The exercises you can do in 1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes

The exercises you can do in 1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes

Easy routine

Did you know that strengthening your figure will not take forever? We tell you which are the most effective exercises you can do if you have little time

The exercises you can do in 1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes

How many plans have you postponed due to lack of time, laziness, because it would take longer than you thought or simply because you can’t find the motivation to carry them out? Practice sport daily is the pending account of many people, that is why we have found the basic exercises so that they barely take one, two or three minutes a day from you. Of course, doing them daily you will notice how those little minutes that you dedicate a week pay off.

They say that no matter how small a beginning seems, if with dedication and perseverance the objectives are finally achieved and Kira Stokes, founder of «Stoked Method“Or” method of feeding”, has found the formula to lift the sports spirit and not abandon it. Kira’s signature training style includes strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, specific barbell exercises, yoga and Pilates and combines all of these disciplines in her own series of classes «Stoked Series». Thanks to her, the formula that many were looking for has become known: train in a short time and reap the fruits. His proposal begins with a routine of 1 minute, but calmly you can expand it to two, three, seven and everything you want to dedicate to exercise.

1 minute: Plank or iron

One of the exercises that he proposes to work on for a minute is the «plank». The abdominal plank is responsible for strengthening all the muscles in your body and is an incredible exercise for the core. Support your elbows and place your feet together on the floor. Ideally, you should relax in order to hold out longer in that position. Start with one minute each day and extend times as you become more familiar with it. exercise. Squeeze your abs as if someone is about to hit your abs, then squeeze your glutes and hold the initial minute that you have set as your goal. Once you have mastered this position, you can increase the difficulty by trying to take a few steps forward with your arms or hands, lift your legs alternately or opt for the side plank, where you will subject your body to a double difficulty.

2 minutes: Deadbug

It should be noted that you have to be careful with this position as it can cause neck injuries or back if not practiced properly. This exercise builds the core muscles and streamline your extremities and to do it you just have to lie on your back, with your arms up and your legs up at a 90 degree angle. With your back fully on the ground, alternate your legs so that they never coincide in position: one in 90 degrees and another fully stretched, while your arms are lengthened, one towards the ceiling and the other back. The overall shape of your core will be strengthened, but also rectus abdominis, pelvic floor, lumbar and many other areas that will stabilize with the «deadbug».

3 minutos: Full roll-up

To carry them out, you need to use your entire body, so that your core will be strengthened and will help you to lengthen and stretch both your back and shoulders. hamstring muscles. The “rolls-up»Are performed by sitting on the floor with the legs and arms bent parallel forward. Once you have this position you have to try to reach with your trunk as far as possible and in direction at your feet, so that when you reach the maximum point you go back until your shoulder blades are on the ground to rest. Repeat until you fill the time you have estimated. In this case 3 minutes.

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