The feelings that will surface in a Christmas marked by the pandemic
Christmas holidays
Sadness and melancholy can become the protagonists of these parties if we do not learn to be flexible

Companies that Christmas it is a difficult time for many people. There are those who very much enjoy these dates, when family gatherings and gifts are the norm, and others who are overwhelmed by that “Christmas spirit” that seems almost an imposition. But, to the peculiarities of this time, this year a greater one is added: the effects of the pandemic. For this reason, not only can those who do not like Christmas find it difficult to manage these days, but those staunch defenders of the festivities, will also encounter adversities.
Be flexible to be better
«In this time so familiar and united, with the current conditions, it is likely to feel frustration, sadness or anger at not being able to relate in the same way as before», Explains María Fernanda Ramos, ifeel psychologist. Although we may feel longing for not being able to see our entire family, or give each other kisses and hugs, everything can be overcome. The key, this year, is to learn to relax in our Christmas routines.
This flexibility is essential, as it will largely define how much we enjoy these dates. “If we settle in the complaint and sadness of” how things used to be “it is difficult to have a good time,” says the psychologist. Explain that, in the effort to adapt to the current situation, «Valuing everything that we can do», we found a more positive vision of these festivals that allows us to enjoy them in a different way.
The first different Christmas
This year we have faced very painful situations. Losing someone we love in these circumstances is always more complicated. “Losses are a painful process, no matter what time it is. In this specifically, the Christmas season, it can make it a bit more difficult due to longing, memories … », explains María Fernanda Ramos, ifeel psychologist.
Comment that It is not about avoiding this pain and covering it with joyBut rather accept that, like all grief, it entails a period of adaptation and it is important to respect all the emotions that may arise (sadness, anger …). “Perhaps doing a small ceremony, ritual, gratitude, can help to identify and keep in mind that loss, that pain,” he recommends.
On the other hand, this year one of the keys to creativity. «It is important to resort to creativity every year, but this time it is probably more important: within your possibilities and as far as prevention measures allow, try to live the Christmas that seems right to you, even if the decisions you make are not the most normal or usual in the world “, they say from ifeel. Also, they urge to spend quality time and not quantity with those people that we want. «Optimize your forces, do not wear yourself out in aversion to Christmas. Take advantage, if you are going to do without some of the typical events, to dedicate yourself to your things or to be at home quietly, “they recommend.
As general advice, the psychologist emphasizes the flexibility mentioned above, as well as “focus and keep in mind what has remained, what we do have and what is coming for this 2021”. On the other hand, he considers it essential to allow ourselves to feel: «It is valid have a Christmas with mixed emotions, have moments of happiness, others of sadness, frustration, fatigue … We must give ourselves permission to live these dates with the emotions that come without “demanding” to be happy all the time, he concludes.
The essentials of self-care
“The year has been, at best, quite rough. Close it well, as comfortable as you can “, says María Fernanda Ramos, a psychologist at ifeel. «Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy everything that Christmas is good for: don’t worry about the diet and enjoy the food, of a good gift that they give you or that you make yourself; Get started in simple meditation and relaxation techniques if tension starts to rise, surround yourself with movies, songs and books that cheer you up, don’t beat yourself up too much with melancholic content », recommends the professional.