The expert dispels doubts: Ukraine does not produce biological weapons

A few days ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) ordered the Ukrainian authorities to destroy dangerous pathogens stored in local laboratories. The reason she mentioned was to prevent “accidental or deliberate leakage of pathogens”. The network quickly boiled over. There have been suspicions that biological weapons are being manufactured in Ukrainian laboratories. Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć in an interview with Rynek Zdrowia says directly: “This is a false and unwise interpretation, not to call it disinformation”.

  1. On February 24, Our Country attacked Ukraine. The invasion has been going on continuously for almost three weeks
  2. In the background of the conflict, there is information that winds up a spiral of panic: about the increase in radioactive radiation or about the possible use of biological weapons.
  3. The WHO has actually recommended Ukraine to destroy dangerous pathogens. However, this does not mean that harmful viruses were deliberately created in laboratories
  4. What’s going on in Ukraine? Follow the broadcast live
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Biological weapons in Ukraine? “This is a false and unwise interpretation”

According to the virologist prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, laboratories actually store pathogens that can be dangerous to animals or humans. It is similar also in Poland. However, this is not due to the desire to create biological weapons, but the very essence of such centers. After all, their task is, among others learning pathogens and how to effectively fight them.

– These pathogens can, of course, pose a threat to us, which is why we work in protective suits and use extensive security and procedures. However, the purpose of these types of units is not to manufacture weapons, but to try to understand why a given virus or bacteria pose a threat to us, how to detect them and how to treat the disease they cause. Research laboratories serve all of us so that we would not be helpless – explains the expert.

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As emphasized by prof. Chew, the information about work on biological weapons in Ukraine is not true.

Recently, however, a narrative has emerged that equates such laboratories with the units that make up biological weapons. This is a false and unwise interpretation, not to be called disinformation. There is no equal sign here. It’s a bit like saying that there is a fertilizer factory in a given country, so it means work on chemical weapons – says the expert.

Pyrć explained that the WHO’s appeal stems from a simple unwritten rule: in the event of an armed conflict, potentially hazardous biological materials should be destroyed. First of all, so as not to pose a threat if, for example, the building in which the laboratory is located was destroyed.

Prof. Pyrć: there are countries and organizations where biological weapons are developed

At the same time, the expert drew attention to the fact that biological weapons are not a myth taken out of Hollywood productions. Some countries and organizations are working on the misuse of microbes.

– Our Country is one of such countries, which we know thanks to the accounts of witnesses, but also thanks to accidents. For example, in 1979 in Sverdlovsk, anthrax leaked outside the factory due to negligence. At least several dozen people from the local community died. However, I have never seen any research of this type conducted in Ukraine – adds prof. Throw.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

COVID-19 is more dangerous than biological weapons

Until now, biological weapons posed no real threat to the world. Usually it was simply used as a weapon in the hands of bioterrorists – on a small scale, causing more fear than actual damage on a global scale. Prof. Pyrć points out that SARS-CoV-2, a pathogen that has been spreading around the world for over two years, causing social and economic damage, had a much greater firepower.

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In the case of COVID-19, there were theories that it had escaped from the Wuhan laboratory or that it was intentionally released from it. However, this theory has not yet been officially confirmed. At the moment, it can be assumed that the coronavirus is a natural pathogen that has mutated without deliberate human interference.

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– Nature’s greatest strength is its unpredictability and efficiency. As we saw during the pandemic, it does not take a human being for COVID-19 to paralyze our world. However, we must not forget that this weapon can also be used and we should consider possible scenarios – adds prof. Throw.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we are talking about the war in Ukraine and the drama of our eastern neighbors. We help as much as we can, but we ourselves are full of fears. Is it possible to get rid of them? How to help, but also how to take care of yourself? You will hear about this and many others below.

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  1. Ukrainian women give birth in shelters and cellars. “Under these cruel conditions, the fullness of femininity is created”
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  3. Not only the hospital in Mariupol. The s are also attacking other health care facilities in Ukraine
  4. Ukrainian children will be subject to compulsory vaccinations. The health ministry explains the rules

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