Even philosophers in ancient Rome believed that our emotions and diseases are closely related. Later, in 1818, the physician Johann-Christian Heinroth first coined the term “psychosomatic” and suggested that subconscious torment and mental disorders can affect health. The editorial staff of Wday.ru found out what negative emotions can be sent to sick leave.
– If we just look at the work of our central nervous system, it will become obvious that the key processes are inhibition and arousal. Under stress, some prevail over others, as a result of which there is an increase in the transmission of signals along the nerve fibers or, conversely, a slowdown in the impulse, – explains the therapist, member of the Russian Society of Cardiology Denis Prokofiev. – All this can lead to a number of diseases, since the work of all organs and systems of our body is controlled by the central nervous system.
Stomach and duodenal ulcers are among the most common manifestations of chronic stress. Stress also lies in the development of such skin diseases as psoriasis, eczema, hypertension, migraine. This is because when we experience it, one of the most important glands is most negatively affected – our adrenal glands, which produce stress hormones.
To treat such conditions, psychiatrists and neurologists prescribe sedatives, antidepressants and aerobic exercise to patients.
But psychologist Nelly Davydova believes that you should not restrain your emotions:
– There is an opinion that negative emotions awaken diseases. Many scientific articles have been written on this topic and even psychiatric diagnoses have been made. Examples include anger, anger, irritation – they cause problems associated with the gallbladder, liver, intestines. Worry and anxiety have a negative effect on the stomach and pancreas. Fear affects the cardiovascular system. Sadness leads to lung disease. Fright disrupts the endocrine system and can trigger the development of diabetes.
Sigmund Freud wanted to draw everyone’s attention to the emotional and psychological components of each ailment, saying that the deep, subconscious layers of the psyche affect the physical state of a person. But each of us has experienced negative emotions at least once in our life. Knowing about their consequences, the question arises: why do we need emotions that destroy us? Is it possible not to experience them at all?
Today, psychologists, astrologers and neurologists are actively promoting positive thinking and an emotional message to the Universe. I agree with this theory and try to stick to it. But with all the desire to think positively, irritability and anger still appear, and it is almost impossible to control it. So what can be done?
It turns out that negative emotions are not so bad. We need them for a protective function, they can motivate us, taking us out of our comfort zone, show us what needs to be worked on in order to change our lives for the better.
Nevertheless, the old rule of “forewarned is forearmed” is still valid.
Let’s take a look at the main emotions and dangers that we can avoid.
The feeling of hopelessness makes a person bend in the literal sense of the word, that is, hits the spine. Hernias, scoliosis, stoop develop, and nerves are pinched. Often, people experiencing these conditions become susceptible to infections and viruses, often suffer from diseases of the pulmonary system, herpes, and catch colds. It is believed that a long stay in despair can cause the development of malignant tumors.
People who are often angry have kidney damage. They are susceptible to urinary tract infections and skin conditions ranging from dermatitis, acne to warts. Self-directed anger can lead to the formation of non-healing abscesses and acne.
These feelings can increase and decrease blood pressure, provoke dizziness, asthma attacks and panic attacks. Those who are constantly experiencing often have toothaches, irritable bowel syndrome, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases. Insomnia, migraines, baldness and seizures are also companions for those who like to be nervous. For women, there is a separate list of sores – a constant feeling of anxiety can cause an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin, disrupt the menstrual cycle and reproductive function.
Oddly enough, longing in the soul affects the heart and can cause drops in blood pressure. As well as stomach diseases such as pancreatitis and gastritis.
A deep, non-healing spiritual wound can even lead to the development of cancer. Lighter, but very unpleasant consequences of experiencing an offense are the appearance of excess weight, intervertebral hernias, stomach ulcers, rheumatism, arthritis and alcoholism.
Prolonged stay in a state of sadness and self-pity leads to constant headaches, diseases of the liver, stomach, problems with the cervical spine, and ovarian dysfunction.
It disrupts the heart. When we are furious with envy, our heart pounds so that it is ready to jump out of our chest. Such shaking, if frequent, can cause heart attack and stroke. Still envious people suffer from skin troubles – boils, dermatitis.
In jealous people, the nervous system first of all suffers, tremors of the hands, convulsions may occur. Heart disease develops, blood pressure rises. Often they are tormented by flatulence, heartburn. And in addition, those who often experience feelings of jealousy are at risk of sexual dysfunction.
Scientists from Columbia University have found that people with a strong tendency to be aggressive have twice the risk of coronary heart disease than those who are not hostile under stress. The aggressors are also accompanied by stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
Our spine, and especially the cervical spine, suffers from low self-esteem. A person who is unsure of himself subconsciously begins to pull his head into his shoulders, which increases the tension in the cervical spine and disrupts the blood supply. Such people suffer from dizziness, varicose veins, headaches and problems with sex hormones.