The Fat Burning Exercises The Pin Twins Do Before Summer

The Fat Burning Exercises The Pin Twins Do Before Summer

Training and exercise charts

The coaches Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, propose in this last part of the #ApuntoconlasPin challenge to do a 15-minute HIIT at least three times a week

The Fat Burning Exercises The Pin Twins Do Before Summer

The challenge #ApuntodelasPin It is about to end, but Esther and Gema Pineda invite you to make one last effort. In the first week they proposed exercise routines for the buttocks, in the next installment they invited to focus energy on specific routines to achieve a flat stomach, and already in the third week they proposed a weekly work with exercise tables to achieve thin and strong arms. Now in this last installment they propose to put all the meat on the grill with the HIIT workout (High Intensity Interval Training) focused on the work of the whole body. “These high intensity exercises will help us accelerate metabolism, increase fat burning and improve mood”, says Gema Pineda.

When practicing this type of training at least three times a week, the Pin Twins remember that it consists of performing periods of short high intensity exercises with little rest and that some of the sensations that we may experience are extreme fatigue or shortness of breath, although they clarify that the benefits they provide compensate for those uncomfortable sensations because in just 15 minutes that HIIT routines usually last it is possible to de-stress and release endorphins that bring happiness. “They are demanding routines, but their results are good, they are worth it”, reveals Esther Pineda.

In addition, in the HIIT routines designed and selected by the Pin Twins to complete the #ApuntoconlasPin challenge, you will not only find the typical or popular exercises that are usually performed to work the whole body such as jumping jacks, burpees or mountain climbers, but one of the hallmarks of these trainers is that they provide all kinds of creative variants of classic exercises to make sports practice fun and enjoyable.

For those people who find it difficult to keep up with the rhythm or intensity of the exercise, the Pin Twins propose to adapt the difficulty to their personal characteristics. For example, if when trying to perform the routine it is not possible to do 20 repetitions in 40 seconds, they propose to reduce the number of repetitions to 10. The important thing, they say, is to forget phrases like “I can’t”, “I’m not capable”, “it’s impossible.”

HIIT routine with 5 basic exercises

To start the week, the Pin Twins propose this HIIT routine of five exercises that can be performed in 15 minutes and is composed of a jump star, hand-toed plank, long jump with side jump, knees to the chest and skipping and heels to the gluteus in plank. Each exercise is done without rest with a duration of 45 seconds. Once performed, the series is repeated three times, with a 15-second rest between series.

HIIT routine with ground and jumps

This second HIIT routine for the Pin Twins includes five exercises: ‘skipping’ with vertical jump, plank with hands up, squat with lateral jumps, plank with spread legs and skier. Each exercise is repeated for 30 seconds and the complete circuit must be performed four times. The rest time between each series is 10 seconds and we will not need material to be able to perform the fitness routine.

HIIT routine with jumps

The third HIIT routine they propose includes four exercises that can be done in 15 minutes. The first is a sumo plank, the second is a skipping movement and then touching the ground, the third is a ‘twerking’ with knee jump to the chest and the fourth, squat and jump with rebound. Each of the four exercises should be worked for 40 seconds without a break. We will repeat the entire table four times, with a 20-second rest between sets.

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