The exercises that remove the cartridge belts in 12 minutes of the Pin Twins
The personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Pin Twins, propose a routine of 5 exercises to reduce accumulated fat in the legs and buttocks

What is known as holsters o pistoleras is nothing other than fat accumulation on the hips, thighs and buttocks. This is somewhat more common in women than in men due to hormonal causes and physiological. However, exercise can be a great ally to reduce that localized fat.
The personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, known as “Pin Twins” propose a “full body” exercise routine every week that allows toning the body globally and also other more specific routines to work on the so-called “difficult areas”.
The Pin Twins have proposed workouts to improve the figure, to achieve a flat stomach or “tablet” and to tone the buttocks. In the routine that they propose this week, they concentrate their work on the Lower train through a routine consisting of five glute and leg exercises that can be performed in 12 minutes. To do this, they propose to perform 15 repetitions of each exercise and do 3 series of each exercise, resting 30 seconds between each series. The goal of the routine is to tone the buttocks and legs in order to reduce cartridge belts.
Exercise 1: Squat with feet together
The squat is an exercise that activates the lower body and much of the upper body. It admits variations depending on how the feet are positioned. In the snatch exercise proposed by the Pin Twins, they pose a squat with the feet together and the toes facing forward. To do it correctly Gemma Pineda explains that you should bring your back back, concentrate the push on your legs and avoid bringing your knees together when flexing.
During how much time? Do 15 repetitions of the exercise, rest 30 seconds and repeat it 3 times.
Exercise 2: Side Leg Raise Squat
In this variant of the squat, a little more difficulty is added as it involves maintaining balance and working the external muscles of the legs. The starting position is to place the legs apart, to a width superior to the shoulders and the back straight. To correctly practice this variation of the squat, Esther Pineda explains that it is important not to bend too much.
During how much time? Do 15 repetitions of the exercise, rest 30 seconds and repeat it 3 times.
Exercise 3: Hip Raise with a Support
To perform this hip lift exercise, we must place ourselves on our back, with our arms at our sides, our knees bent and our feet firmly on the ground. Then the hips are raised to form a straight line with the body. After the pause in the lifting position, the body is lowered. Gemma Pineda recalls that one of the mistakes that are usually made when doing this exercise is not contracting the muscle at the end of the movement.
During how much time? Do 15 repetitions of the exercise, rest 30 seconds and repeat it 3 times.
Exercise 4: Lying side raises (with rebound)
We begin the exercise leaning on the floor on our side with our legs straight, then the left leg is kept straight on the floor and, with the contracted abdomen, the straight leg is lifted up to a 45º angle with respect to the ground. When practicing this exercise, it is important to maintain the angle of the leg and not change it, according to Gemma Pineda. Then it is done with the other leg.
During how much time? Do 15 repetitions of the exercise, rest 30 seconds and repeat it 3 times.
Exercise 5: Side Lunges
We stand up, with the legs parallel and the torso straight while the abdominals are contracted, we move one leg to the side and the foot is placed on the ground while the knees are bent and the body descends. The thigh of the displaced leg is parallel to the ground (the foot and knee must point in the same direction, avoiding joint rotation), then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg. The most common mistake made when practicing this exercise is keeping both legs bent.
During how much time? Do 15 repetitions of the exercise, rest 30 seconds and repeat it 3 times.
To make physical activity a habit, the Pin Twins advise neutralizing excuses with motivation.