The first corneal stem cell transplant in a child in Poland

Specialists from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice have transplanted the stem cells of the corneal epithelium of the eye in a child. This is the first procedure of this type in Poland and only the third in the world. The patient was 10-year-old Kuba, who burned his left eye with slaked lime four years ago and lost his eyesight.

It was only the doctors from the Ophthalmology Department of the Medical Faculty of Zabrze with the Medical and Dental Department of the Medical University of Warsaw who gave Cuba and his family hope that help was possible. An innovative therapy was applied using stem cells taken from a healthy eye. The boy has already regained his sight in the damaged eye, he can, for example, read with it.

The transplant was prepared by specialists from Italy cooperating with Polish doctors. – It was grown on a transparent non-woven fabric, which after 24 hours becomes liquefied, disappears, and the cells remain – they nest on the surface of the eye for life – said Prof. Edward hatched.

As he noted, such a procedure for a child is, in the context of prognosis, a greater unknown than for an adult, but also a great opportunity. “In children, any therapies where we were unable to use stem cells have been unsuccessful, so this is absolutely a breakthrough,” he said.

The surgery was performed on February 20. Its first effects were visible after four days, and the final effect can be assessed after a month.

– My wife and I are very happy. Four years Kubuś did not see this eye, there was no hope, and then suddenly he was so lucky that he got into this project, and the second – that he got into the hands of such specialists – said Kuba’s dad.

– We are proud that Kuba paved this path. Thanks to him, other children in Poland may also benefit from this method – he added.

As he said, Cuba’s dream is to go back to school and play with friends; so far, due to his health condition, he had to take advantage of individual education at home. – You could say that he returns to normal life. His dad asked me when he could go back to school. There are basically no obstacles, previously he had huge problems due to photophobia – said Dr. Dariusz Dobrowolski.

He added that he has known Kuba for 4 years. – Remembering the situation when he came for the first time, let me say that I did not expect that we would achieve such a good result – admitted the ophthalmologist.

The Regional Railway Hospital in Katowice, which houses the SUM Ophthalmology Clinical Department, is the only place in this part of Europe where patients have the opportunity to benefit from the latest stem cell therapy.

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