The end of the AIDS epidemic by 2030?

On December 1, World AIDS Day, a joint action by Durex and the Foundation for Social Education begins. Durex has always supported efforts to promote safe sex, as condoms are the only contraceptive that helps protect against infection. Therefore, this year, Durex will donate condoms to FES with a total value of PLN 90. In addition, by purchasing Durex condoms on December 000-1 in the Rossmann network, anyone can support the goals of the world AIDS day. Part of the profit from the sale will be transferred to FES. The funds will be used to test HIV and support people living with the virus.

Every day in our country, on average, 4 people learn about HIV infection, which will be with them for life. According to data from 2016-2019, the incidence increases year on year in almost every age group, regardless of gender and transmission route. The vast majority of Poles believe that the HIV topic does not concern them. But are you sure?

To date, despite significant advances in the treatment of the disease, it is not possible to completely eliminate HIV from the body. Due to the scale of infections, clinical consequences, lack of vaccination, the rate of virus spread and the concentration of infections in poor regions of the world, and in hard-to-reach populations, the HIV epidemic is one of the priority public health issues worldwide. Early detection of HIV infection is one of the priorities for ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

According to the reports of the Ministry of Health, the HIV testing rate in Poland fell from 2016 to 2019 per 3 inhabitants between 1 and 100, which is 000% of the HIV-tested population. Less than 1% of adults have had an HIV test at least once in their lifetime. Experts believe that in Poland, even every second person infected with the virus lives in the unconscious and unknowingly infects others at the same time. Especially since the asymptomatic period of HIV can last up to 10 years.

It is worrying that significantly fewer people have tested for HIV in 2020. During the lockdown, the consultation and diagnostic points where anonymous HIV tests are performed were closed, which certainly influenced the number of newly detected cases. Another factor that prevents early detection of the virus is fear – many people are afraid to take the test because they are convinced that a positive result will ruin their life – says Dr. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak, President of the Board of the Foundation for Social Education – However, the lack of awareness about the disease does not mean that it does not exist. Early HIV detection and treatment will allow the patient to live a long life without health complications, he adds.

In recent years, the peak of infections among men falls in the age group between 25 and 29 years of age, and among women between 30 and 44 years of age. People of this age group who engage in risky sexual behavior, especially should check whether HIV does not actually affect them.

Especially since HIV testing is anonymous, free, quick and accessible. They can be performed at one of 29 Diagnostic and Consultation Centers (PKD) or at your own home. Just go to the website, call the toll-free number provided there and order the test. Testing is often thought of in critical situations. However, it is also worth carrying out the test if you have had sexual contact with a person who has never taken the test. This is the only way to make sure everything is okay.

Although 40 years have passed since HIV was discovered, there is still no effective cure that can completely cure a person with HIV. Therefore, in this case, prevention is crucial. Not only diagnostics, but above all, safe sex is a recipe for health. Condoms are the only contraceptive that helps to protect against infection.

That is why Durex has been supporting safe sex for years, as well as social campaigns that aim to educate and raise awareness about HIV and AIDS, as well as promote diagnostics. A natural partner for these activities is the Foundation for Social Education.

For 19 years, FES has been working to broaden the society’s knowledge about social problems and public health. The organization deals with HIV prevention by offering free and public testing as well as psychological, legal and social support to people living with HIV. This year, Durex will donate condoms to FES for a total value of PLN 90.

However, it is not big companies and organizations that can stop the AIDS epidemic. Whether the virus continues to spread depends on the individual decisions of each of us. Not only the intimate ones, but also the shopping ones. By purchasing Durex condoms on December 1-15 in the Rossmann network, you will secure your future and support the goals of World AIDS Day. Funds from the sale of condoms will help to further test, educate and stop the virus.

More information about FES and ordering a home test:

Data source: Report on the implementation of the National Program for the Prevention of HIV Infections and combating AIDS in 2020, prepared by the National AIDS Center.

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