Any person understands that food is the main source of vitamins for our body. In addition, good food improves mood. However, in today’s world, people are increasingly consuming “fast” food.
And it, as you know, does not contain a sufficient amount of useful components, essential fats and minerals. In addition, it has a lot of sugar. Scientists identify the following foods that can spoil a person’s mood.
Ham. Everyone has long known that antibiotics, preservatives, nitrates are added to it. They lead a person into a depressed state. To prevent this from happening, doctors recommend eating salmon instead. Because fish oil can restore a bad mood.
Sparkling water. In it, the amount of sugar is many times higher than the norm, this applies to sweet drinks. Experts suggest replacing it with ordinary mineral water, in which to add a little squeezed juice.
Margarine. One of its components is industrial fat. It affects mood changes, and not in a good way. If you use homemade butter instead, you can even cope with some diseases.
Processed pumpkin seeds. If you buy pumpkin seeds in bags that are sold in the store, then the amount of iodine in them is not as high as in homemade seeds. Because they are treated with preservatives. Therefore, it is necessary to fry the seeds yourself so that they benefit the body.
Crisps. This product is high in the carcinogen acrylamide. This substance blocks the release of endorphins, the so-called “happiness” hormone, and can also contribute to the development of cancerous tumors.
Salted peanuts. Prepackaged sachets of roasted peanuts contain a lot of monosodium glutamate, and there are other additives that cause severe headaches. It is better to use peanuts along with walnuts and without salt.
Drying. A bagel that was eaten for breakfast will in no way contribute to satiety, but by lunchtime a person’s mood will deteriorate. All thanks to the presence of sugar in it, which does not cause a “happy effect” for a short time, because soon the body will have to spend a lot of energy to break down carbohydrates, which will lead to drowsiness and a feeling of apathy.
Confectionery fat. The composition of this fat includes various fillers and nitrate preservatives, which worsen mood and can cause migraines. Otherwise, confectionery fat acts on the body, just like margarine.