The eighth month of pregnancy

We are reaching the goal: baby will arrive in a few weeks and everyone is getting ready for childbirth! Let’s take time for ourselves, future mothers, especially with the start of maternity leave.

Our 31st week of pregnancy: the last ultrasound of the fetus

Baby measures 39 cm from head to heels, for 1 kg. He reacts to our caresses and responds with little kicks!

For us, if it has not been made at the end of the seventh month, it is the time of the third and last ultrasound. We can feel the baby’s weight and find it difficult to sit down without feeling embarrassed. Courage! Our maternity leave is near! Do not worry if new pains appear, particularly in our chest: our breasts are preparing for breastfeeding. We are gaining more and more weight and we are careful to keep a healthy diet since constipation, bloating, acid reflux and nausea are always part of the game.

Our 32nd week of pregnancy: how to adapt the diet of pregnant women?

Our baby’s skin, although still wrinkled, has left its red color to turn pink. His fingernails now cover the tips of the fingers but not yet the tips of the toes. Her hair is starting to grow. His calcium requirements are enormous to continue to grow and strengthen your bones: also, we do not skimp on dairy products, and other sources of calcium (sardines, nuts, green vegetables). Especially since our organization is also asking for it!

What is the average baby weight when the eighth month begins?

Our baby is 40cm tall and weighs 5kg. His brain and immune system are almost fully developed. At the end of the month, her respiratory system and liver will be almost ready! Even though it is still a little too early for baby to come out, giving birth at this time would make him average premature, with less risk to his health than before. We do not hesitate to ask absolutely all the questions that come to mind during the sixth prenatal examination!

We do not forget to send our work stoppage certificate, completed and signed by our employer, Social Security. If you want to breastfeed later, it’s time toadapt our diet : proteins, calcium, vitamins D, vitamins C… We do not skimp on fruits, vegetables and lentils for example! All, of course, always with great hydration.

Our 33rd week of pregnancy: baby takes position in our womb!

Baby turns around and place his head down. He has exceeded 2 kg and measures 40 cm. The fetus begins to be cramped and moves a little less than the previous month. He often sucks and swallows a lot of amniotic fluid, which his body then releases as urine. It’s time for us to start our maternity leave. We also have to spend during the 5th month the consultation with the anesthesiologist in order to perform a blood test and to do a vaginal sample in the laboratory for the detection of streptococcus B, a bacterium potentially dangerous for babies in the event of a vaginal birth.

How to sleep and in what position?

Our uterus, which reaches 30 cm in height, weighs 1 kg more than before our pregnancy. Our backs arch, the skin of our stomachs tight, the bones of our pelvis move apart in anticipation of childbirth, and we have a little pain everywhere! With our heavy legs, and potentially water retention, we do not stay standing too long … These pains and discomfort are also present at night and it is unfortunately increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position to rest.

Our 34th week of pregnancy: the end of the 8th month and possible first contractions

Our eighth month is coming to an end soon. Baby now weighs 2 kg for 200 cm from head to heels. He urinates regularly, and drinks amniotic fluid just as regularly! At this point, the little girls’ ovaries still have not descended into the abdomen.

On our side, we can feel a few minor contractions. We use our maternity leave to rest as much as possible. We limit our efforts, and we do not hesitate to unload as much as possible on those around them on a daily basis! It’s time to always have lend her maternity suitcase with our clothes, those of the baby, the family record book, the identity card, the blood group card, the results of previous analyzes and small items that do us good! Watch out for contractions : work can start at any time!

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