The extinction of voices

The extinction of voices

If the voice is lost, it is not possible to make a sound. Only whispering is possible. Most often, the loss of voice is temporary and due to a viral infection, inflammation or overuse of the voice. It can also occur in more serious conditions.


Voice loss, also called aphonia, is a voice disorder caused by dysfunction of the vocal cords. Usually, the voice breaks or becomes hoarse (this is called dysphonia, or a disturbance in the tone of the voice) before “dying off”.

Let us remember that the voice is produced by the vibration of the vocal cords, kinds of small fibrous cords, located in the larynx at the level of the Adam’s apple.

The loss of voice is therefore caused by an injury to the vocal cords or by a condition that prevents them from moving normally.


Several conditions can cause an extinction of voice:

  • most often, this is due to vocal strain, that is to say, excessive strain on the voice which leads to benign lesions (nodules) of the vocal cords. Shouting, yelling, singing too loudly in a concert, for example, can have the same effect. Professions that require significant use of the voice (singers, politicians, lecturers, professors, lawyers, etc.) are associated with an increased risk of total loss of voice;
  • a viral or bacterial infection, which causes laryngitis acute, can sometimes be accompanied by hoarseness or even temporary aphonia. Other symptoms are generally present: sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever… We speak of chronic laryngitis when the symptoms persist. The loss of voice is hard, or the voice is hoarse, abnormally deep: tobacco consumption is often the cause;
  • finally, gastroesophageal reflux can also cause voice abnormalities (rarely total extinctions, however).

Several benign or malignant (cancerous) lesions can also affect the voice. Note, among others:

  • nodules (especially in women who force their voice);
  • cysts;
  • polyps;
  • malignant tumors (more common in men over 50 who regularly consume alcohol and tobacco).

Finally, although it is quite rare, the loss of voice can also be the consequence of shock or psychological trauma.

Evolution et complications possible

The high-pitched voice extinction is generally not serious, although it can be particularly troublesome for voice professionals, such as singers or actors.

If the extinction (or, to a lesser extent, hoarseness) persists for more than 8 days, it is imperative to consult a doctor (a oto-rhino-laryngologiste or ENT) to undergo laryngoscopy or laryngeal fibroscopy, tests that will visualize the vocal cords and find the source of the disorder.

Treatment and prevention: how to treat a loss of voice?

The treatment of the loss of voice obviously depends on its cause:

  • in the case of acute laryngitis, corticosteroids or other anti-inflammatory drugs are usually sufficient to resolve the problem within a few days. Honey can also have a calming effect;
  • in case of loss of voice due to excessive use of the voice, it is imperative to come to rest;
  • some persistent lesions can be treated with laser or surgery. In the event of cancer, treatment in oncology will be offered.

In all cases, it is necessary to stop the consumption of tobacco and alcohol which aggravates the inflammation.

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