The exercises that are most dangerous for the back

The exercises that are most dangerous for the back


Some exercises should not be done repetitively and / or forcefully as the risk of injury can be increased, promoting the appearance of bulging and herniated discs.

The exercises that are most dangerous for the back

So much time at home conditioned has made doing any type of exercise make us feel proud of ourselves. But although personal trainers and sports experts advise movement and training to activate any part of the body, not all exercises benefit us, at least for our back.

Although the columna It is articulated to be able to perform all kinds of movements without any type of problem, some exercises should not be done repetitively and / or forcedly since the risk of injury can be increased, promoting the appearance of protrusions and herniated discs.

Explains Joel Torres, (@mundoenforma_oficial) personal trainer and nutritionist, that “an exercise cannot be labeled as harmful as such, but

 that in the dose is the poison “, and adds that”the worst thing for the back is a sedentary lifestyle». Even so, not all movements are good for our body and, apparently, the back could be the main affected. The fitness expert differentiates some movements that could be harmful to the spine.

Forced spinal flexion movements. The movement that we perform in the typical ‘abdominal crunch’ (lifelong abdominals), of raising the cervical and lumbar forcefully. «Done in a moderate way, with the back aligned and without forcing, they do not have to cause problems. But I don’t recommend doing them all the time since there are more interesting exercises such as abdominal planks and their variants to work on this area, ”explains Joel Torres, who presents the I Fit World Congress, which will be held between August 30 and August 6. September and where they will enjoy 12 + 1 interviews with experts.

Repetitive spinal rotational movements. For example, the movement of rotate the torso sideways, like the ‘Russian twists’ or the ‘crossed abdominal crunches’. “Even here we could place the elliptical machine, which if you do it with your arms you use continuous spinal rotations”, explains the trainer.

«These movements performed repetitively and without a good core abdominal, can wear the disc in the long term. Again, they can be done but in moderation. There are other more interesting exercises such as the ‘horizontal pallof press’, which is about resisting rotation in an isometric way with an elastic band ”, says Joel Torres.

Repetitive spinal tilt movements. Such as the movement we make of tilting the torso to the sides, as in the ‘lateral crunch’ or ‘lateral bends with dumbbells’. The same thing happens here as in the previous cases: «Nothing happens, we bend over several times during the day, the problem is whether we do it in a large and forced way. Other more interesting exercises would be the ‘lateral planks’ or the ‘vertical pallof press’ ”, explains the expert.

Lumbar hyperextension movements. The movement of pulling the torso backwards, such as the ‘hyperextensions on the machine or on the floor’: «These are exercises that work in a very specific way on the lumbar musculature, which in itself is usually in contraction to stabilize our back during exercise. day, “says Joel Torres. In this case, it is usually enough to include multi-joint exercises to our routine, such as squats, deadlifts, lunges or other isometrics such as abdominal planks.

«Can you do the exercises that I have mentioned that increase your risk? With good technique and in a moderate way, yes. In fact, I usually do some ‘abdominal crunches’ in routines to give the muscle another stimulus ”, concludes the trainer.

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