation is important: we should get enough sleep, protect ourselves from the influence of external factors (wind, cold, moisture), do not abuse alcohol because it is hot, it warms up, which can lead to increased bleeding (similarly to spicy spices). Intercourse is then inadvisable – it causes the direction of blood flow to be reversed, i.e. energy disturbance, which may later result in e.g. painful menstruation.

Supporting a woman in the menopause with the use of traditional Chinese medicine is an action on the root of the ailment, which contributes to hormonal disorders, which takes a while. However, the effectiveness is high and allows you to regain strength and psychophysical balance. Strong symptoms pass. We achieve this through lifestyle changes, acupuncture, herbal therapy and diet. Taking into account our individual constitution (some women need more nutrition, others need warmth). We also individually select acupuncture points based on the diagnosis of the tongue and pulse.

To mature, gain depth and enjoy it

Bow. med. Joanna Gzik, pediatrician with 35 years of professional practice. In his work, he combines elements of natural medicine, such as homeopathy and herbs. He is a member of the Polish Society of Clinical Homeopathy. Lecturer in the field of homeopathy for doctors

When the menopause is approaching, many women find it difficult to accept the change, they do not feel fully fledged. Yes, they were not planning another pregnancy, but the thought that it is becoming impossible is difficult. A woman must have time to understand that an extraordinary period in her life is about to begin. That he no longer has to take care of raising small children, he can pursue his passions and dreams, develop and fulfill professionally. Ripen like wine, gain depth and enjoy it. Before she realizes this, it is not easy for her, because emotions exacerbate the unpleasant physical symptoms that appear at this time. Conversely, severe physical symptoms have a negative impact on well-being.

Homeopathy can help, as it treats people holistically – with their emotions and physical condition. It facilitates the passage through the difficult times of the menopause. Its use helps to understand that what we are struggling with is physiology. We accept changes in our body more easily – the ailments are not so severe, they do not interfere with everyday functioning. Homeopathic treatment is also a solution for women who are unwilling or unable to undergo menopausal hormone therapy due to medical contraindications.

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Homeopathic medicines help to alleviate many ailments that appear in the premenopausal period. One of the most commonly used is lachesis, recommended when they appear due to the inhibition of menstrual bleeding, hot flushes with redness of the face and sudden sweating, heartbeat, hypertension, mood disorders, problems with falling asleep. Especially if re-starting your period makes you feel better. Women who need this drug are usually attractive, active, and talkative. They are silent and closed in on themselves when they are in bad form. They can be explosive, suspicious and jealous. They do not tolerate heat and sun, tight clothes and turtlenecks. They suffer from severe migraines, rosacea, venous symptoms, and even asthma after menstrual arrest. To improve their mood and malaise, they sometimes turn to alcohol. They feel much better in the fresh air and in the cool.

For hot flushes, but without redness, a medicine called sepia is used. Women who need this medication are thinner, have problems with varicose veins, liver or urinary and genital tract infections. You may experience continence problem, depressed mood, sadness, depression, lack of energy, or irritability. Discoloration appears on the skin. A woman feels better after being active – a brisk walk with poles, a gym, dancing.

We always select drugs individually to the specific needs of each patient. They help you manage a spectrum of symptoms and moods, improve your quality of life, and help you deal with difficult emotions that are severe at the beginning of this stage of life.

Read also:

  1. Sex is the best injection of youth. How does it affect our body?
  2. When menopause comes too soon
  3. More and more women give birth in their 40s. At what age can you no longer get pregnant?

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