In Poland, 3 million people suffer from diabetes, but every fourth person has not yet been diagnosed with it. Those who are on treatment usually start taking insulin after 5 years of taking other medications. Fortunately, modern drugs for diabetes are very effective in fighting this disease. They not only allow you to maintain an appropriate level of sugar without the risk of hypoglycaemia, but also reduce blood pressure and help maintain a proper body weight.
Diabetes mellitus is a real scourge in the world. Over 350 million people suffer from it, or about 5 percent. global population, and this number continues to grow. It is estimated that only every twentieth case of the disease is type 1 diabetes, the rest of the case is type 2 diabetes, which is favored by abdominal obesity. Unfortunately, every third person in Poland with type 2 diabetes is not diagnosed, and the untreated disease may cause serious complications, including blindness or limb amputation due to the development of the so-called diabetic foot.
This is all the more surprising in view of the fact that modern diabetes medications are very effective, provide additional benefits to the body in terms of lowering blood pressure and weight loss, and have few side effects. How it’s possible? We will try to present the mechanism of their operation.
Flosins influence the function of the kidneys by inhibiting the recovery of glucose from the primary urine into the blood. As a result, sugar remains in the urine and its excess is excreted from the body with it.
This effect may be somewhat confusing to physicians and other health care professionals who have not been exposed to float therapy, as the presence of sugar in the urine usually indicates that levels in the body are too high. Therefore, when using flozyn, you should always inform the new doctor about it and be sure to measure your blood sugar level.
Contrary to older generation drugs, such as sulfonylureas, phlosines do not pose a risk of hypoglycaemia.
Additionally, phosin reduces blood pressure in many patients. This is extremely important considering that many people with diabetes are also taking medications for high blood pressure. The initiation of therapy with this modern preparation may lead to a situation in which it will be possible to significantly reduce the doses of drugs for hypertension. However, it should be borne in mind that the treatment with phosins, due to the reduction of blood pressure, may lead to hypotension and associated symptoms.
It is estimated that thanks to the use of fluids, the patient gets rid of sugar even in the amount of up to 24 tablespoons, i.e. 480 kcal. Research conducted by prof. Krzysztof Strojk from the University of Silesia showed that in diabetics using phloins, body weight decreases by 3-4 kg *.
Unfortunately, the increased amount of sugar in the urine makes the entire urinary system more susceptible to infections. Women may also have a problem with increased vulvovaginal fungal infections, as sugar is an ideal breeding ground for fungi. Another side effect that occurs with phosin therapy is an increased risk of dehydration as the patient passes more urine. To prevent dehydration, however, it is enough to increase the amount of fluid intake by 1-2 glasses a day.
Leki inkretynowe
In addition to phosin, the second group of modern drugs for diabetes are incretin drugs. However, their mechanism of action is completely different: incretin drugs cause more insulin to be released in the body after a meal, so that there is no rapid increase in glucose levels. This happens through two mechanisms.
The first group of incretin drugs are GLP-1 analogues. As the name suggests, these are substances that work similarly to natural incretins. Incretins are released in the intestines when food enters it. Their presence in the body is a signal to increase insulin secretion.
In turn, gliptins cause the natural incretins that are secreted in the body to break down more slowly.
Due to this mechanism of action, i.e. increasing the amount of insulin in the body immediately after eating a meal, incretin drugs, like phosin, do not carry a risk of developing hypoglycaemia (hypoglycaemia) in the body.
Incretin drugs are in another aspect similar to phosin. GLP-1 analogs also help to lose weight and maintain a proper body weight. This is possible due to the fact that the insulin that is released under their influence is not released in too large amounts, which could lead to weight gain.
Incretin medications have some side effects. The most common ones are headache, nausea and vomiting, and decreased appetite.
You can control diabetes
With such weapons as modern drugs for diabetes, the disease can be very well controlled and kept in check, and the therapy significantly improves the quality of life. Therefore, if you suspect that you may belong to an undiagnosed diabetic group, please inform your doctor immediately. The most common symptoms of diabetes include weight loss, increased urination, and inflammation of the genitourinary organs. Patients also complain of increased thirst, hunger attacks, as well as weakness and excessive sleepiness. You should also be examined if you have purulent lesions on your skin. Remember that untreated diabetes can be very serious, so the sooner you get tested and treated, the better.
You can find answers to the most important questions about symptoms, diagnosis and available treatments in type 2 diabetes at
* Source: Phase III studies on the drug from the group of the so-called flozyn, which work in the kidney by an insulin-independent mechanism. Research under the supervision of prof. Krzysztof Strojk from the University of Silesia in Zabrze.