- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercise: Isolation
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Cable simulators
- Level of difficulty: Medium

The extension arms on the block because of the head on his knees — technique exercises:
- Place horizontal bench close to a cable exerciser. You need the top block.
- Attach rope straight arm, grasp her so that his palm was facing down and brush were at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
- Leave the machine and kneel before the bench.
- Put your head on the bench and rest against the bottom part of the shoulder, as shown in the figure. The elbows should be bent and pointing away from the exerciser. This will be your initial position.
- Keep part of your arm from shoulder to elbow close to the head, elbows put. On the exhale straighten the arms forward, moving the handle of the cable in a semicircular trajectory while the hand is completely straight and parallel to the floor. Tighten your triceps and hold this position for a few seconds.
- On the inhale slowly return arms to starting position.
- Complete the required number of repetitions.
Variations: you can also perform this exercise using the expander.
exercises for the arms exercises on the upper block of exercises on triceps
- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercise: Isolation
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Cable simulators
- Level of difficulty: Medium