The female condom

What if we forgot our received ideas about the female condom?

For starters, the female condom has nothing to do with the male condom. However, it has the same function: to block the passage of sperm and thus prevent fertilization. The female condom comes in the form of a nitrile or polyurethane sheath with a flexible ring at both ends. It is placed at the bottom of the vagina, either at the time of the report, or up to 8 hours before if you wish. Like its male counterpart, the female condom should be removed at the end of intercourse. There are 5% failures. Be careful, if the condom is incorrectly fitted, there are about 14% failures. This type of contraceptive is therefore recommended for women who are familiar with their anatomy to avoid any unwanted pregnancy. The condom is ideal for couples who do not wish to use hormonal contraception or an IUD (the IUD).

As a reminder: a condom must always bear the NF (French standard) or CE (European community) label.

The advantages of the female condom

For young mothers who wish to be patient before resuming “classic” contraception, such as the pill, IUD or implant, the female condom is a good alternative. It is not no need for a medical prescription to get it. You can leave the maternity ward with peace of mind. For those who are more cautious, it is possible to use the female condom in addition to another contraceptive. More discreet than the male condom, it can be placed before sex, intimacy is great! In addition, it is very resistant and protects against STIs. On the other hand, for those who are allergic to latex, the female condom is not recommended. Another downside, its cost: 8,70 euros for a box of three condoms (in pharmacies).

The male condom

The male condom must be inserted at the time of intercourse, and more precisely when the penis is erect. It must be removed as soon as ejaculation. There are only 3% failures. There are several models (size, color, scent…) and brands. The male condom can be bought very easily in pharmacies, in supermarkets, gas stations, and even in the metro. It only costs 50 cents! Be careful, it should not be used with a fatty lubricant because the condom may crack.

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