The European Commission wants to ban adding sugar to fruit juices

The ban on adding sugar to fruit juices – this is the most important change proposed on Wednesday by the European Commission to the 2001 EU Juice Directive. In this way, the European Commission implements its policy of promoting a healthy, balanced diet.

Currently, the addition of sugar in fruit juices is allowed as long as it does not exceed 150 g per liter. When it comes to fruit nectars, sugar cannot be more than 20 percent. total weight. The EC wants to leave the option of sweetening nectars with sugar or honey, provided it is clearly written on the packaging. However, it will not be possible to sweeten the juices.

In addition, the proposed amendment to the directive makes a clear distinction between 100% fruit juices and concentrated juices.

The EC does not expect its proposal to meet resistance in the European Parliament and the EU Council, where the governments of the member states are represented.

Fruit juices account for 10 percent. non-alcoholic beverages consumed in the EU, of which 88 percent. are juices produced on the basis of concentrate.

Michał Kot (PAP)

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