The exercises for the arms proposed by the Pin Twins so that they stop being flabby
Esther and Gemma Pineda, personal trainers known as Pin Twins, propose a 12-minute routine with five exercises to achieve strong, slim and toned arms
– More: The Pin Twins’ Fat Burning Routine

Some people call it the “salt shaker” of their arms, others say that they have flabby or “sagging” and others say directly that their arms are fat or swollen. Tone the arms and back to make them look firmer and slimmer is the goal of the routine of five exercises in 12 minutes proposed by personal trainers, Esther and Gemma Pineda, Gemalas Pin.
The upper body (arms and back) is the area that the Pin Twins encourage to work this week. The difficulty is somewhat less than that of their previous routine, in which they encouraged us to start in the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a practice that consists of combining short intervals of exercise at maximum intensity with short periods of rest or exercise at low intensity. Now the trainers specialized in bodybuilding, fitness and weightlifting propose a routine of five exercises, which can be carried out in an estimated time of 12 minutes. To practice it correctly, they plan to do 15 repetitions of each exercise and rest 45 seconds between exercises. Once the routine is over, they are done 3 series.
Exercise 1: Push-ups with knees
We work with the flexion traditional but supporting knees and the balls of the feet so that we do most of the force with the arms. To correctly practice the exercise Esther Pineda remember that we must keep the distance of the hands at the width of the shoulders.
Do 15 repetitions of the exercise.
Exercise 2: Bench-supported triceps
This exercise can be practiced either leaning on a bench or, as in the option we propose, starting from the position of lying on the floor and raising the hip. As Gemma Pineda explains, it is important to remember that we should not spread our arms too far because if we do, the exercise will not be as effective as we need.
Do 15 repetitions of the exercise.
Exercise 3: Command with knees
To practice this exercise, we start from the flexion position with the knees supported and we support the elbows, first of one arm and we pose it and then we go with the other. To execute the exercise correctly we must keep hips aligned, as the Pin Twins recall.
Do 15 repetitions of the exercise.
Exercise 4: Cross Pyramid
We start from the position of pyramid in quadruped and with the buttocks elevated and we cross the right arm trying to reach the left leg and then the left arm trying to reach the right leg. The hips must remain elevated because if we place it too low, the exercise will not be performed correctly, according to Gemma Pineda.
Do 15 repetitions of the exercise.
Exercise 5: Plank with arm and knee raises
We start from the flexion position with the knees supported. We raise the left arm forward and then back and repeat the same operation with the right arm, and then repeat again with the other arm. “Remember that the arms cannot be flexed in this movement and they must remain straight throughout the movement”, clarifies Esther Pineda.
Do 15 repetitions of the exercise.
Once this routine has been completed to tone arms and back With the corresponding repetitions of each exercise, the Pin Twins propose a 45-second rest before starting the routine again. Thus, until repeating three series.