The electric chair cures urinary incontinence

A sneeze and a moment of embarrassment because you feel you are out of control of your own bladder. A shameful but common ailment – affects every 7th woman in the world. It also appears in twenty and thirty-year-olds. You can pretend the problem isn’t there or just start treating it.

Ailment involving loss of urine when coughing, laughing, exerting yourself or running up, i.e. during all activities that cause increased tension in the abdominal cavity – is called stress urinary incontinence. One of the methods of treatment is electrostimulation with a special device. It is a painless therapy.

Coil strength

The urinary bladder looks like a fluid-filled balloon, and the urethra is like a pinched valve that prevents water from flowing out of the balloon. When the pressure in the balloon is greater than the closing pressure of the valve, the water runs out. Stress urinary incontinence is therefore caused by a so-called muscle failure. genitourinary diaphragm.

Don’t neglect your bladder

The cause of stress urinary incontinence may be a previous delivery, hormonal deficiencies related to, inter alia, with menopause, or degeneration of connective tissue. – This disease affects women who, in a sense, neglected themselves – says urologist Dr. Janusz Zajda. “I mean, overweight, do not play any sports, smoke cigarettes and have given up sex,” he explains. “Sex is an excellent exercise for the muscles of the perineum,” she adds.

Urological gymnastics

Urinary incontinence can be treated with surgery or medication. Special gymnastics and electrostimulation also bring good results. An excellent exercise that can be performed while sitting at a desk is tightening and relaxing the muscles of the perineum. In addition, urologists can refer us to kinesitherapy, where we will learn appropriate exercises under the supervision of an instructor.

The pelvis is energized

Magnetic stimulation, which involves stimulating the pelvic floor muscles to contract, by applying an electric current with specific parameters, brings excellent results. This causes involuntary muscle contractions, increasing their volume and improving their efficiency. A special device creates a pulsed magnetic field aimed at the muscles of the uterine floor, which tighten and relax with each pulse.

Magic chair

An excellent device is the neocontrol. It looks like an ordinary chair, but has a special mechanism built into the seat that generates pulsed electromagnetic pulses. – The patient does not have to undress. She sits comfortably on a chair and reads a newspaper, and the muscles of her perineum under the influence of electro-impulses tense and relax themselves – explains Dr. Zajda, who uses neocontrol at his Conti-Medica clinic in Warsaw. The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes. A series of 20 treatments brings the best results. – The feelings of the patients are different – says Dr. Zajda. – Some even say that the procedure is pleasant. However, it is certainly not painful, he assures. The cost of 20 treatments is about PLN 800. Unfortunately, the National Health Fund does not refund this therapy.

Home electrostimulation

There are also vaginal and rectal electrostimulators available on the market. The application of the electrodes is easy and their use is convenient and safe. Electrostimulators are powered by batteries. The cost of the electrostimulator is about PLN 500-600. However, due to the existing contraindications to the use of electrostimulation, consult a doctor before starting the treatment.

Dr. Zajda adds that electrostimulation is well supported by administering vaginal tablets with estrogen, which makes the tissue more elastic. However, he emphasizes that the use of hormone replacement therapy – even topical – has its limitations. – Contraindications must always be heeded. Contraindications are cancer or their increased risk, a tendency to blood clots, hypertension, being overweight, and smoking. Each case must be considered individually – considering the profit and loss account – he explains.

Text: Halina Pilonis They were once considered “shameful” and “inevitable”. However, urinary incontinence can be effectively treated. Read more!

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