What diet to choose in order to lose weight quickly and effectively and at the same time not harm your health? Woman’s Day recommends that you pay attention to the top 10 express diets that will help cope with the problem of excess weight. Only one but: not all diets are equally useful, carefully read each one and make a decision on what you are ready to go for the sake of a slim body.
The fastest weight loss diet
The author of the diet is scientist Robert Atkins. Celebrities such as Sharon Osbourne, who fought overweight for a very long time, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Geri Halliwell. This diet is based on the principle of protein nutrition. The diet should include a large amount of meat and fish. Nobody canceled vegetables and fruits, but they need to be consumed in smaller quantities. As with any diet, the protein diet has both pros and cons.
Pros of a protein diet… Thanks to this diet, in the first two weeks, you can lose at least three kilograms. In addition, protein food satisfies hunger well and provides maximum energy. And the process of losing weight itself is easy and without depression.
Cons of a protein diet. The diet is strictly prohibited for people with metabolic syndrome. In addition, due to the fact that a person greatly restricts vegetables and fruits, the level of fiber in the body sharply decreases, which means that the risk of colitis increases, in women – inflammation of the mammary glands and ovaries. After such diets, people do not even believe their analyzes themselves: it turns out that their cholesterol is two to three times high.
Protein diet menu
Breakfast (always the same): 10-15 minutes before meals – a glass of water at room temperature. Coffee with milk 0,5% fat (can be replaced with a glass of tea). Use a small amount of sweetener or fructose to enhance the taste. One curd 0% fat or any yogurt of the same calorie content (up to 80 kcal per 100 g). If this is not enough for the first three days, use two curds each. Gradually, do not finish the second, and then completely abandon it. Two hours after breakfast – lunch.
Lunch: 10 minutes before meals, drink a glass of water at room temperature. Then choose one of the options.
1. Ear with two thin slices of black or coarse bread, salad of two tomatoes, tea with three dried fruits, tangerine.
2. 100 g of veal, grilled or in the oven without salt and oil (wean off salt – it inhibits the natural metabolism!), Boiled wild rice (two handfuls with top), salad of green leaves and cucumbers. Soy sauce can be added to rice.
3. Fish, steamed or grilled without oil (150 g). Any side dish from the previous options.
After two hours, you can eat an apple or some vegetables, drink a glass of low-fat kefir (1%). With a strong feeling of hunger – green tea with mint.
Dinner: a glass of water at room temperature. Any of the options.
1. Salad: squid rings (100 g), finely chopped egg, 2 tbsp. l. corn, season with lemon juice and olive oil and squeeze garlic or onion into it. Pack (500 g) frozen shrimp (cook without salt, with bay leaves), wild rice.
2. 250 g of chicken meat, baked in the oven (remove skin and fat before roasting), without salt and oil. As a side dish – grapefruit.
3. 200 g of veal with garlic, baked in the oven, + ½ a package of broccoli or ½ a package of cauliflower (cook in a pan on one spoonful of olive oil with soy sauce, three minutes until tender, pour in an egg).
4 g of any fish cooked in the oven without oil and salt. As a side dish – a salad of tomatoes and lettuce leaves, two pinches of pine nuts, two cucumbers, ½ bell pepper, one hard-boiled egg. Or stew sprouted grains for 150 tbsp. l. olive oil with soy sauce.
For dinner – a slice of black bread. As a dessert – a few slices of pineapple.
Kefir diet… There are several diets based on kefir. The most popular of them is the kefir mono-diet, during which during the day you drink 1-1,5 liters of fresh, sugar-free kefir in five to six meals at regular intervals. The duration of the diet is three days. There is also a kefir-fruit diet. During it, you should drink 1-1,5 liters of kefir per day, adding to it another kilogram of sweet fruits (except grapes and bananas) and vegetables. This diet should last for five to six days.
Pros of the kefir diet: with its help, you can quickly lose weight – what you need before a vacation. The diet can reduce weight by 8-10 kg. But the most important thing is that losing weight in this way does not harm your health, so you can repeat it every two months.
Cons of the kefir diet: during this diet, the emotional state of a person worsens. With such severe restrictions, dietary depression is not excluded. Therefore, here you need to correctly prioritize.
Our menu kefir diet:
1st day – 5 boiled potatoes and 1,5 liters of kefir; 2nd day – 100 g of boiled chicken and the same 1,5 liters of kefir; 3rd day – 100 g of boiled meat + 1,5 liters of kefir; 4th day – 100 g of boiled fish and kefir; 5th day – fruits and vegetables and 1,5 liters of kefir; 6th day – only kefir; 7th day – mineral water.
Salt and sugar should not be consumed during the kefir diet. You can repeat the diet in a month, but it is better – after one and a half or two. After completing the diet, you need to limit yourself to fatty, sweet, starchy and spicy.
Rice diet… Observing a diet, you need to learn how to drink properly. Since rice removes a lot of salts from the body, you must supply your body with water in full. You can drink clean (but not carbonated or sweet) drinking water or green tea without sugar. Do not drink immediately after eating, as rice must fulfill its function. You can drink a glass of water either 20 minutes before meals, or an hour and a half after. During weight loss, nutritionists are advised to take potassium supplements.
Pros of a rice diet: rice cleanses the body well and removes toxins and salts. Cleansing and healing are the two main benefits of a rice diet.
Cons of a rice diet: with such a diet, constipation is not excluded. And stool problems are not just some kind of syndrome, but a condition that leads to a sharp intoxication of the body and a deterioration in the quality of life.
Rice diet seven days. Combine 500 g of cooked rice with steamed fish, boiled meat, fresh vegetables or fruits. However, the total amount of “additives” per day should not exceed 200 g. It is advisable to drink unsweetened natural juices, especially juice from green apples, tea without sugar, water – plain or mineral water without gas.
Rice diet “Five volumes”. Pour two tablespoons of rice into five small jars or glasses and pour 200 g of clean water. Within four days, the water needs to be changed, and starting from the fifth day you can enjoy rice cleaned from unnecessary impurities. Once in the body, it begins to remove salts from it, and, as you know, an excess of salts leads to water retention in the body. The duration of the diet is two weeks. Vegetables and dairy products can be added to rice, and salt must be completely abandoned.
English diet very peculiar: you can eat toast, butter, milk. However, the total caloric intake of the daily diet will be quite low, since all proteins and carbohydrates have fewer calories than fats. The essence of the diet is the alternation of protein and vegetable days. During the English diet, it is definitely recommended to take a multivitamin. You cannot adhere to the diet for a long time, repetition is possible no earlier than six months later.
Pros of the English diet: fiber, which is rich in fruits and vegetables, stimulates the function of the intestines well. Protein helps build muscle and makes you feel full. And the body’s need for fats is satisfied due to the intensive burning of its own subcutaneous fat reserves. So, in three weeks you can lose 7 kg.
Cons of the English diet: this type of diet refers to a mono diet, which cannot be sustained for more than one week. Protein helps build muscle. They only do this if they are physically active on a regular basis. And in addition to proteins, there is also an obligatory amount of carbohydrates. And with such an alternation, the growth of muscle mass is out of the question: amino acids will perform an energy function, replacing carbohydrates in the construction of new cells.
English diet menu.
Two “hungry” days: on each day, in addition to water and green tea, it is allowed to drink one or two liters of milk or kefir and one glass of tomato juice.
Two “protein” days of the English diet:
Breakfast – 1 cup of coffee with milk, 0,5 tsp. butter, 0,5 tsp. honey, 1 slice of black bread.
Dinner – 1 cup of fish or meat broth, 100 g of boiled fish or meat, 1 slice of black bread.
Afternoon snack – 1 glass of milk or tea, 0,5 tsp. honey.
Dinner – 100 g of boiled fish or meat (or 2 eggs), 50 g of cheese, 1 glass of kefir, 1 slice of black bread.
Two “vegetable” days of the English diet:
Breakfast – 2 apples or oranges.
Dinner – vegetable soup, vinaigrette without potatoes or peppers stuffed with carrots.
Afternoon snack – 2 apples or oranges.
Dinner – vegetable salad (cabbage, beets, carrots), seasoned with oil.
Allowed Products.
Vegetables – carrots, beets, eggplants, bell peppers, cabbage, pumpkin, onions, garlic, green beans, celery, asparagus, parsley.
Fruits – apples, kiwi, bananas, pineapples, grapes, lemons.
Cereals – rolled oats, buckwheat, brown rice.
Spices – black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon.
Greens – mint, thyme, basil.
Chinese diet called one of the toughest and lowest calorie. It is based on the use of Chinese cabbage and is designed for one week, during which you will have to severely limit yourself. Nutritionists strongly recommend drinking as much mineral and boiled water without gas as possible in an amount of at least a liter per day during it. These fluids help cleanse the intestines of toxins and keep the body in good shape. During the Chinese or Japanese diet for 14 days, as well as other food restrictions, forget about sugar, alcohol, salt and all flour products for the whole week.
The menu during the day is rather scarce, so you need to mentally prepare for the diet.
Pros of the Chinese diet: with this diet, you can lose 7 kg.
Cons of the Chinese diet: absolutely unbalanced neither in proteins, nor in fats, nor in carbohydrates. Calories are very sharply limited, that is, it can be attributed to very low-calorie diets.
1-й день
Since most people don’t eat breakfast, a cup of black coffee or green tea will not upset anyone. For dinner, prepare two hard-boiled eggs, a salad of Chinese cabbage, herbs and a tomato. If you no longer want to drink green tea, cross the tomato out of the salad and drink a glass of the same juice. Dinner can be called the feast of the stomach, because in addition to cabbage, parsley, dill and other vegetation, 150 g of boiled river fish appear in it.
2-й день
If you easily endured the hardships of the first day and did not cheat by eating candy, the second day will be easier. Allow yourself to eat one crouton for black coffee or tea. For lunch – again 150 g of boiled fish with Chinese cabbage, herbs and vegetable oil. For dinner – 200 g of boiled beef and a glass of XNUMX% kefir.
3-й день
The third day will be harder than the previous one. After having breakfast coffee or green tea again, for lunch you should eat one raw (!) Egg and three boiled carrots with a spoonful of vegetable oil. For dinner, treat yourself to just as many green apples as you need to feel full.
4-й день
Your usual breakfast will be replaced by lunch apples and parsnip or parsley roots fried in vegetable oil. For dinner, indulge yourself with two boiled eggs (no salt!), 200 g of boiled beef and again a salad of Chinese cabbage with herbs and a spoonful of vegetable oil.
5-й день
Add a small portion of fresh carrot salad dressed with lemon juice to green tea or coffee. For lunch – 500 g of boiled fish and a glass of tomato juice. For dinner – again 150 g of fish and again Chinese cabbage.
6-й день
Breakfast on the sixth day is again modest – only black coffee or green tea. For lunch, 500 g of boiled chicken and two types of salad to choose from – raw carrots or fresh cabbage. Dinner with two hard-boiled eggs and a raw carrot salad with vegetable oil.
7-й день
Eat green tea for breakfast on your last day. For dinner, you can cook for the first time in the entire duration of the diet any fruit, with the exception of bananas and grapes, as well as 200 g of boiled beef. For dinner, you can yourself choose something from the diet of one of the diet days, except for the third.
Vegetable Diet… This weekly diet is a whole food system based on cabbage dishes.
Pros of a vegetable diet the fact that the amount of vegetables is not limited, which allows you not to experience any feeling of hunger, even despite the complete rejection of meat. A love of vegetables and a desire to lose weight will help you lose 5 kg in a week.
Cons of a vegetable diet: heavy, very low-calorie diet. It’s good that there are vegetables and a sufficient amount of plant fiber, but at the same time she is very hungry. Diet depression will be very severe.
Vegetable diet menu
1-й день
Cabbage soup. Tea or coffee. Fruits are raw or baked, unless they are high in carbohydrates such as grapes or bananas. You determine the quantity yourself, judging by your saturation. Low fat milk or low fat yogurt (200 ml).
2-й день
Cabbage soup. Fresh or stewed vegetables. One baked potato. Tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water.
3-й день
Cabbage soup. Unlimited vegetables and fruits. 200 ml milk or yogurt. Tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water.
4-й день
Cabbage soup. Three to four bananas. Your choice: 8 glasses of milk or 7 glasses of milk and 1 glass of yogurt. Tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water.
5-й день
Cabbage soup. Boiled river fish and chicken in unlimited quantities. 6 tomatoes. 200 ml milk or yogurt. Tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water.
6-й день
Cabbage soup. Boiled river fish and chicken in unlimited quantities. Unlimited tomatoes and other vegetables. 200 ml milk or yogurt. Tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water.
7-й день
Cabbage soup. Unlimited vegetables and fruits. 200 ml milk or yogurt. Tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water.
Presidential diet belongs to the category of stellar, since many celebrities adhered to it for weight loss. It was developed by a specialist – American cardiologist Arthur Agatston. He, observing the most painful problems of modern Americans – obesity and diseases of the heart and blood vessels, managed to develop a healthy and even tasty version of the nutrition system, which implies a commitment to it in general throughout life.
The diet includes a set of foods, but, like many others, it categorically prohibits certain fats and sugars. To begin with, the body goes through a two-week trial period, when it completely refuses sugar in any products. This also applies to glucose, fructose, sucrose, dextrose, glucose syrup. It is worth saying goodbye to alcohol, flour products, potatoes and cereals, including bread and pasta, and in general to all fatty ones – butter, margarine, cooking fat, meat and milk fats.
Lean meat, chicken breast, turkey, fish should appear in your diet – all these products need to be boiled or steamed. You can eat eggs, low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese and nuts, without restrictions in the amount of vegetables and herbs – in salads with olive and sunflower oil. It is more difficult with dairy products – only low-fat are allowed.
After completing the excruciating two-week ordeal, you move on to the next stage, gradually introducing your favorite bread, fruit, porridge and even a little wine. Determining what you’re passionate about is pretty simple. If you lose less than 500 g per week, then it’s time to pull yourself together and move on to the first stage of the diet again. If you still do well, then stretch the second stage until you lose the number of kilograms you need. So gradually the diet should move into a lifestyle.
This diet there are practically no consbecause it is balanced: it contains foods that are low in cholesterol and fat. Moreover, it contains a sufficient amount of fruit. But since water is limited, the risk of constipation increases.
The Japanese diet developed by Japanese experts, however, it has nothing to do with traditional Japanese cuisine.
The diet is calculated on 13 days, during which metabolism is regulated, and the body is rebuilt to a different rhythm of work, thereby improving health and reducing weight. The authors of the Japanese diet promise that the result will last for two to three years. During the Japanese diet, sugar, salt, flour and confectionery products, and alcoholic beverages should not be consumed. Between meals, you can drink mineral or boiled water (in unlimited quantities).
To achieve the promised result, the Japanese diet must be followed strictly, adhering to all recommendations exactly and not changing the sequence of the menu.
Cons of the Japanese diet: in fact, it is a variant of the protein diet. Of the carbohydrates – only vegetables, and complex carbohydrates are absolutely absent – cereals and bread, therefore, due to the absence of salt, water will leave. The liver and kidneys will be overloaded, because protein will be excreted and spent for energy needs – the function of carbohydrates.
Japanese diet menu
1 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee; lunch – two hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad with vegetable oil, one glass of tomato juice; dinner – fried or boiled fish.
2 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee, one crouton; lunch – fried or boiled fish, vegetable or cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil; dinner – 100 g of boiled beef, a glass of kefir.
3 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee, one crouton; lunch – large zucchini fried in vegetable oil; dinner – two hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil.
4 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee; lunch – a raw egg, three large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 g of unsalted hard cheese; dinner – fruit.
5 day: breakfast – raw carrots with lemon juice; lunch – fried or boiled fish, a glass of tomato juice; dinner – fruit.
6 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee; lunch – half boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or raw carrot salad; dinner – 2 hard-boiled eggs, a glass of grated raw carrots with vegetable oil.
7 day: breakfast – a cup of tea without sugar; lunch – 200 g of boiled beef, fruit; dinner – any of the previous days, except the third.
8 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee; lunch – half boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or raw carrot salad; dinner – 2 hard-boiled eggs, a glass of grated raw carrots with vegetable oil.
9 day: breakfast – raw carrots with lemon juice; lunch – a large portion of fried or boiled fish, a glass of tomato juice; dinner – fruit.
10 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee; lunch – a raw egg, three large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 g of unsalted hard cheese; dinner – fruit.
11 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee, one crouton; lunch – large zucchini fried in vegetable oil; dinner – two hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil.
12 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee, one crouton; lunch – fried or boiled fish, vegetable or cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil; dinner – 100 g of boiled beef, a glass of kefir.
13 day: breakfast – a cup of black coffee; lunch – 2 hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice; dinner – fried or boiled fish.
Banana Diet – one of the most enjoyable mono-diets. Bananas are not only healthy, but also tasty (unlike, for example, unleavened rice or buckwheat). Due to the large amount of natural sugars, bananas perfectly nourish the brain and improve mood, so that those who sit on a banana diet are not in danger of depression.
Bananas contain many vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP), minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium) and fiber. A week on a banana diet will remove extra centimeters in the waist, normalize bowel function and reduce high blood pressure.
Do not be afraid that bananas are high in calories, there is practically no fat in them, as a result, thanks to the banana diet, you will not only lose weight, but also reduce the level of bad cholesterol.
Cons of the banana diet: there will be a deficiency of protein, complex carbohydrates, coarse fiber in the body. Therefore, it is worth adding some protein to the banana diet menu. If these are proteins from eggs, then there will also be cholesterol. Bananas and kefir in unloading mono days, stretched for three to seven days.
Banana diet menu
A more restrictive diet option is suitable for those who have only three days to get in shape. The banana diet is designed for three to seven days, during which you can eat bananas in any quantity without restrictions. This will allow you to lose up to 1 kg per day. In this case, you need to drink a lot, but only green tea without sugar or ordinary drinking water at room temperature.
Tip: Bananas are low in protein, and if you want to stay on a banana diet for seven days, you can afford two eggs or a couple of slices of lean beef during that time.
French diet – 14-day diet, at this time the intake of carbohydrates and fats is reduced to a minimum and the emphasis is on protein foods. As a result, the body is forced to burn its own fat stores, thus losing weight. In two weeks, you can lose up to 8 kg. The French diet speeds up the metabolism, so that after it they do not recover for a long time. The success of the diet depends on strict adherence to the prescribed menu.
The French diet is suitable for those who cannot imagine life without meat. Allowed foods are lean meat and meat products, lean fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and herbs, kefir, tea and coffee, rusks. Salt, sugar, confectionery and flour products, bread and alcohol are prohibited.
Cons have a french diet Hardly ever, but two meals a day is not enough, a huge risk of gallstones.
French diet menu
1-й день
Breakfast: black coffee (hereinafter – without sugar).
Lunch: 2 eggs, lettuce, tomato.
Dinner: a piece of lean cooked meat, lettuce.
2-й день
Breakfast: black coffee, croutons.
Lunch: a piece of boiled meat.
Dinner: ham or boiled sausage without fat, lettuce.
3-й день
Breakfast: black coffee, croutons.
Lunch: carrots fried in vegetable oil, tomato, tangerine or orange.
Dinner: 2 eggs, lean sausage, lettuce.
4-й день
Breakfast: black coffee, croutons.
Lunch: egg, fresh carrots, cheese.
Dinner: fruit salad, kefir.
5-й день
Breakfast: grated carrots with lemon juice.
Lunch: boiled fish, tomato.
Dinner: a piece of boiled meat.
6-й день
Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: boiled chicken, lettuce.
Dinner: a piece of boiled meat.
7-й день
Breakfast: tea.
Lunch: boiled meat, fruits.
Dinner: lean ham or sausage.
Week XNUMX – Repeat Week XNUMX.