The epidemic is getting worse, but the government is not listening to experts from the Medical Council
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For a long time, experts on the Prime Minister’s Medical Council have been calling for more decisive action in relation to the pandemic. This applies, inter alia, to more effective enforcement of current regulations, introduction of covid certificates or restrictions at the local level. – Our recommendations hit the void – says one of the members of the Council, prof. Krzysztof Simon.

  1. The Medical Council is an advisory body to the Prime Minister whose task is to propose actions related to the coronavirus pandemic
  2. However, the recommendations of the Council have not been taken into account by the government for a long time
  3. In the face of the surge in infections, experts call for more radical solutions
  4. As one of the members of the Council, prof. Robert Flisiak in an interview with “Wyborcza”, the text of the new recommendation has been composed for a long time, but still has not seen the light of day
  5. Even Donald Tusk joined the confusion about the Council. – I call on the Polish government and Prime Minister Morawiecki to reveal the recommendations of the Medical Council he appointed – he said in an interview with the Polish Army
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Coronavirus. We are not in control of a pandemic

Last day there were 23 thousand. 242 coronavirus infections. For the third day in a row, the number of cases exceeded 20. 403 people died, as a result, the total number of COVID-19 victims in Poland exceeded 80.

According to many specialists, the peak of infections, as well as subsequent hospitalizations and deaths are still ahead of us, in two or three weeks. Virologists have long emphasized that it is high time to introduce restrictions. Especially that the restrictions are decided by countries in a better epidemiological situation than Poland.

– Minister Adam Niedzielski announced in August that the government is prepared for the fourth wave and if there will be a thousand infections a day, restrictions will be introduced. Meanwhile, we hear from the most important Polish politicians that no measures will be introduced – Prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska from the Department of Virology and Immunology at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.

– Nothing is happening that could indicate that the pandemic is actually managed. Rather, the opposite is true. It is an epidemic that manages us – emphasized the virologist and immunologist from Lublin.

The recommendations of the Medical Council go to a void

The advisory body to the prime minister in matters related to the coronavirus is the Medical Council. It includes, among others prof. Andrzej Horban (chairman), prof. Anna Piekarska, prof. Magdalena Marczyńska, prof. Robert Flisiak, prof. Krzysztof Simon, prof. Miłosz Parczewski, Dr. Konstanty Szułdrzyński or prof. Krzysztof Pyrć. No official position has appeared on the Council’s website for a month, but in many interviews its members have emphasized that they have been recommending the government to introduce new restrictions for a long time.

Prof. Simon, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology at the Medical University of Wroclaw.

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– The government does not have to implement all of our recommendations because it has its own goals and specific tasks. But it seems to me that our recommendations sometimes fall into a void – he said in an interview with WP.

– We believed that certain restrictions, of a specific nature, established and binding all over the world, should be introduced especially in endangered areas – the expert noted.

The Council recommends introducing certificates

Another member of the Council, prof. Robert Flisiak revealed that experts call especially for greater enforcement of the so-called covid or vaccine passports.

– All members of the Medical Council opted for introducing the use of vaccination certificates as early as possible, following the example of other countries. They provide enormous room for maneuver and are a huge stimulus to stimulate vaccination. That’s what we advised – he said in Radio ZET. He added that “for social or political reasons” the recommendation had not been implemented.

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– This is an inconvenient decision from a political point of view. Unfortunately, a small group of people who are against everything – vaccination, pandemic – has an impact on politicians – explained Flisiak, president of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology at the Medical University of Bialystok.

In a similar vein, prof. Flisiak spoke in RMF. – So far, the government’s actions during the fourth wave of the pandemic were not medically based, but political. The late proposals take on medical characteristics. The very fact of their delay, when we have an epidemic and are at the top of the wave, means that they were undertaken for political reasons – he said.

Vaccination not accepted

Prof. Anna Piekarska from the Department and Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology of the Medical University of Lodz.

– For many months we have been advising the necessity of vaccinations, if not compulsory, at least in those professions that are particularly exposed to contact with many people. They are medics, teachers and trade – she said in an interview with TVN24.

– Of course, it was not well received and it was not introduced. We call for vaccinations. This appeal is also not met with understanding. We have about ten million unimmunized Poles and this is a gigantic space for the virus not only to infect new ones, but also to mutate – she added. In her opinion, the reason for this position of the government is probably “the lack of social acceptance for such steps”.

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In turn, prof. Magdalena Marczyńska, specialist in paediatrics from the Department of Infectious Diseases in Children at the Medical University of Warsaw, emphasized that if the government is not willing to introduce restrictions, it should at least enforce the applicable regulations more forcefully.

– We speak and call for adherence to the rules as experts. The state calls for it. And then the apparatus of the same state – in the form of a court – will cancel these penalties. So we keep repeating that something must be done about it, these provisions must be implemented differently, and that it must be done by law. Otherwise, their observance in society is at the same level as it is – explained Prof. Marczyńska in an interview with PAP.

Coronavirus in Poland. The government is not listening to recommendations

The fact that the recommendations of the Medical Council in the opinion of the government do not deserve to be taken seriously is not only related to the current wave of the pandemic. It has been talked about for a long time. And it’s not just this organ. This was emphasized a few months ago in an interview with Medonet by Dr. Tomasz Dzieścitkowski, a virologist.

– The Scientific Council at the government issues its positions, there are competent people there, similar to the COVID-19 committee at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, but hardly anyone listens to their recommendations. This is a really serious problem – said Dzieścitkowski.

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The justification for the existence of the Medical Council was asked directly by prof. Flisiaka Jacek Żakowski in TOK FM. -So what are you sitting in this council for? – a question was asked in the Radio Morning.

– Sometimes I wonder too. But seriously, please remember that the Medical Council is not a legislative body – replied the expert.

– The council is usually there to advise when asked for. So when we are asked for advice, we give it. However, sometimes we rebel a bit and then try to go beyond our competences. We create positions, but we can do nothing more – explained prof. Flisiak.

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